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Chapter 1584 Wanted Order

 "Where the hell is this place?"

In the dense jungle, Ye Qingyun only wore a pair of underpants, holding Da Mao in his arms and looking around blankly.

He looks weak, pitiful and helpless.

"Da Mao, it seems that we have traveled through time again, how can we deal with this?"

Ye Qingyun complained endlessly and looked like he was about to cry.

Da Mao was held tightly by him, his face was expressionless and he looked very calm.

Ye Qingyun had no idea what was happening.

He was still sleeping before, but out of nowhere the bed took off.

He and Da Mao also flew together.

As a result, after flying for a while, the splashing in front of my eyes suddenly became colorful.

Then Ye Qingyun and Da Mao fell down together.

He fell in this forest.

As for the bed that flew over with me, I don’t know where it went, and I don’t know where it fell.

It wasn't that Ye Qingyun felt sorry for the bed he had slept on for more than ten years, but that he didn't even have any clothes on him.

I just wore a pair of black pants.

And a storage bag hidden in the pants.

Of course, no one knows why Ye Qingyun hid the storage bag in his pants.

I don’t mind the diaphragm either.

The weeds all over the ground scratched Ye Qingyun's butt and legs.

"I'm really screwed. I'm not prepared at all. Is the system trying to trick me?"

Ye Qingyun cursed, the big hairy eyes in his arms rolled around, looking guilty.

Although the incident happened suddenly, everything around him was still very unfamiliar.

But Ye Qingyun didn't complain for too long.

He calmed down quickly.

After all, he was a person who had traveled through time and had an experience. Although this time it was very sudden, fortunately there was a dog following him.

Although this dog was useless, if he hadn't been by his side, he would have been captured and cooked into dog meat in a few days.

"Da Mao, don't run around by yourself. If you're not familiar with the place here, you might be captured and eaten by someone."

Ye Qingyun warned Da Mao earnestly.

Da Mao barked.

It seemed to be in response to Ye Qingyun's words.

Ye Qingyun took Da Mao and cautiously began to explore the distance.

Don't even say it.

As Ye Qingyun walked, he found a village that looked very ordinary.

"Great! It seems like this is still a place for people to stay."

Seeing those buildings, Ye Qingyun breathed a sigh of relief.

He was really afraid that he would travel to a terrifying world full of ferocious beasts.
Terrible place.

However, just in case, Ye Qingyun still observed Zhuangzi for a while very cautiously.

Ye Qingyun felt more relieved until he saw people entering and exiting Zhuangzi, who looked like ordinary people.

He put his hand into his pants and took out his storage bag.

In the end, Ye Qingyun actually found two pieces of clothing.

It was replaced immediately.

After changing his clothes, Ye Qingyun plucked up the courage and walked towards the village with Da Mao.

If you go to the village wearing only a pair of underpants, you will probably be arrested as a pervert by the locals.

But Ye Qingyun didn't expect that something seemed to be happening in this village.

The villagers were all hiding in their homes, with the doors tightly closed. Only a few brave enough dared to poke their heads out and take a look.

Hundreds of people gathered in the open space inside the village gate.

All of them were wearing the same black clothes, with many weapons in their hands, and their auras were very powerful.

It can be seen that these should be people of the same force.

But I don’t know why they gathered in this village.

Ye Qingyun walked in directly because he didn't know the situation, and naturally he happened to run into this group of people.

For a while.

Hundreds of people all looked at Ye Qingyun.

Ye Qingyun was immediately frightened.

"Wow, you can't carry it like this, right?"

Ye Qingyun's heart suddenly started beating.

Or else turn around and run away?

But this seems too guilty, and this group of people will definitely catch up to him to find out.

He might even see his whereabouts as suspicious, so he might just come up and chop him with a knife.


Don't panic at this time.

Be calm!

I need to bring out the pretentiousness that I, Ye, am best at.

Ye Qingyun looked as usual and walked calmly.

He put his hands directly behind his back and walked towards the crowd with a smile on his face.


But when he heard a sharp shout, a young man headed by him also walked towards Ye Qingyun.

This young man looks majestic, with good facial features and fair and rosy skin.

It’s very eye-catching to look at.

Ye Qingyun took a look at the good guy.

This guy is quite handsome.

Compared with my appearance, Mr. Ye, I am only slightly better than half.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The handsome young man raised the long sword in his hand and shouted at Ye Qingyun.

Ye Qingyun clasped his fists and said "I'm here"

Before Ye Qingyun could answer, he saw several people walking out from behind the handsome young man and immediately surrounded Ye Qingyun.

But Da Mao was ignored by them.

It seemed that Da Mao was regarded as an ordinary native dog in this village.

"Young Sect Master, this person doesn't look like someone from this village. Let's capture him first."

While a man in black was speaking, he had already put his hand on Ye Qingyun.

Before Ye Qingyun could struggle, the other people took out iron chains and tied up Ye Qingyun's hands and feet.

Moreover, he also took out a piece of purple talisman paper with strange lines engraved on it and pasted it directly on Ye Qingyun's chest.

Ye Qingyun was stunned.

What's going on?

Are you treating me, Ye, as a zombie?

I am such a big living person, what kind of talisman do you put on me?

And why don't you let me speak?

He didn't even give me a chance to talk nonsense.

"Young Sect Leader, the troops from the other three sects have probably already headed to Juetian Ridge. We can't delay here any longer. We must rush to Juetian Ridge immediately."

The middle-aged man in black next to the handsome young man urged.

"The four sects joining forces this time are the immortal orders of Qianxian Mansion. If our Chenjian Sect lags behind, I am afraid we will be blamed by Qianxian Mansion."

Hearing this, the young sect leader also frowned.

"Take this person with you and keep him under good supervision. We will set off to Juetian Ridge immediately!"


Following the young sect leader's order, hundreds of people set off in unison.

Ye Qingyun was also wrapped up in the crowd and led out of the village together.

Da Mao watched Ye Qingyun being taken away, and was not in a hurry, and just followed the team leisurely.

As a result, no one found Da Mao following behind.

From the conversation between the young sect leader and others, Ye Qingyun had a rough idea of ​​the situation.

These people come from a force called Chenjian Sect, and the handsome young man who leads them is still a young sect leader.

And their group of people came here to go to a place called Juetian Ridge, and they were not just the Chen Jian Sect family, but also other three parties.

As for the Ganxian Mansion, it seems to be an existence that is superior to the four forces including the Chenjian Sect.

But Ye Qingyun still doesn't know what the Chen Jian Sect and others are doing in Juetian Ridge?

They seemed to be in a hurry, and all of them looked worried.

"Let me tell you, if you have anything to say, let's talk it over. Can you let me go first?"

"I have heard of the name of Chenjian Sect for a long time, and I have always been fascinated by it."

"Young sect leader, I don't have any ill intentions. In fact, I'm here to help."

Originally, the young sect master never paid attention to Ye Qingyun's words. It was not until Ye Qingyun said that he was here to help out that he looked back at Ye Qingyun.

"Are you here to help?"

Seeing that the other party finally paid attention to him, Ye Qingyun nodded quickly.

"Yes, yes, I heard that the Chen Sword Sect was going to Juetian Ridge, so I came here specially to help."

The young sect master's brows relaxed slightly, but he was still a little suspicious.

"Whose cultivator are you? Or a casual cultivator?"

Ye Qingyun rolled his eyes.

"I am a casual cultivator."


He was unfamiliar with the place and didn't know what kind of influence he had, so he could only say that he was a casual cultivator.

"Young Sect Master, this person's cultivation is low. At first glance, he looks like a casual cultivator."

The middle-aged man in black on the side said with some disdain.

"Although he is a casual cultivator, he still dares to come to help out despite knowing that Juetian Ridge is extremely dangerous. This is considered a bit of courage."

The young sect master nodded slightly, but he was no longer as cold towards Ye Qingyun as before.

However, he did not let Ye Qingyun loose. He was not that naive and believed Ye Qingyun's words casually.

"Young Sect Master, Qianxian Mansion issued a notice not long ago. Is it a wanted order from Wuzhuang?"

"Oh? Wuzhuang's wanted order?"

Upon hearing this, the young sect leader's expression suddenly changed.

"Who is wanted by Wuzhuang? I'm afraid he is an unparalleled murderer."

The middle-aged man in black said, "It is said that he is an ascendant who is wanted in the lower world, and he is a person with the surname Ye."

"Any force under Wuzhuang that captures an ascendant named Ye can come to Wuzhuang to receive the reward!"

The young sect leader laughed when he heard this.

"Ascended ones? That's easy. These ascended ones have always been of low strength and can be captured casually."

Having said this, the young sect leader was suddenly startled and turned back to look at Ye Qingyun.

"I don't know your name yet?"

This chapter has been completed!
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