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Chapter 2012 The Reproduction of Kirin

 The sheep on the top of the sky pretended to be like a mad dog, jumping up and down in the Tibetan Holy Forest tirelessly, using his body to shake the magic circle again and again.

This magic circle, which was personally arranged by Immortal Zhenyuan, was violently shaken again and again by Yang Dingtian's collision.

It seems that it will be broken through by the sheep at any time.

But it's still a little bit worse.

The formation seemed to be on the verge of reaching its limit, but it did not collapse. It seemed that the force of Yang Dingtian's every collision was just within the range that the formation could withstand.

The collision lasted most of the day.

Although Yang Dingtian is still full of energy, he also feels a little boring.

"Damn it! This magic circle is really evil!"

"I've been banging against you for so long, but it doesn't work at all!"

Yang Dingtian cursed and fell into the Hidden Holy Forest.

The female Qilin Bathing Snow on the side looked at Yang Dingtian with complicated eyes.

"What are you looking at me for?"

Yang Dingtian said angrily.

"You can't break this magic circle."

Baoxue said lightly.


The sheep scoffed.

"If we can't break it today, I will continue tomorrow!"

"If you can't do it tomorrow, you can do it the day after tomorrow!"

"I don't believe that this magic circle can trap me for the rest of my life?"

Hearing this, Baoxue shook her head helplessly.

"Although you have improved very quickly, you still lack something."

"I do not believe."


Bath Xue almost couldn't hold back her strength.

This Yang Dingtian is really a bit annoying. After all, I can be considered your senior and I have helped you improve so much.

It turned out that this guy was not polite at all.

What you say is tough.

"I, the Qilin clan, like several other great holy beasts, have infinite potential, but we cannot truly improve our combat power by relying solely on Yimo's training."

"Only real combat can serve as a better training ground."

"What you lack is fighting."

Baoxue said to Yang Dingtian with a serious face.

Yang Dingtian still looked disdainful.

It has already understood this truth.

When he was in the lower realm, every time he fought against a strong enemy, Yang Dingtian's strength would improve by leaps and bounds.

It has long known its own strength and can continuously break through in battle.

"Come on, I'll fight you."

Yang Dingtian was so eager to give it a try that he started to sign with Baoxue.

Xue rolled her eyes for a while.

"You and I are both unicorns. I know your capabilities very well. Fighting with me will not be of any help to you."

"Then who can I fight? I can't get out of this damn place."

Yang Dingtian seemed a little irritable.

"It's not difficult to get out. If you and I work together, we have a chance to break this magic circle."

Bao Xue raised her head and glanced at the formation light screen above.

"But right now, there is one more important thing."

"What's the matter?"


"What the hell?"

Yang Dingtian looked at Baoxue with a blank expression.

It wasn't that it was surprised by Bao Xue's words, but it simply didn't know what the word "reproduction" meant.

It sounds very complicated.

no way.

Although Yang Dingtian is a unicorn, he is a unicorn with little culture.

“What does reproduction mean?”

Yang Dingtian asked blankly.

This time it was Baoxue's turn to be dumbfounded.

fuck me

Even if this guy has a bad mind, there is no need to be so stupid, right?

Don’t you even know what reproduction means?

Could it be that the bloodline memory of the Qilin clan has not been passed down to it?

"What on earth are you doing?"

Seeing Baoxue in a daze, Yang Dingtian asked impatiently.

Bao Xue took a deep breath and tried to calm down her increasingly irritable mentality.

"The only ones left in the Qilin clan are you and me."


"So, you and I shoulder the mission of reviving the Qilin clan."

"What do you mean?"

"You and I will give birth to offspring for the Qilin clan so that the Qilin clan can grow stronger."

"Um, I seem to understand."

After Bao Xue spoke to this extent, Yang Dingtian finally understood.

Relationships are like giving birth to children!

Tell me earlier.

If you had just said you would have a baby, it would be fine.

What else is there about reproduction?

Can I understand reproduction?

After figuring out what Bath Xue meant, Yang Dingtian stared at Bath Xue warily.

"Don't try to trick me!"

"My uncle is keeping his integrity and is not interested in having children with you!"

"And you are too old. You are already tens of thousands of years old."

"There is an age gap between us. I am young and it is a good time to make achievements."

"I'm not in the mood for anything else!"

Yang Dingtian's words really made Bath Xue extremely angry.

I really couldn't bear it anymore.

He rushed up and beat Yang Dingtian violently.

"Well, you stinky bitch! Do you want to be a bully?"

"I would rather die than obey!"

"I will never succumb to your power!"

The two unicorns had another crackling fight.

The beating caused the entire Tibetan Holy Forest to shake continuously.

However, Yang Dingtian is no longer what it used to be. In just two months, its strength has improved.

Although he still can't defeat Yuxue, he won't be pressed to the ground and rubbed by Yuxue at will like before.

After fighting for a full hour, seeing that it was difficult to determine the outcome, Bao Xue did not continue the fight.

Stopped voluntarily.

Yang Dingtianze was still staring at Baoxue warily, as if he was afraid that she would have ideas about him.

"If we, the Qilin clan, want to reproduce, we don't need to mate with yin and yang."

"As long as your blood and mine are combined, and each of us is injected with a piece of Kirin's original power, we can give birth to Kirin offspring."

Baoxue said helplessly.

"Ah? So simple?"

Yang Dingtian looked surprised.

"Then you should have said it earlier, just said no earlier."

"I thought I was going to do that, but it scared me."

"It turns out it's that simple."

bathing in snow ""

They are all Qilins, so they should have this kind of bloodline memory.

Why does Yang Dingtian seem to have lost his memory and not know anything about this?

"Then do you agree?"

"That's not a problem."

Yang Dingtian nodded, but suddenly thought of something.

"Wait a minute, we are all locked up here, even if there is a little Qilin, we are still locked up here. Isn't that too frustrating?"

"If it were me, I wouldn't want to be born in a hellish place like this."

Hearing this, Baoxue was quite surprised and looked at Yang Dingtian in surprise.

It seems that she didn't expect that Yang Dingtian would have such an idea.

If the little Qilin is born and is locked up here like the two of us without freedom, then it would be better not to be born at all.

"It doesn't matter, as long as little Qilin is born, we can all leave this place."

Baoxue said.

"Believe me."

Yang Dingtian hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded in agreement.


Baoxue also told Yang Dingtian that if the little Qilin is born, he must return to the ancestral land of the Qilin clan, which is Yunlei Tiangu.

Only there can the little unicorn be perfectly conceived, and the unicorn bloodline in the future will become more and more pure.


Yang Dingtian and Baoxue each released a stream of Qilin blood essence.

The two streams of essence and blood kept getting closer and soon merged together.


For a time, the two streams of Qilin essence and blood continuously merged, blooming bursts of pure and rich Qilin aura.

Baoxue looked at the mass of essence and blood expectantly.

"If my bloodline is more pure, then the little unicorn will be a female."

The reproduction method of the Kirin family is so special.

The essence and blood of two unicorns, a male and a female, must be combined to create a baby unicorn.

Moreover, whichever side's bloodline is more pure will be favored by the little Qilin in all aspects.

Bath Xue naturally hopes that little Qilin will be more like herself.

After all, if you prefer Yang Dingtian, you would be a little fool.

"Break into the power of the unicorn."

Seeing that the time was ripe, Baoxue said immediately.


Yang Dingtian and Baoxue simultaneously exerted their own Qilin power and injected it into the mass of essence and blood.

At this moment, the aura in the essence and blood increased greatly.

A breath of life is born.

The brilliance of the holy beast reaches straight into the sky.

All the immortals in Wuzhuang were alarmed and looked in the direction of the Hidden Saint Forest.

"This is the aura of the Qilin Holy Beast! But it's not the two Qilin!"

"Could it be that those two unicorns have already given birth to a little unicorn?"

"Not bad! Absolutely not bad! This is the breath of the newborn Kirin!"

At the same time that Wuzhuang was alarmed, Yun Huizi, Yu Hengzi, and Feng Xuanzi also came to the sky side by side.

Looking at the ray of light rising into the sky, the three of them looked at each other.

Everyone nodded.

"It's almost time to let them out."

This chapter has been completed!
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