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Chapter 1467 The Source of Tao Sect!

 Sheng Xiaozi already understood.

At this moment, she was experiencing everything that Dao Ancestor had experienced in the past.

What I saw was what Daozu saw back then!


That vague and mysterious figure in white, that vigorous and wild word "Tao". ??

These are all scenes that Taozu has seen.

Sheng Xiaozi is experiencing everything that has happened from the perspective of Taozu.

Looking at the word "Tao" reflected in the sky, Sheng Xiaozi felt the endless charm of Tao from it.

Although it is just the word "Tao", it seems to be able to evolve all things in the world.

All the inheritance of Taoism can evolve from this word "Tao".

The source of all Taoism and supernatural powers!

Even Taoism, the oldest inheritance, is derived from the word "Tao".

This is the source of Taoism!

Including three volumes of Taoist scriptures!

It was also after Tao Ancestor witnessed the word "Tao" with his own eyes that he realized something and wrote three volumes of Tao Jing himself, which were passed down from generation to generation by Taoists and regarded as a supreme treasure.

Tracing back to its origin, it is the word "Tao".

"Does everything in my Taoism actually come from this word?"

Sheng Xiaozi's heart was trembling.

She couldn't imagine this at all.

It was simply too shocking.

If everyone in the Taoist community knew about it, I am afraid that no Taoist would believe it all.

But Sheng Xiaozi had no doubts.

Because this is the biggest secret of the three volumes of Taoism.

Hidden the roots of Taoist inheritance!

It also explains why Taozu was able to write three volumes of Taoist scriptures and other unparalleled classics.

"Who is that figure?"

Sheng Xiaozi stared at the figure in white among the sea of ​​clouds.

I want to try my best to see that person's face clearly.

The figure in white seemed to be able to feel Sheng Xiaozi's gaze.

Turn around slowly.

Sheng Xiaozi's eyes kept gathering, not daring to relax at all.

I was afraid that if I relaxed for a moment, I would miss that person's face.


Sheng Xiaozi saw the face of the figure in white.

Although it was a sudden appearance and very blurry.

But Sheng Xiaozi remembered this face!

It is the missing portrait on the last page of the third volume of the Taoist Scriptures.

The face is even more similar to Ye Qingyun!
"Could it be"

Sheng Xiaozi's heart trembled.

The whole person fell into an indescribable shock.

A very scary possibility occurred to her.

The person who left behind the word "Tao" may be Ye Qingyun!

And it was precisely because Daozu saw this character that he became Daozu.

Created a lineage of Taoism.

In other words.

That figure in white, that is, the person who looks like Ye Qingyun, is the real source of everything.

It was he who enlightened Taozu with just one word.

Let Tao Ancestor create the Tao Sect!

The Taoist ancestor was grateful for all this, so he left the not-so-realistic portrait on the last page of the third volume of the Taoist Scriptures.

He also left behind those words that confused Sheng Xiaozi for many years.

"If I have the chance, I would like to see your face again!"

These are the words left by Daozu.

This is what Sheng Xiaozi experienced just now.

"So this is the truth of everything?"

Sheng Xiaozi was in a trance.

She has recovered from that mysterious state.

Looking around, I was still on the mountain peak where I just landed.

But everything he had experienced before was deeply imprinted on Sheng Xiaozi's mind.

It is impossible to forget even a little bit in this life.

Sheng Xiaozi looked at the three volumes of Taoist scriptures in his hand and fell into a long silence.

It took quite a while.

Only then did Sheng Xiaozi take a deep breath.

He glanced back in the direction of Taixuan Mansion.

A look of awe appeared on his face.

"It's so ridiculous for me to be so rude to such peerless masters."

Sheng Xiaozi felt very regretful.

Only now did she truly realize how presumptuous her previous attitude towards Ye Qingyun was.

Although it is not necessarily the case that Ye Qingyun was the person who inspired Taoist ancestors, there must be a very close relationship.

No matter what, this is an unimaginable and supreme existence.

Yet he dared to be rude to him.

It's really too presumptuous.

This means that the expert didn't care about it. If he really wanted to care about it, he would be afraid that he would not be able to eat and walk around.


Senior, it's a pity that you are already in the Holy Realm. If you knew that this person has reappeared between heaven and earth, I don't know how happy you would be."

Sheng Xiaozi murmured.

Towering Shu Mountain.

Not long ago, it was invaded by the Tianjiang Monster Clan, the war raged, and Shushan was destroyed.

Fortunately, Tianjiang retreated later, and the surviving people in Shushan were rebuilding Shushan under the leadership of Chang Qingzi.

Although his vitality was severely damaged, fortunately, his foundation was not lost, especially the mountain-suppressing spiritual beast Cai Xukun, who saved a group of elite disciples in Shushan during times of crisis.

These are the seeds of Shushan’s future.

The fact that they did not die in battle is the greatest blessing of Shushan.

The reconstruction of Shushan went quite smoothly, and Cai Xukun, a big guy, was also very hardworking. He did all the dirty work.

But there is still a question that has always troubled everyone in Shushan and even the entire Taoist sect.

That is the Demon Locking Tower!

The Demon Locking Tower was broken, and all the demons and ghosts that had been suppressed inside for many years escaped.

Although some demons and monsters were destroyed before.

But more demons and monsters are still alive.

Among them were two terrifying beings who were once imprisoned on the top floor with the Ghost Immortal Heart. After escaping, not only did they not make trouble, but they chose to lie dormant.

This is the scariest thing.

We are not afraid of demons and ghosts making trouble, but we are afraid of these demons and ghosts dormant.

Hidden in the dark!

No one knows when these guys will pop up.

Don't be afraid of thieves stealing, just be afraid of thieves missing you.

If these monsters and ghosts are not eliminated for a day, how can the hearts of hundreds of people be at peace?

I will always be on tenterhooks.

Therefore, Baijia has been sending people to track down these monsters.

But with little success.

All that can be found are small fish and shrimps.

There are not many really powerful guys out there.

In the rebuilt hall in Shushan, Chang Qingzi looked at the jade slip in his hand and frowned.

"Master, what happened again?"

The elders on the side felt nervous when they saw the change in Chang Qingzi's face.

Too many things have happened recently.

Especially Shushan.

It can be described as a series of bad luck.

To be more miserable, it is estimated that no one among the hundreds of forces can be worse than Shushan.

"Mu Yangzi sent news,
Ye Gaoren plans to gather people and enter Jiuyou Cave!"

Chang Qingzi said in a deep voice.


The elders looked at each other in astonishment.

"Why is this? Now is the time to recuperate and recuperate, why do you want to rush into Jiuyou Cave?"

"Yes! Why does Master Ye have such a plan?"

"Nine Nether Cave is extraordinary. It is one of the ten most forbidden places. Many people were killed in it in the past years."

The elders were all surprised and puzzled.

Chang Qingzi also didn't quite understand. Although this was what Ye Qingyun meant, no matter how you looked at it, the Bai family had just experienced the war, and it was definitely not appropriate to rush into such a dangerous place.

"Don't be impatient for a moment, wait until I ask again."

Chang Qingzi comforted everyone.

Immediately, Mu Yangzi was summoned to inquire about the specific situation.

But at this moment.


An astonishing saint's aura suddenly erupted from under the Shu Mountain.

Soaring straight into the sky!

The entire Shu Mountain was shaking.

Chang Qingzi and other senior officials in Shushan were also shocked and rushed out.

"It's Uncle Xiaoyaozi!"

Everyone was surprised when they saw this saintly aura.

Chang Qingzi, who has been in seclusion for a long time, should be coming out of seclusion now.


It looks like they are going to make another breakthrough!

The saint's aura continues to rise, and the strong men throughout the Central Plains are feeling it.

They all looked towards Shushan.

"What an amazing holy spirit!"

"This aura should be that of Xiaoyaozi."

"Is Xiaoyaozi about to break through?"

The holy energy surges into the sky, causing strange phenomena to appear in the sky.

But Chang Qingzi and others in Shushan changed their expressions.

"Such visions are so vague and dim, and the rise of holy energy seems to be weak."

Chang Qingzi looked at the holy energy in the sky, but his heart sank.

He had realized that Xiaoyaozi was forcing his way out of seclusion and planned to use all his strength to break through.

But at this time, it seems that the chance of a successful breakthrough is only


Xiaoyaozi said before retreating that if the breakthrough failed, he would not stay in the Central Plains and would choose to escape into the Holy Land.

In the holy realm, seek opportunities for breakthrough!

This chapter has been completed!
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