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Chapter 5358 Primitive Grassland

The Prairie Tribe did not appear suddenly. If that were the case, I am afraid that it would immediately attract the attention of all forces and even take direct action against them.

The original prairie was a relatively special area. From the oldest history of Kunxuan Continent, the prairie was more like a vacuum zone outside of management.

From a certain perspective, the prairie is somewhat similar to the chaotic place Zuo Feng first went to after leaving the Ye Lin Empire.

The Land of Chaos is located between Ye Lin, the Fengtian Dynasty and the Xuanwu Empire. Some of the mountains in it will extend to the ancient wilderness. The special geographical environment created the Land of Chaos and became a buffer area for the three empires.


The so-called buffer zone does not have a clear ownership in history. During the fighting between the parties, it was once occupied by various forces, and it was also occupied and administered by two or more forces at the same time.

With a little thought, it is not difficult to judge how many conflicts there will be in such a place, and even several wars, which were triggered by the conflicts in this area.

Under constant fighting and attrition, the empires of all parties cannot always maintain a state of war, nor can they invest a large amount of funds and personnel in such an area for a long time.

After a period of consumption, someone naturally stood up and proposed a solution. Several other forces had already had this idea, and everyone was able to sit down and discuss how to solve the problem in the Land of Chaos.

When the three parties are evenly matched, no one is willing to give up its own interests, but at the same time it hopes to challenge the other two parties and fight.

As a result, it has become an embarrassing situation where the three parties cannot reach an agreement and cannot fight at the same time. If this stalemate continues, the problems in the chaotic land will only become worse, and the situation of the three empires will also become worse.

Getting more and more nervous.

In this case, the Ancient Wasteland took the initiative to participate, or in other words, the Ancient Wasteland rarely took action directly, and only in this case did it openly, which would not cause dissatisfaction from any party, let alone trigger the Ancient Wasteland.

Conflicts within the wasteland.

Of course, when the Ancient Wasteland takes action, it is not for a certain force to stand up and fight for the interests of the empire it supports. That will only expand the conflicts. The Ancient Wasteland sends high-level officials from several super sects, with the goal of simply resolving conflicts.

Everyone is together and there are inevitably a few red-faced quarrels. At least on the surface, it seems that the empires will not give up an inch of territory and compete for every inch of profit. But in fact, if you observe secretly, you will find that the empires are also feeling tired. It’s just that they have already fought for each other.

Today, the loss of face has become more important than the benefits, so neither party will bow down easily.

Faced with such a situation, the Ancient Wasteland could only finally propose that all empires make the same choice, give up the ownership of the Ancient Wasteland, and let it become a free land.

The option of the three empires jointly sending people to govern has been tried before. In the end, the empires not only fought fiercely, but the fighting continued to escalate, and the scope of the fighting even spread to other parts of the border.

As a neutral party, the Ancient Wasteland is in a relatively awkward situation. They are not allowed to directly rule places outside the Ancient Wasteland. This has been a rule of the Ancient Wasteland since ancient times. No one dares to bear the consequences of breaking this rule.

s consequence.

Since this is the case, then all forces and empires should simply withdraw from here and let it become a buffer area for the three empires.

In fact, the three empires were not satisfied with this result. After all, the reason could not escape the word "profit".

The location of this chaotic land is mainly the junction of the three empires. It is naturally also the place where all kinds of materials and information are exchanged.

Although the three empires have been at war with each other for years, they are still dependent on each other. Because each of the three empires has different specialty resources, even during the three-party war, their transactions with each other have never been interrupted. This is

A place of chaos is a perfect place for trading.

In addition, part of the Spirit Beast Mountain Range near the Land of Chaos extends directly into the Ancient Wasteland. At the same time, the Spirit Beast Mountain Range is also a place for training for disciples of the Ancient Wasteland, and is very important to all forces.


Therefore, no matter which empire directly controls this area, it is equivalent to sitting on a huge treasure, which other empires will definitely not be able to accept. So in the end, no matter how unacceptable it is, they still have to face it, and any empire must start from

This is the result of exiting the land of chaos.

Some people may say that the ancient wasteland should be peaceful from now on, but this is not the case. This is because the three-party empires have turned from overt struggle to secret struggle. The empire cannot directly send people to participate, so they secretly support the people in the empire.

Force, find a way to occupy the chaotic place.

In this way, the three empires have gained a period of relative peace. Since the ancient wilderness has set the rules, none of them dare to openly break them. This means that the empire's power will not directly participate in the battle for the chaotic land.

, even if a battle breaks out, it will not spread to the inter-imperial level, and the impact will be relatively limited.

But after such chaos continued for a period of time, the three-party empires themselves began to be unable to bear it. After all, the treatment given by the ancient wasteland was acceptable to everyone, and the only thing they wanted to pursue next was profit.

However, with such melee fighting all year round in the Land of Chaos, they have no benefit at all. Although the empire does not need to directly participate, it will continue to cause consumption and will feel physical pain after a long time.

This time, there was no need for the Ancient Wasteland to come forward. The three empires themselves chose to seek change. Everyone in the chaotic land knew which forces were sent by themselves and which ones were sent by the other two empires.

Since they want to demand change, all three parties should show sincerity and directly withdraw the forces they secretly sent, turning the chaotic land into a buffer zone in the true sense.

That is to say, during this process, some local snakes in the chaotic land sprung up like mushrooms after a spring rain. However, under the mutual restraint of the three empires, these emerging forces cannot belong to any empire. If they are related to any

If one empire has secret dealings, the other two empires will immediately destroy them with thunderous means.

Through this method, order was finally re-established in the chaotic land, but this order was barely achieved in a relatively chaotic situation.

This situation lasted for a long time, until a woman named Li Shang appeared in the land of chaos one day. With her limited manpower, she directly subdued the local snakes in the land of chaos at that time, and the order in the land of chaos was also

It was re-established at that time, and it was also at that time that the first city in the Land of Chaos, "Lancheng", was officially renamed "Luan City".

Just like the change in its name, the Land of Chaos has undergone earth-shaking changes since the establishment of Luan City. Although local snakes still fight with each other, they will not directly break the rules of Luan City, and Li Shang has become a stable chaos.

The cornerstone of the land.

Regarding the sudden appearance of Li Shang, the Tripartite Empire naturally launched an investigation, but the identity and background of Li Shang was very secret. However, the order established by Li Shang was very in line with the needs of the Tripartite Empire. The most important thing was that the Tripartite Empire secretly

Even though they tried to win over each other, they failed to make Li Shang and her Luan City fall to either side.

I don’t know if Li Shang is really intelligent or if she has some principles of her own. Her choice is exactly in line with the needs of the tripartite empire.

If she had really secretly fallen to any empire, Luan City would have been razed to the ground long ago, and she herself would have completely disappeared.

Of course, a chaotic land is still a chaotic land after all. The powerful caravans here can travel unimpeded and can complete transactions with other empires at a fair price in Luan City.

As for those caravans with ordinary strength, they can reach Luan City smoothly only by paying a certain price. As long as they enter Luan City, their transactions will be protected. As for completing the transaction and leaving and returning safely, they will naturally have to pay a price.


Even so, as long as the transaction can be successfully completed and the chaotic place is safely left, the harvest is still very attractive, which also attracts many caravans with insufficient strength to take risks.

However, most people who lack strength often can only enter the chaotic land, but it is difficult to gain anything in the chaotic land. They often end up losing both their lives and money, and there are many people who take one risk and make enough money to stop it.

, but such people are really rare.

The original situation of the prairie was actually somewhat similar to that of the Land of Chaos. For a period of time, they became a trading area between the northeastern part of the Fengtian Empire and the southeastern part of the Xuanwu Empire.

However, the prairie area is relatively vast, the environment is relatively harsh, and the conditions detected are very barren. Therefore, except for some small trading towns, most of the prairie is unmanaged barren land.

There are still a large number of indigenous people living in the prairie area. Some of them are the original residents of the prairie, and some have fled from the outside world.

Because this land has little value, it naturally becomes an unmanaged place. Those fugitives who committed crimes in other empires, or desperadoes who offended a certain powerful force, often chose to flee to the prairie in the end.

Although the environment here is harsh, fortunately there is no one to manage it. Once danger is discovered, they will rush into the depths of the vast prairie, and the pursuers will often give up.

In order to survive on the prairie, these desperadoes must integrate into the prairie tribes and adapt to life on the prairie. With the barren land and the possibility of fleeing for their lives at any time, these people can only learn herding from the prairie people, but cannot

Cultivation on fixed land.

Over time, these outsiders eventually became out-and-out grassland people. In the eyes of people on Kunxuan Continent, these grassland people are not even as good as the mountain people who hunt in the Tianping Mountains and the people who gather in the elixir mountains of the Xuanwu Empire.

Medicine man.

This chapter has been completed!
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