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Chapter 151 The Eternal Secret Known By Everyone

 "Then what?"

Ye Qingyun looked at Mo Fo Bo Xun expectantly.

Wait for this guy to tell his past.

"Then, I vowed to destroy Buddhism!"

Mo Fo Bo Xun said coldly.

"Well, isn't there anything else in between? For example, how did Buddhism ruin everything for you?"

"I don't want to mention this."

"Oh well."

Ye Qingyun was speechless for a while.

After sitting for a while, the number of guests in the teahouse gradually increased.

Soon, the entire teahouse was packed.

Huang Fusheng is here.

Today is his storytelling day.

"Master Huang, today we should still tell the story of Fengshenyanyi, right?"

"This story is so exciting, I dream about this story every night."

"I can't wait to know the ending of Fengshenyan right away!"

The guests all looked at Huang Fusheng with expectation.

Ever since Huang Fusheng started telling stories about Shen Yanyi, the teahouse business has become more prosperous than ever.

All the customers who came to the teahouse came to listen to Huang Fusheng's storytelling.

As for tea?

That was just a casual thing.

Huang Fusheng came to the stage, smiling and slightly arching his hands to everyone.

"Everyone, I've been waiting for a long time."

"Today, let's continue talking about the story of the gods."

"This time today, Nezha is born in Chentangguan."

When everyone heard this, they all became energetic.

"Speaking of which, there is a rare treasure in the Golden Light Cave, and it will be the most benevolent one in the world."

"The Zhou Dynasty is in a good mood, and the Zhou family should destroy their spirit."

"There have always been many pillars of good fortune, and there have been calamities in times of prosperity since ancient times."

"In the year of Wu, there was a period of Jiazi, and the government and the public were completely ruined."

"It is said that there is a general soldier in Chentangguan, his surname is Li Mingjing. He has been practicing Taoism since he was a child. He became a disciple of Zhenren Du'e of Xikunlun and learned the Five Elements Escape Technique."

"Because the path to immortality is difficult to achieve, I went down the mountain to assist King Zhou, and became the commander-in-chief of the army, enjoying the wealth and honor of the world."

"The first wife of the Yin family has two sons, the eldest son Jin Zha and the second son Mu Zha."

"Mrs. Yin later became pregnant again. She was already three years old.
six months"

A story about the romance of the gods was slowly told from the mouth of Huang Fusheng.

Everyone was immediately immersed in the dreamlike world of the gods.

Everyone listened with great interest.

Ye Qingyun and Mofo Boxun in the corner were also listening.

Ye Qingyun is the only one who is very calm.

Because the story of Fengshen Yanyi is all too familiar to him.

But Mo Fo Bo Xun showed a look of shock.

Could this storyteller be telling a secret from eternity ago?

The demon Buddha Bo Xun once found a place where the Buddha was buried.

There, Demon Buddha Bo Xun got a glimpse of some things that happened in ancient times.

It seems somewhat similar to the story told by this storyteller.

But the storyteller is just a mortal, how could he possibly know the secrets from eternity ago?

Mofo Boxun recalled the vision of heaven and earth when he escaped from trouble.

"Could it be that this person revealed the eternal secrets, caused great changes in the world, and allowed me to escape from trouble?"

For a moment, the way Mo Fo Bo Xun looked at Huang Fusheng changed.

"How's it going? Isn't this story pretty good?"

Ye Qingyun asked.

Mofo Boxun looked solemn.

"The story this man told is extraordinary."

Ye Qingyun smiled faintly.

"Of course, this is the story I gave him."

As soon as he said this, Demon Buddha Bo Xun suddenly looked at Ye Qingyun.

Did this person give this story to the storyteller?

"Do you know the eternal secret?"

Mofo Boxun asked.

"What is the eternal secret?"

"you do not know?"

"Of course I don't know."

"What about this storyteller's story?"

"I told him."

"Then you know the eternal secret."

"I have no idea

Yeah, what's the eternal secret?"


The two had a confusing conversation.

In the end, both Ye Qingyun and Mofo Boxun were a little dizzy.

"Nezha came to Baodemen, but he didn't see Ao Guang, and he saw that the gates of the Heavenly Palace were not open."

"Nezha was standing under the Juxian Gate. Not long after, he saw Ao Guang walking to the Nantian Gate. Seeing that the Nantian Gate was not open, Ao Guang stood down and waited."

"Nezha saw Ao Guang, but Ao Guang couldn't see Nezha."

"Zhenren Taiyi drew a talisman on Nezha's heart, called the invisibility talisman, so Ao Guang could not see Nezha."

"Seeing Ao Guang waiting here, Nezha was furious. He took a big step, raised the Qiankun Circle in his hand, circled the back of Ao Guang's heart, and made a hungry tiger pounce on him, causing him to fall to the ground."

"Nezha caught up and stepped on his heart. I don't know what Ao Guang Xinming is doing. I'll listen to the next chapter to explain."

Having said this, Huang Fusheng patted the gavel.

Everyone suddenly woke up.

Each and every one of them showed their unfinished expression.

"Young Master Huang, please say another paragraph."

"Yes, did Nezha beat Ao Guang to death later?"

“This is so exciting to hear!”

"I like Nezha so much."

Everyone felt that it was not enough and wanted Huang Fusheng to say more.

But Huang Fusheng is very principled and will not say more after finishing this paragraph.

He turned and left.


When I turned around, I happened to see Ye Qingyun and Mo Fo Bo Xun sitting in the corner.

Huang Fusheng came over immediately.

"Master Ye."

Huang Fusheng bowed and saluted.

For Ye Qingyun, Huang Fusheng is sincerely grateful and respectful.

It was Ye Qingyun who changed Huang Fusheng's thoughts and life.

It can be said that Ye Qingyun is Huang Fusheng's life mentor.

"The book is pretty good."

Ye Qingyun said with a smile.

Huang Fusheng looked a little shy.

"The story of Fengshen Yanyi is good in itself, and it is also the credit of Mr. Ye."
"If Mr. Ye hadn't given me this story, I wouldn't have been able to tell it to everyone."

It was really given by Ye Qingyun.

When Mo Buddha Bo Xun heard this, he suddenly became horrified.

Who is this Ye Qingyun?

Not to mention that his cultivation is unfathomable, but he still knows the eternal secrets?

Could it be that he is a remnant of the eternal past?

Otherwise, none of this can be explained.

"Master Ye, who is this?"

Huang Fusheng looked at Mo Fo Bo Xun, feeling that this man had an extraordinary temperament, and was a little surprised.

"This is my friend, Xiaobo."


Hearing this title, Mo Fo Bo Xun almost stopped.

"My lord, Huang Fusheng, Brother Bo is so polite."

Huang Fusheng politely hugged the demon Buddha Bo Xun.

Mo Fo Bo Xun did not neglect either.

"That's polite."

Huang Fusheng smiled and said, "If you have free time today, I would like to invite you two to sit in the humble house for a while."

Ye Qingyun looked at Mo Fo Bo Xun.

"Next time, we have something to do today."

But Huang Fusheng was very enthusiastic and strongly invited the two of them to come as guests.

In desperation, the two of them are worth going.

Huang Fusheng's home is not far away.

It is an old courtyard.

It can be seen that it has been a long time.

Ye Qingyun looked at the old courtyard and couldn't help but ask, "You are not short of money anymore, why don't you buy a better courtyard to live in?"

Huang Fusheng smiled and said, "I'm used to it."

Then he pushed the door open and entered.

Ye Qingyun and Mofo Boxun were about to follow them in.



The door to the yard next door opened.

A girl as beautiful as a flower came out.

Mofo Boxun looked at it subconsciously.

I couldn't help but tremble all over.

His cultivation is almost out of control!

This girl's appearance was exactly the same as the smile deep inside his heart.

This chapter has been completed!
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