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Chapter 1427 The Wrath of the Five Poison Demon Saints

 Facing the method proposed by Ye Qingyun, the Nine Spirit Demon Saint originally wanted to reject it directly.

But then I thought about it.

This doesn't seem to be a bad thing for Tianjiang.

Use the least sacrifice in exchange for the greatest benefit.

Why not do it?

In the current situation, although Tianjiang has the upper hand, it has defeated hundreds of families.

But the foundation of Baijia is still there and has not been directly destroyed by this battle. ??

When Baijia takes a breather, it will definitely make a comeback.

There will inevitably be a fierce battle at that time.

Even if they can win in the end, the Tianjiang Monster Clan will definitely pay a heavy price.

And the fall of the Demon Saint is definitely inevitable.

But if Ye Qingyun's method is adopted, five top experts from each group will compete.

The outcome of the contest will determine the outcome of the hundreds of families in the Central Plains and Tianjiang.

This not only avoids excessive casualties.

It can also capture the Central Plains faster.

No matter how you think about it, it's a good deal.

"This method is good, but can your Majesty make decisions on behalf of the Baijia?"

The Nine Spirit Demon Saint's words were filled with suspicion.

"In the final analysis, these are the words of one person, and without people from hundreds of families expressing their opinions, it is really hard for me to trust you."

Ye Qingyun smiled slightly.

"On the Baijia side, I will naturally explain the situation, but on the Tianjiang Monster Clan side, can you, the Nine Spirit Demon Saint, make the decision?"

The Nine Spirit Demon Saint hesitated for a moment.

"I'm going back to discuss it and give you an answer later."

Such a big matter is related to the outcome of the battle between Tianjiang and the Central Plains. Naturally, it is impossible for the Nine Spirit Demon Saint to make the decision alone.

No matter what, we need to discuss it with the Five Poison Demon Saints.

"Okay, let's just say it. You and I will give our respective answers in three days."

Ye Qingyun made the decision directly.

"If everyone agrees, then the outcome will be decided according to the method Ye said."

"If you don't agree, the war will continue, but I, Ye, will also help the Central Plains side to participate in the war. You can weigh the consequences yourself."

After saying that, Ye Qingyun stopped talking nonsense.

"let's go."


Jian Tianming and Huikong responded immediately, and Huikong pocketed the pure gold chair at the same time.

And Ye Qingyun didn't forget the Royal Sky Chariot.

Although this thing has been scrapped, Ye Qingyun still wants to take it back and find the weapon refiners in Shengong City to repair it again.

"Nine Spirit Demon Saint, Mr. Ye has always valued peace. I hope you can understand."

Ye Qingyun said one last word to the Nine Spirit Demon Saint, and then left the Scarlet Blood Ancient Plains with Huikong and Jian Tianming in the Sun Chaser.

The group of demons watched Ye Qingyun and the others leave.

No one caught up.

No one has any intention of catching up.


A strong man who can grasp the origin of heaven and earth, not even the Nine Spirit Demon Saint dares to take action against him.

How dare they pursue it?

"Lord Jiuling, do we really want to agree to this person's proposal?"

Mrs. Bones asked.

"If you want to talk to me, there is no need to agree to it. Now we have the advantage in our territory. Hundreds of families are like lost dogs. We can sweep through them."

Heaven-Shaking Ant Saint Tone
He said very forcefully.

"Lord Jiuling, please order me to lead an army to sweep the Central Plains!"

The Nine Spirit Demon Saint glanced at the Sky-Shaking Ant Saint.

"Do you despise Baijia so much?"

The Heaven-Shaking Ant Saint was startled and quickly lowered his head.

"I don't dare, it's just"


The Nine Spirit Demon Saint scolded somewhat displeasedly.

The Sky-Shaking Ant Saint clenched his fists and gritted his teeth secretly, but he did not dare to say anything anymore.

"Do you really think that Baijia has no power to resist?"

The Nine Spirit Demon Saint looked around at the group of demons, his eyes becoming sharper than ever before.

"We were able to win this time not because the hundreds of families were weak, but because the hundreds of families were fighting among themselves, and we were caught by surprise, so we were able to achieve such a result!"

"There are still several saints from hundreds of families alive, so what are you going to do to sweep across the Central Plains? Can you, the Sky-Shaking Ant King, wipe out these saints from the Central Plains all by yourself?"

The Sky-Shaking Ant Saint lowered his head, his face slightly distorted.

The group of demons even fell into silence.

"The hundreds of families have been passed down for a long time. If you want to destroy the hundreds of families, most of the demon saints present will probably die."

"I would like to ask, which one of you is willing to die together with the saints from hundreds of families?"

The entire Scarlet Blood Ancient Plain was silent.

No one spoke.

Especially those demon saints were silent.

To die together with the saints from hundreds of schools of thought?

No demon saint would be willing to do so.

"You guys stay here temporarily while I go discuss this matter with the Five Poison Demon Saints."

"Without the orders from me and the Five Poison Demon Saints, you are not allowed to act without authorization!"


The demons responded.

The Nine Spirit Demon Saint immediately disappeared from the spot.

"Huikong, turn your head and look a little to see if those monsters are catching up?"

"oh oh."

On the boat, Huikong turned his head and looked back.

"Holy Son, no monsters are chasing you."

"Okay! Keep flying!"

A while passed again.

"Huikong, take another look. Have the demon clan caught up?"


Huikong turned around and looked again.

"Holy Son, there is not a single demon clan."

"That's good, that's good."

After repeatedly confirming that no monsters were catching up, Ye Qingyun, who had always maintained his image as a master and remained motionless, finally let out a long sigh of relief.

The whole person sat on the deck of the flying boat all of a sudden.

My whole body seemed to be exhausted.

too tired!

It’s really tiring to pretend to be superior.

Especially in the situation just now, I was tense all the time and didn't dare to relax for a moment.

My heartbeat doesn't even dare to beat a little faster.

Just afraid of showing cowardice.

Fortunately, Ye Qingyun's performance is as stable as ever.

I finally got over that scary scene.



"It almost made me pee!"

Jian Tianming and Huikong have long been accustomed to Ye Qingyun's two extremely contrasting faces.

Don’t be surprised. .??.

"Amitabha, the Holy Son is really kind and generous, and has never killed those demon clans in Tianjiang."

Huikong said with emotion.

Ye Qingyun rolled his eyes.

I thought I was just going to kill someone.

If anyone comes forward at random, killing me is like killing a chicken.

If it weren't for my calmness and wisdom, you two would have died with me long ago.

"Young Master Ye must not be able to bear to see the Central Plains devastated, so he made such a suggestion. I think the Tianjiang Monster Clan will definitely adopt Young Master Ye's method."

Jian Tianming's face was full of admiration.

He originally thought that Ye Qingyun would destroy the demons in Tianjiang alone.

This is certainly domineering.

But the killings caused were really too great.

But I didn't expect it.

Ye Qingyun's pattern is even bigger.

He does not want to destroy the Tianjiang monster clan, but to stop the war between the Central Plains and Tianjiang.

To resolve this war at the minimum cost!

The situation suddenly opened up.

What does it mean to be a true master?

For the sake of all living beings in the world, this is the true master!

Enough to be admired by all living beings!

Ye Qingyun was too lazy to say anything more.


Just think whatever you like.

An hour later.

Ye Qingyun finally met Mu Yangzi.

Mu Yangzi escaped with the entire Taixuan Mansion before, thus saving the Taoist lineage.

There were no casualties in Taixuan Mansion.

Mu Yangzi was not just running for his life, but went to other places in the Taoist sect and gathered all the remaining Taoist sect members.

After all, Dao Sect suffered heavy losses, and the other eight meridians were breached.

Fortunately, there are still many people alive.

Everyone gathered in Taixuan Mansion.

After reuniting with Ye Qingyun, Mu Yangzi and others also found out that Ye Qingyun had actually met a Tianjiang boss like Jiuling Demon Saint.

Everyone was shocked.

I didn't expect Ye Qingyun to be able to escape calmly among a large group of powerful people from Tianjiang such as the Nine Spirit Demon Saint.


It even frightened the group of monsters, and decided on a method for the powerful Saint Realm warriors from both sides to come out to stop the war.

You are really brave and resourceful, and you have the world in mind!

"I am not the one who can make the decision on this matter. I'd better call in all the people from hundreds of families and discuss it together. After all, it is related to the safety of the entire Central Plains."

Ye Qingyun said to Mu Yangzi and other Taoist senior officials.


Mu Yangzi and others took action immediately.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no movement from the Tianjiang Monster Clan, he quickly contacted hundreds of other forces.

Mohism, Confucianism, Legalism, Farmers and other forces quickly responded.

As for the method proposed by Ye Qingyun, as soon as everyone met, they all
Everyone agreed.

"Since it is Mr. Ye's suggestion, we should respect it."

"Master Ye, this method is very good. It can avoid unnecessary fighting."

"Yes! If this battle continues, there will be too many casualties."

"It's just that you have to be very careful about who you choose to fight."

Everyone gathered together and talked a lot, but they felt a little confused about who should be selected for the battle.

"Mr. Ye, if we look at the candidates for the battle, can Mr. Ye occupy a spot?"

Mohist sage Yan Wuqiu asked cautiously.

Ye Qingyun immediately shook his head.

"I am not a member of the Baijia, so I cannot represent the Baijia in battle."


I don't want to go to war.

The risk is too great, Tianjiang must send out top-notch experts.

Isn’t it just a matter of getting someone’s head if I force this dish on you?

Of course, I still have to speak nicer, so they can't let them think that I, Ye Qingyun, don't dare to fight because I'm a coward.

After everyone heard this, they all understood what Ye Qingyun meant.

Ye Qingyun is not from Baijia, so it is not easy to represent Baijia in battle.

Moreover, Tianjiang now knows that Ye Qingyun's strength is unpredictable, so naturally they will not agree to Ye Qingyun representing Baijia in the battle.

No one dared to force Ye Qingyun.

Ye Qingyun is willing to help negotiate with Tianjiang, which is already a great show of kindness.

When it comes to going to war, it is up to the Baijia themselves to decide on the candidates.


Five Poison Peaks.

The Nine Spirit Demon Saint came here and met the Five Poison Demon Saint.

The Five Poison Demon Saints were originally doing their exercises, but when they saw the arrival of the Nine Spirit Demon Saints, they immediately stopped doing their exercises.

"Old Poison Monster, I'll inform you about the matter on the way. What do you think?"

Nine Spirit Demon Saint asked directly.

"Jiuling, you were deceived by that human race!"

The Five Poison Demon Saint said unceremoniously.

The Nine Spirit Demon Saint was startled.

"Being cheated? What does this mean?"

There was a cold look in the completely different eyes of the Five Poison Demon Saints.

"Now that we have the advantage in our territory, why should we care about the so-called methods of the human race? If we continue to suppress the territory with an army, hundreds of families will be destroyed!"

"If you listen to what the human race said, it will undoubtedly give hundreds of families a chance to breathe, and it will also make the advantage that I, Tianjiang, finally gained completely disappear!"

"Jiuling, you are so confused!"

The Five Poison Demon Saint scolded him unceremoniously.

The Nine Spirit Demon Saint stood there blankly, a little at a loss for a moment.

For a while.

The Nine Spirit Demon Saint showed a complex expression.

"Then what do you think should be done?"

The Five Poison Demon Saint snorted.

"Now that the matter is over, I will personally go to the Central Plains to learn about this human race called Ye Qingyun."

"If he is really as unfathomable as you say, then it wouldn't be a bad idea to follow his method."

"But if he is just a facade and has no ability, then I will kill him immediately."

"As soon as this person dies, you will directly lead the Tianjiang army to wipe out hundreds of families in one go!"

This chapter has been completed!
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