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Chapter 2342 Who is the real murderer?

 A thin, dark dog with a shackle on its neck.

There was also a fairy talisman stuck on the dog's head, which sealed all the magic power of this thin dog.

This dark and thin dog is the barking dog under the command of Zhenjun Erlang.

At this moment.

Roaring Sky Dog is being taken by Erlang Zhenjun to Miluo Palace.

Fairy Guanghan, Yue Lao, and the seven fairies walked together.

The group of gods who were watching the fun did not follow. After all, this matter was going to be caused by the Nine Heavens Immortal Lord. Even if they wanted to join in the fun, they did not dare to go to Miluo Palace casually.

Xiao Tian Quan's heart was very broken at this moment. ??

It never expected that it would be regarded as a dog thief.

Now he has to be taken to the Nine Heavens Immortal Lord for trial.

This is so unjust!

How can I have the courage to do those things?

Even those who go down to earth to have a private meeting with their sweetheart are cautious, for fear of being caught.

it's good now.

Putting such a big crime on my roaring dog's head will cost my dog's life.

The Roaring Dog howled in agony.

Now I just hope that when I get to the Immortal Lord, I can figure out my own affairs.

Don't let yourself take the blame.


Milo Palace has arrived.

"come in."

A mellow voice came from Miluo Palace.

With three points of helplessness.

It was the voice of the Nine Heavens Immortal Lord.


Erlang Zhenjun and others walked into Miluo Palace one after another.

A pair of eyes looked at the silver-robed figure sitting on the throne of the Immortal Lord.

"Meet the Immortal Lord!"

Several people bowed and saluted.

Even the Roaring Sky Dog lay on the ground and lowered his head repeatedly.

The Nine Heavens Immortal looked at the gods and a dog below, and his face couldn't help but twitch.

What the hell is this thing called?

He actually made a fuss and came to me.

Very annoying.

But I have to come and "justice" these guys.

Really tiring.

I don’t want to work in this position of Immortal Master for a whole day.

Someone come and take over for me as soon as possible.

"Dear immortals, why are you here?"

Jiutian Xianzun asked with a calm expression.

Just when Erlang Zhenjun wanted to speak first, he saw Yue Lao beside him suddenly kneeling on the ground.

He cried and howled at the Nine Heavens Immortal Lord.

"My dear Immortal! You have to make the decision for me!"

"Old minister, I'm wronged! It's so wronged!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu This old minister's heart feels so cold!"

Several people were stunned by Yue Lao's reaction.

The Nine Heavens Immortal Lord also looked at Yue Lao with a confused expression.

Good guy!

This old thing is really crying.

The tears and snot flowed down all the time.

Those who didn't know thought that this old guy had been greatly wronged.
"Ahem, old fairy, don't cry, just tell the truth."

"If there is any injustice, I will make the decision for you."

Jiutian Immortal Lord said quickly.

I'm afraid that this old thing won't stop crying anymore

But even so.

Yue Lao still cried for a while before slowly stopping.

Even if you listen.

This old thing is also twitching.

That’s called an investment!

"My dear Immortal! This old minister's marriage book was snatched away by this damn Roaring Dog!"

"It even kicked the old minister and almost sent him away on the spot!"

"Look, Immortal Lord! The injury is still on the old minister's body!"

Yue Lao opened his robe, and sure enough, there was a bright red dog footprint on his shoulder.

Jiutian Xianzun glanced at it, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

His eyes immediately turned to Erlang Zhenjun.

And the trembling barking dog at his feet.

"Immortal Lord, this matter"

Erlang Zhenjun just wanted to explain.

He was interrupted again by the Seven Fairies.

The seven fairies came forward together and started chattering.

"Lord Immortal, the peach garden our sisters are responsible for guarding has also been stolen!"

"It's a dog! It's a dog when I see it!"

"He even locked up all our sisters!"

"Eighteen fairy peaches! Eighteen fairy peaches were stolen!"

"There are dog footprints under the tree!"

As they spoke, the seven fairies all looked at the roaring dog.

The barking dog was so frightened that it even clamped its tail.

"Immortal Lord, please allow me to do this."

Erlang Zhenjun spoke quickly.

It started to get interrupted.

"Immortal Lord, my clothes were stolen by this damn roaring dog!"


The Nine Heavens Immortal Lord suddenly stood up with a look of astonishment on his face.

"This is happening!"

Yue Lao and the Seven Fairies all looked at the Nine Heavens Immortal with strange eyes.

When we were talking just now, why were you sitting there so calmly?

Why did Fairy Guanghan react so suddenly when she heard that her clothes were lost?

Could it be that the marriage book and fairy peach we lost are not as good as a piece of clothing from Fairy Guanghan?

Why do you feel that you, Immortal Lord, attach great importance to Fairy Guanghan's clothes?


"Cough cough cough!"

Seemingly realizing that his reaction was a bit too intense, Jiutian Xianzun blushed and quickly sat down again.

He regained his previous calmness.

"It's just clothes. If you lose them, just throw them away. I will just give the fairy another piece."

Fairy Guanghan's pretty face turned slightly red.

"My clothes are very important, they are close to my body."

This statement

After leaving, the entire Miluo Palace became quiet.

The atmosphere is even more weird.

Even Erlang Zhenjun couldn't hold himself any longer, and his face twitched.

Jiutian Xianzun opened his mouth, but didn't say anything.

Just pretend you didn't hear this.

"In other words, you all met a dog and committed theft?"

"It's not theft! It's robbery!"

Yue Lao also specially emphasized it.

The Nine Heavens Immortal Lord hummed and looked at Erlang Zhenjun.

Erlang Zhenjun can finally speak.

"Immortal Lord, these things were not done by Xiaotian Dog. I can testify for Xiaotian Dog."

Yue Lao was the first to jump up.

"Testify? Look at the dog footprints on my body! You will know after comparing them!"

Erlang Zhenjun's face darkened.

"Of course we have to compare."

At that moment, Erlang Zhenjun compared the paws of Roaring Sky Dog with the marks on Yue Lao's body.

As a result, this comparison made Erlang Zhenjun's face become even more ugly.

Exactly the same!!!

Almost exactly.

Even the barking dog was panicked.

The dog's eyes were wide open and he couldn't believe it all.

"Did you see it? Did you see it?"

"The footprints are exactly the same!"

"You still say it wasn't the Roaring Sky Dog? Even if you are the God of Justice, you shouldn't be telling lies here, right?"

Yue Lao seemed to have grasped the handle and immediately pointed the finger at Zhenjun Erlang.


Erlang Zhenjun was also stupid.

He even stared at the roaring dog with suspicious eyes.

He was a little doubtful, was this bitch lying?

Is it really what it did?

Is it because you are afraid that you will find out, so you deliberately make up a lie and say that it went down to earth to have a private meeting with your old lover?

If that was the case, then I really wouldn't be able to afford it this time.

I'm going to suffer terribly from this dog.

"Zhenjun Erlang, what else do you have to say?"

Jiutian Immortal asked.

Erlang Zhenjun was slightly silent.

But he still told the truth that he knew.

"Reporting to the Immortal Lord, the Roaring Sky Dog was indeed not in the True Lord's Palace last night. It came down to earth privately."

At that moment, Erlang Zhenjun told the story about Roaring Sky Dog's private descent to earth.

"You are clearly trying to excuse Roaring Sky Dog!"

Yue Lao naturally didn't believe it and was the first to question it.

"How could there be such a coincidence?"

Fairy Guanghan also looked at True Lord Erlang with suspicion.


Erlang Zhenjun is also hard to explain.

After all, Xiaotian Quan himself said this, and he is not sure whether it is true or not.

If it's fake.

That would really be a big disaster.
"Immortal Lord, the evidence is now conclusive, and True Lord Erlang cannot prove the innocence of Roaring Sky Dog. Roaring Sky Dog should be severely punished according to the laws of heaven!"

Yue Lao said immediately.

At this time, Zhenjun Erlang suddenly panicked.

The Roaring Dog was also so frightened that he whined and screamed.

Jiutian Xianzun looked troubled and didn't know what to do.

At this moment.

Taibaijinxing rushed in with all his might.

"Immortal Lord! Dear fellow immortals, I know what is going on!"

Seeing the arrival of Taibai Jinxing, Jiutian Immortal Master immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he knew deep down what was going on, but he couldn't say it out loud.

Fortunately Taibaijinxing is here.

Then simply let Taibai Jinxing handle this matter.

"You seven go out first."

As soon as Taibai Jinxing came in, he drove out the seven fairies with the lowest immortal rank.


Taibai Jinxing looked at Roaring Sky Dog and saw its pitiful look. Taibai Jinxing was also a little bit dumbfounded.

This is a big deal.

I am simply taking the blame for that adult.

"This matter is indeed not the work of Roaring Sky Dog."

Taibai Jinxing has a cryptic expression.

"That adult is back, and all this is what that adult meant."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Fairy Guanghan, Yue Lao, Erlang Zhenjun and Roaring Sky Dog all changed drastically.

I immediately understood what it meant.

Especially Roaring Dog, he almost cried.


It turns out that I, the dog, took the blame for that adult.

Think about it this way.


Why am I still a little honored?

"What does that adult want from my marriage book?"

Yue Lao looked confused.

Taibai Jinxing glanced at Yue Lao.

"Of course the lord has made arrangements, what are you worrying about?"

Yue Lao was immediately speechless.

Fairy Guanghan on the side was hesitant to speak.

If the marriage book can still be of some use, that adult needs his own personal clothes.

What is this for?

In the Bamboo Forest.

Ye Qingyun looked at the things in the yard with a suspicious look.

Then he looked at Da Mao, who had an innocent face on the side.

"What is all this?"

Ye Qingyun picked up a fairy peach and looked at the red booklet next to it.

And a piece of white, somewhat see-through clothing.


Ye Qingyun put down the Xiantao and picked up this piece of clothing.

Suddenly a delicate fragrance hit my nostrils.

"Why do these clothes feel weird?"

Ye Qingyun's eyes widened and he studied the transparent white clothing carefully, scanning the inside and outside of the clothing with his sharp eyes.

"Why is there still fur on this?"

This chapter has been completed!
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