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Four thousand five hundred and twenty-three chapters two thirds

Without this violent impact, Zuo Feng still hadn't noticed that his body's strength had changed.

In fact, after the transformation, his body has undergone many more changes than he imagined. But even Zuo Feng himself is not very clear about some of the changes, because some changes, not to mention superficial changes, unless they can pass

Investigate it thoroughly in a "down to the minute" way, otherwise there is no way to know at all.

However, Zuo Feng only has his soul here now, and his body still remains in the outside world. With his current body, it is impossible to spy on anything in a "subtle" way.

In addition, his situation has not been very good, and he does not have the peace of mind to explore all the detailed changes in his body.

In particular, Zuo Feng discovered that his skin, body, organs, blood vessels and meridians had been truly transformed, and he had become very powerful. So he felt that since he had not observed any changes in his bones,

Then my bones may not have changed.

The result is just the opposite. Not only have my bones been transformed and strengthened, but they have also been the most transformed and strengthened part of the entire body.

Even though he used telekinesis to explore, in fact, his understanding of the bones was still on the "surface" and he did not understand the conditions inside the bones.

After a near-death transformation, Zuo Feng himself has actually undergone very obvious changes, which can be discovered without observation.

However, because the situation was a bit special, Zuo Feng was stuck in the crystal shell before. At that time, he did not have the conditions to detect certain changes in his body. And before he could escape from the crystal shell, he had no choice but to

No more facing bugs that continuously attack you.

Zuo Feng's very obvious change is that after the transformation, his body actually became heavier, almost twice as heavy.

If it were just a simple change in weight, it would be impossible for Zuo Feng not to notice it, because it would be equivalent to carrying two of himself on his back, and even a fool would notice it.

The problem is that all aspects of Zuo Feng have been strengthened, including physical strength. To put it simply, his strength has been greatly enhanced.

The weight gained in this way did not put any burden on Zuo Feng at all. On the contrary, he felt that after the transformation, his body was much lighter than before.

So when Zuo Feng was acting, even he didn't realize it. In fact, he himself had improved a lot in all aspects. However, the increase in weight made some changes less obvious, such as the speed Zuo Feng had always shown.

Finally, at that moment, when Zuo Feng did not dodge and was hit by the insect corpse head-on, he faintly realized that the effect of his transformation seemed to be far stronger than he knew.

In fact, Zuo Feng has not considered this aspect at all, because according to Zuo Feng's original understanding, the more severe the early damage during transformation, the greater the later strengthening. Zuo Feng's previous inspection found that his bones had not changed, and he couldn't help but

He felt strange about it, and now he knew that he didn't understand the real situation at all.

When he was about to be hit by the insect corpse, Zuo Feng was still secretly helpless about his choice. He felt that even if he could complete the condensation of the ancient runes this time, the price he paid would be too high.

But when his body actually withstood the impact, Zuo Feng instantly felt his heart relax. If his body was seriously injured due to that impact, he would most likely be injured as a result.

Maybe they'll be killed by insects.

However, it was obvious that it was not just a matter of being hit once. After the body was hit by the insect corpse, it flew forward with it. Fortunately, there was no need to continue to condense the ancient runes. Zuo Feng had already adjusted his posture while being knocked away.

Rush towards the other side.

Although it is difficult to rely on force when you are in the air, the corpse of the insect that hits you is close to you, so you can still change the direction slightly.

Just after Zuo Feng dodged, the two insect corpses collided with each other. Because the force of the collision was too great, the position where the two corpses collided with each other was severely deformed in an instant.

Seeing the collision between the two corpses, Zuo Feng's eyebrows beat for a while. Although he knew that his body had been greatly strengthened, Zuo Feng didn't know what would happen to his strengthened self in such a collision.


However, this question and worry only flashed through his mind. What Zuo Feng is most concerned about now is how he can deal with the bugs around him.

Because just when he stubbornly wanted to finish carving the ancient runes, nine insects had already gathered around him, and the number was still increasing.

However, facing this situation, Zuo Feng felt an uncontrollable excitement in his heart. You must know that when he faces a dangerous situation, he will try his best to stay calm, but this kind of excitement,

It seems a little weird.

This doubt passed in a flash and disappeared completely soon, because he had roughly guessed the reason why he would feel this way.

He is still in a state of negative emotions, but Zuo Feng is gradually getting used to it, or he has figured out some of the rules of negative emotions and can use them a little bit.

This is the case with many things. It may have 99% shortcomings, but it will have 1% advantage. Finding and utilizing that 1% advantage can be the key to reversing the situation.

In other words, no matter how bad things happen, there is no turning point. What is needed is the vision and patience to find a turning point.

Obviously the current situation is very bad, but Zuo Feng can make a calm judgment and then take advantage of it carefully. Especially now that his current situation is already very bad, the outbreak of negative emotions actually makes him a little excited.

My thinking started to become more flexible.

Zuo Feng glanced around coldly and began to move quickly, and a rune quickly began to condense between his fingers.

Of course he can no longer construct the formation now. The runes he condensed are actually runes used to activate the formation. These runes are relatively simple, and when Zuo Feng is constantly moving,

, the rune had already condensed in less than two breaths.

However, after the runes were condensed, Zuo Feng was not in a hurry to use them, but kept looking for opportunities while moving.

This time he was not as anxious as before. Zuo Feng did not want to experience the negative emotions he had just experienced again. Besides, there were only seven bugs before, but now there are nine around them. If you use the previous

In this way, Zuo Feng can be said to have died.

In the process of moving quickly, Zuo Feng looked for opportunities. While struggling hard, he spotted an opportunity and decisively crushed the rune between his fingers.

As bursts of breaking wind came out, countless red and green blood splashed everywhere. Even Zuo Feng, the initiator, couldn't help but tremble inwardly at this moment.

Because at this moment, twelve feathers flew out. These twelve feathers were released from six locations, and the coverage area was also significantly increased.

At this moment, eight bugs were penetrated on the spot. However, because there were too many places to attack at the same time, four of the eight bugs were injured, and the other four were only injured, but not fatal.


But for Zuo Feng, this is already the best news at the moment. Even if the four bugs were not killed on the spot, they were at least pinned for now. When they move again later, they will inevitably be much slower.


This is Zuo Feng's current situation. He no longer pursues the number of bugs killed. Even if he only temporarily injures the bugs or delays the opponent's pursuit of him, that is already a very good result.

Although so many bugs were injured, Zuo Feng was really surprised, but at the same time Zuo Feng was not distracted at all. He very decisively started to condense the runes, not to activate the runes of the formation, but to continue to build the formation.

Dharma runes.

The more the formation continues to grow and the more it is used, the more Zuo Feng can feel that the power of this formation has exceeded his expectations.

Even Zuo Feng didn't know whether he really had amazing intuition, or whether he had added some of his own ideas and creativity in the process of conceiving and considering the construction of the formation.

The formation that I constructed surprisingly adapted to this space, as if the rules of the formation and the rules of this space fit together at a certain point.

Now that he has killed the bugs in front of him, even if new bugs are rushing over, Zuo Feng has already concentrated on carving out the formation, and he is not stopping at all, trying to escape from the currently surrounded position.

Some bugs are not seriously injured. They are only temporarily pinned and unable to escape. If they escape soon, they will be surrounded again.

While moving quickly, various ordinary runes were condensed by it, and then quickly thrown towards the ancient runes that had just been carved.

As more runes continue to be incorporated, the originally condensed ancient runes are like a big bare tree, rapidly growing various branches and becoming more and more complex.

While Zuo Feng was constructing the formation, he did not forget to calculate the time, because the formation cannot be used continuously, and Zuo Feng must also calculate the buffer time so that he can know how to leave it for himself when escaping and evading.

How much time is there.

In about three breaths, eleven bugs appeared around, plus the bugs that did not die immediately before and those that were not injured.

There are currently sixteen bugs near Zuo Feng, but there is good news. Zuo Feng has finally completed the small formation around the ancient rune.

This also means that two-thirds of the formation that Zuo Feng wants to build has now been completed.

This chapter has been completed!
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