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Chapter 5263: Fear on Both Sides

As Hua Jiuchang's figure moved, he looked erratic, a bit like he was drunk, and like a leaf in the chaotic airflow.

The most critical point is that it is difficult to predict Hua Jiuchang's actions in advance. Often you guess that he is going to attack from the left, but he suddenly goes above. It clearly feels like he is going to attack from below, and the result is almost in the blink of an eye. Around to the side and back.

In this way, facing Hua Jiuchang's Zuo Feng, he had to bear even more terrifying pressure. Because he could not predict Hua Jiuchang's attack, he had to expand the defense range as much as possible to prevent any attacks that the opponent would launch. All locations are sealed in advance.

If it were Zuo Feng from before, there would not be much of a problem in defending Hua Jiuchang. At most, he would feel a lot of pressure. However, the clone that had just dealt with Ji Lai really cost Zuo Feng a huge amount of energy. At the same time, his body The injuries inside were also very serious.

Even though Hua Jiuchang's own condition is very bad, in comparison, Zuo Feng is obviously worse. Zuo Feng and Hua Jiuchang are both aware of each other's current state. In this way, Hua Jiuchang's attack will be worse. He was more calm and unhurried, while Zuo Feng was obviously a little anxious, but there was nothing he could do about it.

But even if he had to do it over again, Zuo Feng would still choose to lure Hua Jiuchang to cut off the thunder and fire whip in the previous situation, and then take the opportunity to use Ji Lai's attack and the severed thunder and fire whip to kill Ji Lai. .

In the previous situation, Zuo Feng had no better way to deal with Ji Lai and Hua Jiuchang. Being able to get rid of Ji Lai's clone first was a bit of luck, and it was also because of Zuo Feng's Unconstrained and unconstrained, his plans and methods completely exceeded his opponent's expectations.

However, after dealing with Ji Lai's clone before, Hua Jiuchang now seems to be attacking like crazy, but in fact he is very cautious.

Zuo Feng's severed thunder-fire whip had some gaps in its movement, which was also a good opportunity to launch a surprise attack. But Hua Jiuchang held back every time, although he would try it carefully. He tried, but as long as he felt a little unsafe or abnormal, he would immediately withdraw and retreat, and would never be obsessed with killing Zuo Feng as soon as possible.

The flying whip of thunder and fire not only showed chaos and irregularity, but in fact, in the process of dancing, it was indeed irregular most of the time.

Zuo Feng also hopes to be able to completely control the thunder and fire whip, but he simply can't do it now. Because the power that really affects the thunder and fire whip to dance so crazily is after Ji Lai's clone was destroyed. The remaining pair of small wind cones.

As the last attack method that Ji Lai condensed before he was destroyed, Xiaofeng Cone's attack and destructive power are much worse than before. This cannot be blamed on Ji Lai. After all, he had consumed a lot before and was able to do it in a hurry. It is extremely difficult to mobilize the power of rules and spiritual energy in a short period of time to condense these two small wind cones, and their power is naturally greatly reduced.

Fortunately, the destructive power of the small wind cone is much worse than before. Otherwise, even if it can destroy Ji Lai's clone, it is not certain whether Zuo Feng can save his life.

Although his life was saved, Zuo Feng was seriously injured and was severely exhausted. What he needed most at this time was to repair his injuries. In fact, it was to restore his condition rather than continue to fight.

Hua Jiuchang saw through this, so his condition was obviously not very good, but he refused to let Zuo Feng have any chance to breathe, and insisted on killing Zuo Feng. Even if he couldn't kill him immediately, It must also be consumed to death like this.

Although Hua Jiuchang had the advantage at this time, he was full of fear of Zuo Feng. In fact, at this point in the battle, he couldn't help but not be afraid of Zuo Feng.

The clones of six powerful people in the Divine Mind stage have arrived. Even if there were some conflicts before, there will be some problems in cooperation. But after all, they are powerful people in the Divine Mind stage. Each of them is a unique existence, not to mention there are still six people. Join forces.

However, this guy in front of him completely eliminated the other five strong men in the Divine Mind stage, leaving Hua Jiuchang in not very good condition.

He was worried that if he accidentally lost everything, he would end up with the same fate as other powerful people in the Divine Sense stage. He could throw everything aside, but now that he was the only one left, he would have a chance to own this iceberg space. The treasure inside was his ultimate goal of entering the arctic ice field this time.

Because of this thought, Hua Jiuchang became more and more cautious, or it would be more appropriate to say that he was overly cautious. He would rather let the battle drag on for a long time than make any mistakes, or give Zuo Feng any counterattack, or even This is an opportunity to destroy this soul body clone of myself.

What Hua Jiuchang didn't know was that his approach was exactly what Zuo Feng wanted to see, because if Hua Jiuchang really wanted to risk his life, Zuo Feng simply couldn't afford to fight, and he didn't have the ability to fight with the opponent.

Using a small wind cone to control the Thunderfire Whip is actually only one aspect of defense, and the other aspect is for bluffing. Now, just by waving his arms, Zuo Feng will feel bursts of heart-piercing pain, let alone being as free as usual. Controlled the Thunderfire Whip.

Because there are restrictions on controlling the thunder-fire whip, Zuo Feng must use external forces. The only external force he can use right now is the small wind cone. It's not that he has any perfect plan, nor does he have any purpose or calculation, just It's just that he has no other choice.

While Zuo Feng was dancing the thunder and fire whip crazily, he felt extremely uneasy in his heart. He was really scared, and Hua Jiuchang rushed over desperately. As long as he could go head-to-head with the thunder and fire whip a few times, not only would he be able to watch The gaps he created during the attack were perfect opportunities for him to rush in and kill Zuo Feng.

However, due to his caution, he could only choose to attack conservatively. Even if he encounters a slight obstacle, he would choose to retreat actively.

Although Hua Jiuchang also used special movement techniques, which made it difficult to predict his movement trajectory in advance, Zuo Feng's current thunder-fire whip also covered a very large area during its movement. This was mainly due to the help of two small wind cones. , it seems a bit funny to say that at the last moment, Zuo Feng was relying on Ji Lai's legacy to support him.

However, as time goes by, Zuo Feng's situation becomes worse and worse, because the small wind cone consumes very quickly. Once the small wind cone consumes all its energy, the moment the small wind cone dissipates, the true situation of Zuo Feng is completely

when exposed.

While Zuo Feng worked hard to maintain his condition as much as possible, he was also thinking quickly about how to solve the crisis at hand.

But at this point in the battle, not only was Zuo Feng almost exhausted, but his injuries that could not be repaired were in danger of losing his life if it continued.

Even so, Zuo Feng has no intention of giving up. This is his character. No matter what kind of dilemma or danger he faces, his heart will not be easily shaken, and he can

He said that unless he died, he would never bow to any enemy, even a strong person in the spiritual mind stage.

Just when Zuo Feng was thinking hard and still couldn't find a way, one thing suddenly came to his mind. That was that he had clearly been unable to deal with the combination of Ji Lai and Hua Jiuchang before, but at the critical moment, he suddenly had the fire attribute.

With the emergence of the power of space attribute rules, he has persisted until now, and also successfully destroyed Ji Lai's clone.

Under the circumstances at that time, what Zuo Feng needed to consider was how to use the power of those rules to deal with the two powerful enemies Hua Jiuchang and Ji Lai as much as possible. As for why the power of rules came, and whether there was any

Who is helping him secretly is not something he has to consider at all.

Now that he was in crisis again, Zuo Feng unconsciously remembered the power of rules that had helped him before. If the power of fire and space rules came completely by accident, he would never believe it, but

What the reason was, he couldn't figure it out for a while.

Although he couldn't figure out the reason, Zuo Feng ignited a glimmer of hope. Since the arrival of the two forces of rules had saved him from danger for once, he might as well try his luck. Maybe there would be a turning point.

In fact, it is a matter of luck. For Zuo Feng, he has also considered and weighed it, and based on his experience, the possibility of encountering some kind of turning point may be 20 to 30%. Now Zuo Feng has already

There was no other way to go. Even if there was only a 10% chance of a turning point, he had to give it a try.

Zuo Feng made up his mind, and without any hesitation, he quickly changed his movement trajectory. Before, Zuo Feng only considered dealing with Hua Jiuchang, but now he finally had a goal. While dealing with his opponent, he also moved towards those rules.

It flies in the direction where the force comes from.

In this special space, there is originally a lot of gray fog, which not only has the effect of isolating vision and sound, but also affects the detection. In addition, when moving, these gray fog will also produce a certain amount of noise.


However, as the gray fog continued to dissipate, the isolation effect continued to weaken, and the restriction on movement was also weakened. The speeds of Zuo Feng and Hua Jiuchang were more than twice as fast as before.

Hua Jiuchang, who was constantly launching attacks, felt that Zuo Feng seemed to be escaping, and seemed to be escaping in a certain direction. Seeing this, his attacks began to adjust. Although he did not choose to take risks, he almost instinctively thought to be prevented.

Regarding the enemy Zuo Feng, he found it difficult to understand its combat characteristics and combat rules. He wanted to deal with Zuo Feng as soon as possible, but he was also worried about falling into Zuo Feng's plan. He was worried that Zuo Feng was moving because he had other preparations. I was worried that Zuo Feng was bluffing and deliberately stalling for time.

In this way, Hua Jiuchang was in a dilemma. He didn't know whether he should go all out and attack Zuofeng with the dancing thunder and fire whip.

In this contradiction and entanglement, Hua Jiuchang was eager to try several times, but couldn't help but choose to give up several times. Zuo Feng was also very worried. He didn't know if he could find a chance to survive, and he was even more worried that Hua Jiuchang would make a desperate move. Not even leaving the last chance to myself.

This chapter has been completed!
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