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The 4670th chapter can be sacrificed

After the final resistance, although Ghost couldn't accept it, the final result was there and he couldn't help but accept it.

Although it has tried its best, after missing the best opportunity to take action, its current efforts will only make it look more embarrassing and ridiculous.

Once the soul seed enters the main soul, the winner has actually been determined. No matter how hard the ghost soul tries, it cannot change the final result.

Just like an ordinary person cannot lift himself up by his hair, once the soul seed enters the main soul, it has actually become a part of the main soul. How can the ghost soul stop it?


What happened next could actually be predicted by the ghost at every step, but it was difficult to accept it in its heart, so it refused to give up. Its crazy mobilization of soul power naturally could not change the outcome, it just allowed the soul seed to develop

The time of action has just been delayed a little bit.

Since it is called a "soul seed", it does have certain characteristics of a seed in terms of its effect. After it enters the main soul of the ghost, it gradually begins to take root, sprout, and grow vigorously.

When it was still a soul seed, the ghost did not notice it, but once it took root and sprouted, it was impossible for the ghost not to notice it, but by this time it was already too late.

The ghost's eyes are constantly changing, sometimes becoming angry, sometimes confused, sometimes crazy, sometimes showing a proud smile.

But even if the ghost is in such a strange state, it still maintains a fighting state. On the one hand, it has the fighting instinct, and on the other hand, although it has begun to be affected by the soul seed, Yin Wuliu and the ghost,

At least they are consistent in terms of personal goals.

Because Feng Li was not sure what was going on in the ghost's body right away, and was worried that there might be some deceit involved, he did not attack with all his strength immediately, but chose a relatively conservative attack method to cope with any variables.

It wasn't until the ghost roared from the main soul in an extremely angry way that everyone realized that the black ball just now turned out to be a soul seed, and had been implanted into the main soul of the ghost.

Feng Li still didn't know much about what the soul seed was, so Zuo Feng immediately explained it to him. Hearing that it was such a kind of existence, Feng Li actually felt a little sympathy for the ghost in front of him.


Of course, Feng Li would not have any reservations about taking action because of this. Now that he understood the current situation and state of the ghost, and was sure that it was not a method specifically targeting him, he would take action more decisively this time.

What surprised Feng Li was that the ghost had such violent mood swings just now, but now when they started fighting, the opponent's combat power had not declined at all.

As if seeing the doubts in Feng Li's heart, Zuo Feng immediately sent a message to Feng Li to explain some of the effects and characteristics of this soul seed after it was implanted into the soul.

In fact, for the soul itself, being implanted with the soul seed itself will not cause any harm, and even from a certain perspective, it will slightly improve the soul power, and even help to control the soul power to a certain extent.

The soul after being invaded by the soul seed does not lose its self-awareness, but its own consciousness cannot resist the soul seed. If the soul chooses to obey the soul seed's control and cooperates fully, then the soul seed will not only not produce resistance, but will

It will also be a help.

When facing Feng Li, Yin Hun and Yin Wuliu had exactly the same goal. Therefore, during the battle, the cooperation of the soul species significantly improved Yin Hun's combat power.

However, this situation could not be maintained for too long. After all, Ghost's combat power had only improved slightly, and it was still far behind Feng Li.

When Feng Li had no scruples and was able to let go and fight with all his strength, Ghost was not only at a disadvantage again, but his situation was obviously even worse than before.

Because when the ghost fought before, although it was in a very aggrieved state after being beaten, at least it was able to concentrate on dealing with the battle in front of it.

Now that the ghost has been planted with soul seeds, it is inevitable that it will always have other thoughts in its heart. Even if it knows that it cannot resist the soul seeds and has almost no chance to peel off the soul seeds, its mind is still not affected by it.

Control hovers over this.

But the problem now is that Yin Wuliu will notice the thoughts in the ghost's mind immediately because of the existence of the soul seed, which makes it even more embarrassing.

It's as if you are going to fight with someone, but the other person knows all your moves in advance. It's as if you yell before punching, "I'm going to punch you on the left cheek with my right fist," and then yell before punching, "

I'm going to kick you in the stomach with my left foot."

All the methods and steps that Youhun wanted to use to deal with Feng Li were completely displayed in front of Yin Wuliu when he thought about it in his mind.

Yin Wuliu would even deliberately tease the other party, and put forward some suggestions in the means and methods he was thinking about through the connection between the soul species and the ghost. It seems that these suggestions can increase the chance of success of the ghost, but in fact they bring a huge blow

It's huge, and it's also a naked humiliation.

Although it is difficult for the ghost to accept it, reality is reality. It is clearly there and it cannot help but accept it. Although it knows that the various means and methods it thinks about are basically meaningless, the ghost still can't help but think about it.

Because it longs for freedom from the bottom of its heart and gets rid of Yin Wuliu's control over itself. On the other hand, it must also consider something. Although the chance is very slim, if something unexpected happens, then its current consideration is

It is possible to help yourself get rid of the control of the other party.

In this way, Youhun and Yin Wuliu began a new cooperation with each other, but this time the cooperation was completely different from before.

The last cooperation was threatened by the Red Yan Thunder Poison. Although the influence was inevitable, Ghost still retained his self and was even able to argue with reason on some key issues.

At that time, the ghost soul was just afraid, and after some consideration, he finally chose to cooperate with Yin Wuliu. Now the ghost soul has no choice. The soul seed in the main soul has made it lose most of its self. Even if Yin Wuliu

Liu asked himself to die now, and the ghost had to obey him.

After a short period of adaptation, the ghost's state began to gradually change, and it began to show a negative attitude during the battle.

Such a change caught Yin Wuliu off guard, but if he thought about it carefully, he seemed to be able to understand it. Before, the ghost could not accept his current situation, so the instinct to fight and the stubbornness in his heart not only did not decrease his combat power, but also improved.


But as time went by, especially after the various strategies it was thinking about and being humiliated by Yin Wuliu's various suggestions, it began to gradually lose its will to fight, which was a sign of frustration.

Not only Yin Wuliu was able to notice the changes in the ghost immediately, but also Feng Li, who was fighting with it, could clearly sense it.

Of course Fengli would not miss such a good opportunity. Seeing the ghost's combat power declining, Fengli immediately seized the opportunity to launch an all-out attack.

As this goes on and on, the ghost is not only losing ground, but the wounds on its body are rapidly stacking up. More importantly, the ghost is in a passive state, which puts it in a state of injury and reduced combat power. Then it is injured even more and its combat power continues.

In a downward vicious cycle.

Such a change came quite quickly, which caught Yin Wuliu off guard. Before he could fully react, the ghost's combat effectiveness had almost dropped by two to three percent.

If this continues, Feng Li will soon be able to launch a fatal blow and directly take away the ghost's life.

While feeling shocked, Yin Wuliu immediately sent a message to the ghost. Now that both parties had the soul species as a medium, the sound transmission was very convenient. The slightest thought was transmitted into the mind of the ghost immediately.

"Do you want to die like this? I just planted soul seeds in your main soul, and I don't want to take your life. What you do is completely self-destruction."

Facing Yin Wuliu's message, Youhun said coldly: "We have already reached this point. What's the point of my resistance? Is it possible that you can still let me go?"

In fact, there is an implicit meaning in these words, that is, everyone knows that even if you, Yin Wuliu, are willing to let me go, if I get rid of the soul seed, I will never let you go. Since I know that you can't take back the soul seed.

, then what need do I have to fight now?

Yin Wuliu's heart moved, and after thinking for a moment, he immediately sent another message: "Although I planted the soul seed, I have no intention of killing you. In other words, you are more meaningful to me when you are alive, so

I won’t harm you no matter what, don’t you want to leave here and go back to the outside world?”

It seemed like a very ordinary question, but for the ghost, it immediately caused a huge reaction in its heart. Because Yin Wuliu saw the memory of the ghost through his soul power, he knew what the ghost clan was like when they were traversing the endless space.

After being trapped in this world for countless years, how much will I crave for the outside world?

It was these words that directly aroused a strong reaction in the ghost's heart, but it quickly transmitted a message: "So what if I want to live, my bloodline is banned now, I am no match for this little phoenix in front of me.


Yin Wuliu originally wanted to lift the bloodline ban for the ghost, but after some questioning, he realized that it was a secret method belonging to the Fengque clan. Not to mention Yin Wuliu, even Fengli on the opposite side might not be able to master it.


After discovering that the method of lifting the bloodline ban didn't work at all, Yin Wuliu couldn't help but feel a little anxious. The ghost's current condition continued to decline. If it continued like this, he might be killed by Feng Li in just a few breaths.

His brain was spinning rapidly, and suddenly Yin Wuliu's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he looked at the ghost coldly.

'Now that it's like this, no matter what the price is, we must kill each person and bird on the opposite side. At worst, we must sacrifice this ghost.'

Yin Wuliu had already used the soul seed to control the ghost, so in order to survive, he was willing to sacrifice the other party to gain a chance to live for himself.

This chapter has been completed!
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