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Chapter 1490 Huikong’s destiny!

 After leaving the Eastern Land of the Tang Dynasty, Huikong flew straight to Beichuan without stopping.

The vast Beichuan sky is filled with wind and snow.

Naturally, I felt emotional when I revisited Huikong’s old place.

But now the huge crisis will come at any time, so Huikong doesn't have much mood to lament the past.

He immediately went to meet the three major ancient tribes in Beichuan.

Naturally, the heads of the three ancient clans were very familiar with Huikong.

When Ye Qingyun came to the land of Beichuan for the second time, he was regarded as a god by the three ancient tribes of Beichuan. Huikong also spent some time with the chiefs of the three ancient tribes.

Huikong told the three clan leaders about his purpose of coming, hoping that they could help the Western Territory and jointly deal with the monster world.

The three clan leaders learned about this and immediately realized the seriousness of the matter.

When the Three-Eyed Heavenly Lord released a strange demon king that was sealed in the land of Beichuan, the three major ancient tribes also saw the power of that strange demon king.

And this is just the weakest of the twelve demon kings in the demon world.

It's already so powerful.

If the world of monsters and demons were to fully invade, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Although Beichuan is far away from the Western Territory, if the Western Territory collapses completely, how can Beichuan be spared?

Therefore, at this time, the four regions cannot just focus on sweeping away the snow in front of each other, but must unite to fight together.

The three major ancient tribes naturally understand this truth.

"Don't worry, we will take the most powerful warriors in the clan to the west!"

"I will do my best to help you!"

"The glory of the gods will protect us!"

After Huikong paid his respects to the three ancient tribes, he immediately headed overseas.

Go straight to Luna Palace!

Today’s overseas places are very different from those in the past.

In the past, in overseas places, three palaces and six courtyards stood side by side, each ruling the roost overseas.

After Ye Qingyun went overseas, the three palaces merged into one, and the Sixth Court also followed Ye Qingyun's lead and was willing to obey Ye Qingyun's orders at any time.

It can be regarded as twisting the scattered forces into a rope.

All matters overseas are controlled by the Moon God Palace.

Leng Muxue is the overlord of overseas lands.

Huikong's arrival surprised Leng Muxue, but she was also looking forward to it.

Huikong is here, so Ye Qingyun should be here too.

But then Leng Muxue realized that Huikong came alone, and it was about the demon world.

"The world of monsters and monsters?"

The snowflakes turned pale in the cold dusk.

"I have read it in the ancient books of the Moon God Palace. It seems to be a great disaster in ancient times."

The Lord of the Heavenly Palace on the side, now the Great Protector of the Moon God Palace, also nodded repeatedly.

"I have also heard that hundreds of heroes from ancient times joined forces and made huge sacrifices to defeat the demonic world."

"If the world of monsters and monsters really comes again, the world will definitely be in chaos, and the harm will not be greater than that of ghosts and immortals!"


When Leng Muxue heard this, she immediately understood Huikong's intention.

"Do you want my overseas forces to rush to the Western Territory to fight against the demonic world?"

Huikong nodded, his expression a little complicated.

"The young monk also knows that there will definitely be casualties here, but the young monk has no choice."

"The young monk can only guarantee that if there is a bloody battle, I, the monk from the Western Region, will die before you all!"

Leng Muxue pondered slightly.

"I see!"

"Whether it's for Mr. Ye's sake or for the sake of all the people in the world, overseas forces will fully help!"

Huikong was overjoyed.

"Thank you so much, Lord Leng!"

Leng Muxue even invited the masters of the Sixth Academy and told them the matter.

The heads of the six courtyards are all descendants of Confucianism. Although they are not orthodox Confucianists, they all understand the things of the demonic world.

Although I was a little scared, I still agreed to rush to the west to help out.

After all, this is not a matter for one person or one place, but a catastrophe faced by the entire four realms.

Once the Western Territory is lost, who can escape?

Huikong said goodbye to Leng Muxue and others, and then went to the last destination.

Southern wilderness!

The reason why I went to Southern Wilderness last was because Southern Wilderness must be the best to persuade.

Because Fuyun Mountain is in Nanhuang.

This is where Ye Qingyun’s foundation lies!

Fuyun Mountain is the most powerful existence in the Four Realms.

Huikong returned to Southern Wilderness and rushed all the way to Fuyun Mountain.

But on the way, Huikong saw many newly built temples.

Human Emperor Temple!

Although they vary in size, they are all called the Renhuang Temple without exception.

This surprised Huikong.

When did these Human Emperor Temples appear in the Southern Wilderness?

"It seems that during the time we went to the Central Plains, something happened in the Southern Wilderness."

Huikong secretly speculated.

He came to a temple of the Human Emperor. There were many people coming in and out, and the incense was very strong.

Out of curiosity, Huikong walked into the Temple of the Human Emperor.

Looking up, I couldn't help but be stunned.

The golden statue standing in the palace looked like Guo Xiaoyun.

His expression and appearance are all lifelike.

It's just that he has an imperial crown on his head and a sword in his hand with the word "Human Emperor" engraved on it.

"how so?"

Huikong couldn't believe it.

He knew that Guo Xiaoyun was destined to be the Human Emperor and was destined to become the Human Emperor of the Southern Wilderness in the future.

I didn't expect it, just passed

It’s only been two years since I left, so how come I’ve already built a temple and offered incense?

Huikong was very confused and immediately returned to Fuyun Mountain without stopping.

When we arrived at the foot of Fuyun Mountain, we saw another Temple of the Human Emperor.

It is also the largest human emperor temple I have seen all the way.

Stand in a very conspicuous position.

The building is very majestic.

The incense here is even more prosperous, and people from hundreds of miles around will come here to offer incense, and from time to time, the leaders of various forces in the former Southern Wilderness will come here to worship.

"Senior Brother Huikong?"

The monks at the foot of the mountain saw Huikong.

"It's Senior Brother Huikong!"

"Senior Brother Huikong is back!"

"Master Huikong!"

Huikong's return aroused great joy among the monks at the foot of the mountain.

Everyone in Yuntian City was also alarmed.

Come quickly to meet Huikong.

"Blind donor, Chu donor, Shen donor!"

"And all the donors, long time no see!"

Seeing the old blind man, Chu Hanyang, Shen Tianhua and other acquaintances, Huikong's heavy mood that he had been suppressing finally eased.

A long-lost smile appeared on his face.

Although Huikong did not grow up in Fuyun Mountain, now that he has returned to Fuyun Mountain, he feels extremely at ease.

It seems that this is Huikong's true root.

"Huikong, why did you come back suddenly?"

"Where is Mr. Ye?"

"Why are you the only one coming back?"

Everyone looked at Huikong, and they were both happy and surprised.

Moreover, Huikong and Ye Qingyun have always been inseparable. Why is it that now only Huikong is seen but Ye Qingyun is not seen?

Everyone couldn't help but be a little worried, fearing that something might happen to Ye Qingyun in the Central Plains.

Huikong immediately explained.

Only then did everyone know what was going on.

"By the way, the young monk saw that there are many human emperor temples all over the Southern Wasteland, even here. And why is this statue of the human emperor the donor of Xiaoyun?"

Huikong also asked about his doubts.

Mentioning this, everyone in Yuntian City and the monks in Fuyun Mountain all had sad expressions on their faces.

Huikong was also vaguely aware of it.

"Alas, Xiaoyun is already dead."

The old blind man sighed and talked about what happened before.

After Huikong heard this, he stood there stunned for a long time.

Then he took a deep breath, with a look of compassion on his face.


Huikong clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name again and again.

"Donor Xiaoyun and Donor Yue are willing to sacrifice for the sake of all people in the world. This is a supreme merit!"

Huikong looked at the Renhuang Temple not far away,
His face was full of admiration.

"So, in one year's time, Donor Xiaoyun should be able to return."

The old blind man nodded, "Yes, Xiaoyun will definitely be able to return in a year!"

Then the old blind man looked at Huikong with a complicated expression.

"Junior Brother Chu and I had some ominous feelings before, so we worked together to deduce that something big is going to happen in the Western Region."

Huikong hummed and didn't hide anything.

He knew that the old blind man and Chu Hanyang had the ability to make deductions, which was no weaker than the masters of Taoism in the Central Plains.

For such a big thing in the world of monsters and monsters, the two of them must be able to figure it out.

Besides, I came here just to deal with things in the demon world, so naturally I couldn't hide it from everyone.

Everyone knew Huikong's purpose of coming and the crisis that the four realms were facing now, and they couldn't help but change their expressions.

"This time is probably the biggest disaster in the four realms since the end of ancient times!"

Shen Tianhua said in a deep voice.

Huikong looked at everyone, "The little monk is here, hoping that you can lend a helping hand and work together to fight against the evil world."

As he spoke, Huikong bowed to everyone.

The old blind man immediately waved his hand.

"Huikong, we are old acquaintances, so there is no need for this trick."

"As long as you say a word, everyone in Yuntian City will immediately rush to the Western Region to fight alongside you!"

Many monks on the side also nodded.

"When Buddhism is in trouble, we should fight with all our strength!"

"How can we let Senior Brother Huikong bear everything alone?"

"How can a Buddhist be afraid of death?"

Seeing the determined expressions of everyone present, Huikong almost couldn't help crying.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

Huikong didn't know what to say, so he could only say thank you.

The old blind man patted Huikong on the shoulder.

"Since Mr. Ye has not come back, it is extremely risky to fight against the demon world this time. You'd better go up the mountain as soon as possible. It may be helpful."

Huikong nodded, ready to go up the mountain.

The old blind man hesitated for a moment, then called Huikong.

"Huikong, would you like me and Junior Brother Chu to calculate a hexagram for you?"

Huikong smiled when he heard this.

"Thank you for your kindness, no need!"

After saying that, Huikong strode up the mountain.

The old blind man looked at Huikong's figure walking up the mountain, but he couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Chu Hanyang also looked solemn, with a look of intolerance on his face.

"Senior brother, Master Huikong's fate is probably..."

The old blind man shook his head.

"He knows best and there is no need for us to remind him."

"Besides, the fate is like this. Even if you and I tell Huikong, will he be afraid?"

This chapter has been completed!
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