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Chapter 2660 Change of Heart

"Ah ah ah! Don't take it, don't take it!"

Within the confinement of the world, the ancient god Lao Liu kept emitting shrill screams, which really made those who heard it sad and those who saw it shed tears.

But he saw Ye Qingyun standing in front of Ancient God Lao Liu, reaching out and digging into Ancient God Lao Liu's heart.

It's like digging out a sewer.

It’s so exciting to tinker with it. .??.

The ancient god Laoliu howled and screamed as he dug out, and his huge body began to twitch.

"Three of them were rescued, and you are the only one left in my hands."

"If I don't pay, who will pay?"

"Just scream, even if your throat is broken, no one will come to save you!"

Ye Qingyun used this method of digging out his heart to make his hand appear in the Temple of Nothingness, shocking the ancient gods.

From this, it can be understood that the so-called rescue method is to use the brand to connect to the heart of the ancient god, so that the ancient god can be transported back to the Temple of Nothingness from this world.

Ye Qingyun failed to realize this in time before, so Ancient God Lao Wu, Ancient God Lao Qi and Ancient God Lao Jiu were rescued.

However, Ancient God Lao Liu was unlucky and was stopped by Ye Qingyun in time.

After much heartbreaking, Ancient God Lao Liu completely lost the chance to escape back to the Temple of Nothingness.

Ye Qingyun worked hard for another stick of incense until the imprint left by the ancient god Lao Liu in the Temple of Nothingness was completely disintegrated.

Then he withdrew his hand from the heart of Ancient God Lao Liu.

"I'm exhausted."

Ye Qingyun shook off the blood of the ancient gods on his hand, looking very disgusted.

Ancient God Lao Liu really wanted to cry at this moment.

My heart was filled with despair.

All three of them were rescued, why was I the only one left?

Is it just because I am the sixth child that I have bad luck?


I don’t want to be the sixth child anymore. Who made me the sixth child?

Why should the sixth child suffer such unfair treatment?

Plop! Plop! Plop!

The heart of the ancient god Laosi was in Ye Qingyun's other hand, and it was beating surgingly, like the sound of a dull drum.

Although he was tricked by the ancient god boss and rescued the three ancient gods, Ye Qingyun also relied on Da Mao to take the heart of the fourth ancient god.

It can be regarded as a win for each other.

But in Ye Qingyun's view, he still suffered a loss after all.

After all, the heart of an ancient god cannot compare to the three ancient gods who were rescued.

"The Temple of Nothingness was probably not created by your ancient gods, right?"

Ye Qingyun looked at the painful and weak Ancient God Lao Liu and suddenly asked.


Ancient God Lao Liu didn't even hear clearly what Ye Qingyun asked.

"The Temple of Nothingness was probably not created by your ancient gods, right?"

Ye Qingyun repeated it.

Ancient God Lao Liu looked at Ye Qingyun blankly, not quite understanding why Ye Qingyun would suddenly mention this.

"Huh! I can't possibly tell you anything!"

Ye Qingyun curled his lips, then flew towards Ancient God Lao Liu, and stretched out his sinful little hand, intending to perform the unique skill of digging out the heart of Ancient God Lao Liu again.

Seeing Ye Qingyun's sinful little hand reaching towards him, Ancient God Lao Liu was so frightened that his heart began to hurt violently.

"How dare you do this? Do you still have humanity? I am an ancient god! You can't torture me like this!"

"Where are you talking about Nima!"

Ye Qingyun didn't bother to care what he said to criticize, he just stretched out his hand and started to take it out.


Ancient God Lao Liu screamed again.

"I say! I say! The Temple of Nothingness was indeed not created by our ancient gods!"

Under such torture, the ancient god

After all, Lao Liu couldn't bear it anymore.

"Then where did this Temple of Nothingness come from?"

Ye Qingyun asked again.

"Not sure, when we were waiting for the birth of the ancient god, this temple also appeared at the same time."

"According to what the boss said, the Temple of Nothingness is the companion of the ancient gods like us, and is connected to the destiny of the ancient gods like us."

Ancient God Lao Liu said with a pale face.

Hearing this, Ye Qingyun couldn't help but frown.

When the Ancient God was born, the Temple of Nothingness also appeared at the same time?

Moreover, it was the boss of the Ancient God who told the other Ancient Gods that the Temple of Nothingness was a companion of the Ancient God? Is it connected to the fate of the Ancient God?

This sounds weird.

If the ancient gods are really the oldest and most powerful creatures in the realm of nothingness, then at the beginning of the birth of the nine ancient gods, there should be no other things in this boundless and empty realm of nothingness.

Everything should be created by their nine ancient gods.

The Temple of Nothingness was not created by their ancient gods?

Whether it is the companion of their ancient gods or not, it is just the words of the boss of the ancient gods to the other ancient gods.

If what the Ancient God Boss said is not true, then there may be another reason for the existence of this Temple of Nothingness.

"The Nine Ancient Gods of the Temple of Nothingness transcend the tenth level of nothingness and reach the highest realm"

Ye Qingyun murmured to himself, with a somewhat thoughtful look on his eyebrows.

In a daze, Ye Qingyun seemed to have touched the deeper and unsearchable secrets of the realm of nothingness.

Almost at the same time.

The black-robed Ye Qingyun who was guarding the ancient god's body, the white-robed Ye Qingyun who was in the future years, and even the purple-robed "Ye Qingyun" who was sealed in the ancient god's body, felt something in their hearts at the same time.

Especially Ye Qingyun in white clothes. When he was in the future years, when he had that strange feeling in his heart, he knew it was Ye Qingyun from the current world.

Ye Qingyun in white showed a faint smile, and his figure became erratic.

In the coming years, unpredictable changes will also occur.

"You found Da Mao and made a different choice than I did."

"Everything will change because of you."

"As for me, and this future that should never have existed, we can finally be freed."

The elder of the ancient gods returned to the Temple of Nothingness with the fourth child who had lost the heart of the ancient gods.

Seven of the nine ancient gods gathered together at this moment.

Missing is the ancient god Lao Ba who has been killed long ago, and the unlucky ancient god Lao Liu.

All the other ancient gods are here.

Although the three ancient gods were successfully rescued, there was not much joy among the ancient gods, and the atmosphere was rather dull.

Especially the second ancient god, his face was even more ugly.

He felt that he had been teased by Ye Qingyun, and he was still in the Temple of Nothingness. This was really hard for the second ancient god to accept.

"I didn't expect that Ye Qingyun would be so difficult to deal with, and that our secret plan would be blocked by him!"

The second ancient god glanced at the fourth child who had lost the heart of the ancient god, and couldn't help gritting his teeth.

The elder ancient god looked very indifferent. He glanced at the nine great thrones and then looked at the ancient god Lao Jiu.

next moment.

The boss of the ancient gods made a move that was beyond the expectations of all the ancient gods.

He grabbed the Ancient God Lao Jiu, and under his shocked gaze, he forcefully dug out the Heart of the Ancient God.


Several ancient gods all turned pale, and the ancient god Lao Jiu even screamed miserably.

He wanted to struggle, but as the weakest Ancient God, he had little power to resist in front of the Boss Ancient God.

What's more, his Heart of the Ancient God has been held by the Boss of the Ancient God, and even if he has the power, he can't use it.

The elder ancient god didn't pay attention to Lao Jiu's screams, and directly handed the heart of the ancient god he took out to the fourth ancient god.

"Lao Jiu, I've wronged you a little."

This chapter has been completed!
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