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Four thousand six hundred and twenty seventh chapter seven filling the body

After being completely angered, the ghost no longer had the idea of ​​torturing Feng Li. In its eyes, Feng Li should be a plaything that it could play with at will. However, the other party suddenly showed a posture of dying together, which directly scared it.

Shit and piss.

On the one hand, it is because of anger. A strong person is humiliated by a weak person, and a weak person that he looks down on. The shame and anger cannot be described in words, and it is the most unbearable for the strong person.

On the other hand, the ghost is not completely motivated. Although it will never admit it on the surface, it cannot avoid it in its heart. Regarding the recent incident, the ghost really feels fear.

After this incident, Ghost Soul really began to worry about what he would do if the other party didn't just fake a shot, but really wanted to fight with his life.

After this incident, Youhun also made up his mind to deal with Fengli as soon as possible. But the battle is not about eating and drinking. Although Fengli is at a disadvantage, he is not a lamb to be slaughtered. It is just that his own strength is higher than that of others.

Ghost is inferior.

Because Feng Li suddenly made a sudden change and died together, it directly interrupted the attack rhythm of the ghost. The two sides fought again. Although the ghost still had the advantage, it could not immediately return to the huge advantage it had before.

After re-fighting, Feng Li's mentality has also changed significantly from before. Just now, he mustered up the courage and chose to fight with his life. As a result, Zuo Feng's message seemed to give him a glimmer of hope. Let's see

When Feng Li feels hope, he chooses to risk his life. This is undoubtedly countless times more difficult than making the decision when he was in despair.

In fact, Feng Li at this time has completely given up risking his life to seriously injure the ghost. What it is doing now is to try to support itself for a while longer.

But with this mentality, Feng Li soon discovered that the longer he wanted to delay, the faster he would fall into a disadvantage. The longer he wanted to support, the more constrained he would be in the battle.

In a very passive state.

Faced with such a situation, Fengli felt miserable for a moment. When it couldn't support it any longer, it couldn't help but transmit a message to Zuo Feng. However, this transmission was like a stone sinking into the sea, and Zuo Feng didn't react at all.


The ghost is unforgiving. The more it gains the upper hand, the more ruthlessly it strikes. A large amount of beast energy and soul power spurt out from the body as if for free, pouring towards Feng Li's body like a storm.


At this time, the attack Feng Li received was not only the damage caused by the soul power to the body, nor the damage caused by the power of rules. It was the damage caused by the soul power when the power of rules broke out. After the damage caused by the soul power,

, the damage of the power of rules also appears at the same time.

Around Feng Li's body, there were many broken feathers and splattered blood. Often, just after its beast power was condensed, it was immediately attacked and directly shattered, and then its body suffered direct damage.

If in an open environment, Feng Li could at least choose to fly and escape, but in today's environment, all life is firmly nailed to the ground. Even if he flies upward, he can only jump with ordinary people at most.

It rises to about the same height and is quickly pulled back to the ground.

And this space is limited, so there is no point in escaping.

So Fengli was basically being beaten passively, and the beating was very miserable. At this moment, it seemed that it would not be able to hold on any longer.

In this situation, Feng Li also had the urge to risk his life, but impulse was impulse after all, and in the end he was not able to make up his mind again like before.

'Is it over? Is this the only place I can go? I can't avenge my parents, I'm not willing to do it..., I'm really... not willing to do it!'

Fengli opened his mouth and let out a painful and unwilling neighing sound, as if he wanted to release all his resentment into this neighing sound.

It doesn't blame Zuo Feng. Even if it really burns its beast energy and soul power, it won't actually change the overall situation much. It understands that even if it sacrifices its life, there is basically no way to take away the ghost.

It will not contact Zuo Feng again, because it has reached this point. No matter how powerful Zuo Feng is, it is impossible to reverse the current situation. No matter how unwilling it is, it still needs to face what should be faced.

But just as Feng Li's angry and unwilling screams were about to subside, a thunderous sound suddenly appeared in this space.

The sound rolled in, as if it was coming from all directions at the same time. Although it was just the roar of thunder, the two people in this space felt their whole bodies trembling.

This was not because of the thunder, but because the space was shaken by the thunder, which caused everything in the space to tremble together.

This sudden change immediately attracted the attention of You Hun, Feng Li and Yin Wuliu, and they were all extremely surprised.

You must know that this kind of trembling represents a change in the rules, and only a change in the rules can cause such an amazing effect. After the ghost and Yin Wuliu entered this space, various attempts were made, but nothing happened.


Except Zuofeng opened a space gap before, but at that time, this space did not cause such a huge change in the entire rules.

The ghost's first reaction was to look at Feng Li coldly. After all, the shrill scream was so distinctive that it couldn't help but take it seriously, and wondered whether Feng Li had caused such a big spatial change.

However, as soon as its eyes fell on Feng Li, it immediately understood that its judgment was wrong, because at this time, there was a look of surprise in Feng Li's eyes, and he was looking around at a loss.


'What on earth is going on? It's not Feng Li who did it. Could it be that this space has changed on its own?'

The ghost looked suspicious. It didn't believe that the change in front of it was an accident, but it couldn't figure out why this change happened.

Just when everyone was shocked by this sudden change, layers of fine thunder and lightning suddenly appeared above the space.

From a distance, it looked like many silver fish suddenly appeared in the river. They swam quickly and gathered together quickly.

These thunder and lightning continued to condense, and then slowly seemed to be squeezed out from the sky, forming a strange white bulge.

What's even more weird is that after the thunder and lightning condensed, there was an orange-red flame, which seemed to ignite everyone's heads instantly. After these flames appeared, they also quickly shrank toward the center, and then they condensed at the center.

It forms a red cylinder.

Then the white rear part was slowly squeezed out, showing an orange-red cylinder, connected with the white part in front.

Behind it is a gray hurricane, which seems to be formed outside the space, and then rotates rapidly, shrinking little by little towards the center. As those hurricanes shrink, a gray cylinder appears in the center, followed closely

From behind the orange-red pillar.

By this time, three colors have appeared above, namely white, gray and orange-red cylinders.

The matter was not over yet, because a piece of pale golden light appeared in the sky immediately, like countless long golden needles, shooting towards the center at the same time. Soon, it gathered into a golden column at the center.


After the golden color faded, a large emerald green vine appeared in the sky, like a towering tree covering the sky like a canopy.

After the vines were fully revealed, they began to slowly converge towards the center, and eventually they turned into a green column.

Then came the brown wind-sand that filled the sky. As the amount increased, it seemed as if everyone was going to be buried. The sand sank toward the center like quicksand, turning into a brown column.

Finally, a waterfall seemed to suddenly appear in the sky, pouring directly from the air onto the space barrier. Then a vortex appeared in their center, pumping the water directly to the center, forming a light blue


As a result, seven-section cylinders composed of white, orange-red, gray, gold, green, brown and blue appeared directly in the air.

This strange scene deeply shocked Feng Li, Youhun and Yin Wuliu who were present. More importantly, they did not understand why such changes occurred in the space.

Everyone was full of curiosity about this change, and at the same time they couldn't help but feel frightened by it. On the contrary, Feng Li now showed more surprise and not much fear.

Because he was about to be killed by the ghost anyway, even if something unexpected happened now, the worst case scenario would be to die under the special power of this space, and the result would actually be no different to him.

If there is any difference, then of course Feng Li is looking forward to the power coming down from the sky in his heart. If he is killed, it is best not to let go of the ghost, so that he can rest in peace even if he dies.


But just when Feng Li looked up at the sky with a desperate mood, a message suddenly came from his mind.

That was Zuo Feng, who had received no response no matter how he contacted him just now, sending a message to him.

At this time, Zuo Feng conveyed a message, and Feng Li didn't take it seriously. However, when he understood the content of the other party's message and the unquestionable attitude, it seemed that Feng Li's heartstrings were gently plucked by something.

one time.

With almost no hesitation, Feng Li instinctively started to act according to Zuo Feng's request. Fortunately, the huge changes that occurred in this space prevented the ghost from disturbing Feng Li's actions for the time being.

I saw that the beast energy on the surface of Feng Li's body was restrained, and then it was running wildly inside the body, and then wisps of beast energy with starlight were released.

Although the ghost felt the changes in Feng Li, it didn't take it to heart at all. However, when it saw Feng Li releasing the beast energy with starlight matter and flying towards the rising light pillar in the sky, it felt uncomfortable.

A good feeling suddenly enveloped my heart.

The moment the beast with starlight material came into contact with the light pillar, the light pillar that was originally hanging in the air suddenly descended from the sky and landed directly on Feng Li's body with great power.

This chapter has been completed!
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