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Chapter 1261 Can you still pass the test like this?

"This incense stick is ridiculously high, but it is possible that the key to passing the test lies in this incense stick."

Ye Qingyun thought in his heart.

at this time.

Except for Yan Zheng, everyone else is already in a hard fight.

The strength of these chess puppets is much stronger than before, although it is not impossible to deal with them.

But the number is really too much.

Kill them all.

Those four stone pillars released an endless stream of chess puppets.

Over time.

Everyone was annoyed.

"Too much of this shit!"

Feng Wuhen swung his sword repeatedly, raising his sword intent to the highest level.

Although each piece can kill a chess puppet, if you kill one chess puppet, more chess puppets will rush towards you.

All I can do is keep killing.

If you relax even a little bit, you will be surrounded by chess puppets, and then you will be beaten violently.

Don't look at how powerful these chess puppets are.

But once an encirclement is formed, the offensive attacks of these chess puppets are enough to make the powerful Half-Saints complain endlessly.

Fortunately, Ye Qingyun brought here all experts this time.

Except for Jian Tianming and Huikong who were a little stretched, everyone else was strong enough to cope with the current situation.

Even under such intense consumption, it can still last for a long time.

But whether I can survive this "one stick of incense" time is really not certain.

This "stick of incense" is really outrageous.

If we wait for this "stick of incense" to burn out, even the day lily may be cold.

"Holy Son, what can I do? These chess puppets are really annoying."

Huikong couldn't stand it any longer.

He quickly asked Ye Qingyun.

In Huikong's view, Ye Qingyun has not taken any action and there is no panic on his face, so he must be confident.

"Hold it first."

Ye Qingyun was too lazy to say anything, and still stared at the "stick of incense".

Huikong had no choice but to wave the golden toad staff and fight the chess puppet again.

Jian Tianming, Huikong and Kunlunzi were all beside Ye Qingyun, blocking all the attacking chess puppets.

So Ye Qingyun is safe for the time being.

But just when Ye Qingyun had an idea in his mind.

The four stone pillars all changed again.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!!!

Four figures flew out of the stone pillar at the same time.

They rushed towards the two sword masters, Yan Zheng and Kunlunzi respectively.
Four golden chess puppets!

Each also held a long sword in their hands.

The breath is more powerful than ordinary chess puppets.

"Every half an hour, a chess puppet king will appear. You can use it to your heart's content."

The sharp sound suddenly sounded, which was a reminder to everyone.

Chess puppet king!

Hearing this, everyone's hearts sank.

Unexpectedly, there will be a chess puppet king appearing.

And it appears every half an hour.

at this time.

The four chess puppet kings have already rushed to the target.

The two sword masters took the lead in fighting against the chess puppet king.

Long sword collides with long sword!

As the sword energy overflowed, the two sword masters were knocked back several steps.

"What a strong strength!"

The two sword masters looked shocked.

Although the two chess puppet kings were knocked back more times, there is no doubt that the chess puppet king is very strong.

It is not an opponent that can be easily defeated.

Yan Zheng also faced a chess puppet king.

But Yan Zheng didn't even look at the chess puppet king. With a wave of his jade pen, a Confucian holy character appeared.

He directly suppressed the chess puppet king.

Yan Zheng's strength is still very stable, and he has no pressure to deal with this powerful chess puppet king.

There is also a chess puppet king, rushing towards Kunlunzi.

So fast.

In the blink of an eye, I was in front of Kunlunzi.

"Watch out!"

Seeing that Kunlunzi seemed unresponsive, Ye Qingyun couldn't help but give a warning.


The chess puppet king turned his head and ran towards Ye Qingyun.

"Oh my god!"

Ye Qingyun was startled.

Why am I talking so much?

it's good now.

This guy came running after him.

The puppet king's speed was so fast that Ye Qingyun had no time to dodge.

Times of crisis.

Three rays of light appeared simultaneously in Ye Qingyun's storage bag.

It is the Three Ultimate Divine Sword.

The Three Ultimate Divine Sword flew out of the storage bag on its own.

at the same time

Kill the attacking chess puppet king.

The Chess Puppet King is coming with great force, but it is no match for the power of the Three Ultimate Divine Swords.

It was instantly cut into pieces.

Ye Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, I have a divine sword to protect me now."

But at this moment, everyone's situation is still very bad.

Chess puppets emerge endlessly. ??

The chess puppet king will appear again in half an hour.

If it continues like this, even if it can be delayed until the end of the test, everyone will definitely be exhausted.

How can we continue going down then?

Shouldn't it stop here?

This is not possible.

We haven’t met our fellow countrymen yet.

I still don’t know what secrets this ancient city of Xuanyuan hides.

How can we stop here?

Thinking of this, Ye Qingyun suddenly looked at the stick of incense again.

"Grandma, I just want to take a shortcut!"

Ye Qingyun gritted his teeth.

"Go and chop that stick of incense for me!"

Ye Qingyun gave the order.

The three divine swords all flew towards the pillar of incense.

This scene.

Everyone saw it too.

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

"What does Ye Gaoren want to do?"

"Is he trying to break the stick of incense?"

"How can this test be broken so easily?"

next moment.

The Three Ultimate Divine Sword flew in front of the stick of incense.

The three swords fell together.

Click, click, click!

The tall fragrance, which looked like a bamboo pole, was cut into three pieces in an instant.

That was the moment Gao Xiang was cut off.

All the chess puppets in the square.

It all stopped in an instant.

Don't move any more.

It seemed as if he had lost his strength all of a sudden.

Everyone was shocked.

For a moment, I had no idea what was going on.

"Congratulations on passing!"

The shrill voice of an old eunuch sounded.

It's just that this voice is somewhat speechless and helpless.

No one could have imagined that Ye Qingyun would directly end this test in this way.
Completely inconsistent with common sense.

The result happened.


All the chess puppets disappeared.

Only then did everyone realize that the test was really completed in such an outrageous way?

Isn't this too hasty?

You said earlier that you could attack that stick of incense, why should we go to all the trouble?

As soon as I came up, I smashed your incense burner together.

That would be so trouble-free.


Huikong clasped his hands together, his face full of enthusiasm.

"The Holy Son has already seen through everything! If it weren't for our incompetence, the Holy Son would never have taken action himself!"

"Everything in this ancient city of Xuanyuan is invisible under the eyes of the Holy Son!"

Listening to Huikong's compliments, the others couldn't help but feel that it was outrageous. Instead, they all nodded in agreement.

At this moment, they all felt that since Ye Qingyun was not the owner of Xuanyuan Ancient City, he must have seen through everything in this ancient city.

That's why Ye Qingyun was able to lead them all the way here.

Even the test in Wandao Square could be solved by Ye Qingyun in such an outrageous way.

Perhaps Ye Qingyun's method is the most correct way to pass the test.

The time it takes to hold up a stick of incense is actually the behavior of a stupid person.

Only someone as unfathomable and infinitely wise as Ye Qingyun can find the real way to pass the test.

Ye Qingyun actually didn't expect it either.

If you cut off the incense, you will really pass the test.


But then I thought about it, maybe this was another back door opened by the fellow countryman.

Only people like me would constantly think about taking shortcuts.

If it had been anyone else, they would have been stupid enough to hold on to the stick of incense and not even think about these evil ways.

"Can you still pass the test like this?"

at this time.

Deep in the ancient city of Xuanyuan, a very strange figure quietly emerged.

This strange figure stared blankly in the direction of Wandao Square, and his whole body felt bad.

"Damn it!!!"

The strange figure jumped like a thunderbolt.

"Back then, I held on for a whole stick of incense! I almost died in this square!"

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! How could they get through so easily?"

"I'm not willing to give in!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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