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Chapter 2664 Nuwa’s progress

Ancient God Armor!

Ancient God's War Spear!

This is Nuwa's new attitude, and it is also the realm she realized after gaining stronger power and reflecting on the stupid and clumsy fighting methods of the ancient gods.

You don't need to transform into the huge ancient god's body, you already have the power of the ancient god's body, and condense the ancient god's power into armor and spears, both offensive and defensive than the simple ancient god's body. Significantly.

But at this moment, Nuwa, holding a war spear and wearing a battle armor, was quite different from her previous image.

It has the feeling of a battlefield Valkyrie.

Ye Qingyun was also a little bright-eyed.

"You have indeed grown a lot."

Nuwa snorted coldly. Although she was unwilling to accept Ye Qingyun's praise, she was still a little proud for no reason.

"Come on, let me see what you can do with this attitude."

Before Ye Qingyun finished speaking, Nuwa had already disappeared.

All of a sudden.

Countless figures of Nuwa appeared around Ye Qingyun, and each figure was almost the same as Nuwa's body.

They all attacked Ye Qingyun with war spears in hand.

Ye Qingyun's body turned around, but his body did not move, but four clones appeared in front of him and behind him.

The clone took action and blocked all the incoming figures of Nuwa.

Even though Nuwa's figure is endless and attacks Ye Qingyun in an endless stream, she still cannot get past Ye Qingyun's four clones.

But it can be seen with the naked eye that Ye Qingyun's four clones are also rapidly consuming strength. Obviously, it is not easy for the clones to withstand Nuwa's fierce offensive.


Countless Nuwa shouted in unison, and the terrifying power actually shook Ye Qingyun's four clones.

This caused all the clones to take a step back.

The smile on Ye Qingyun's face became brighter and brighter, and another clone came out from behind him.

Five clones!

Nuwa forced Ye Qingyun to use five clones to deal with it.

Although Ye Qingyun's clone does not have the strength of his original body, it is still enough to put the top powerhouses in the world beyond their reach.

At this moment, Nuwa was forced to use five clones, which shows that Nuwa is also giving Ye Ye

Qingyun has brought some pressure.

"not enough!"

In an instant, all the figures of Nuwa threw out the war spears in their hands.

Countless war spears cut through the void and disappeared in an instant.


Ye Qingyun was startled when he saw that the countless war spears bypassed his five clones and appeared in all directions of the main body.

And the nearest one was only a millimeter away from Ye Qingyun's eyes.

It seemed that the next moment, Ye Qingyun's body would be pierced and torn to pieces by these countless war spears.

Ye Qingyun did not run away because he knew that even if he hid elsewhere, these war spears would follow.

This is a war spear condensed with the power of the ancient gods, and it is endowed with Nuwa's will. It will not lose its target just because you avoid it.

As for using his body to bear it, Ye Qingyun would not do that.

Even if he could bear it, it would still hurt if there were so many war spears condensed by the power of the ancient gods, and they would all pierce his body.

The power of the Chaos Avenue spread instantly around Ye Qingyun.

Like an impassable river, it pulled all the attacking spears of the ancient gods into chaos.

Once it entered the chaos, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, and all the war spears of the ancient gods disappeared.

"I also understand the power of the Avenue of Chaos!"

Nuwa's sharp shout sounded.

The next moment, the long river of chaos formed by Ye Qingyun twisted and deformed. An ancient god's war spear broke through the power of chaos and pointed directly at Ye Qingyun's eyebrows again.

"Good guy! This girl is progressing really fast!"

Ye Qingyun was surprised again.

Nuwa herself is a being in the tenth level of the highest realm. She has already understood and mastered the power of the Great Way of Creation early on. She can give all life to all things in the world and create creatures out of thin air.

But I didn't expect it.

Nuwa actually understood the Avenue of Chaos and was able to master the power of chaos, thus allowing Ye Qingyun to use the Avenue of Chaos.

lose effectiveness.


Ye Qingyun's body once again surged with the power of the supreme avenue.

This time it is the road of time.

A green brilliance emerged, wrapping around the ancient god's war spear that was right in front of him.

At this moment, everything except Ye Qingyun fell into the power of time and became slow.

Ye Qingyun calmly grabbed the ancient god's war spear, and with a flash of light in his hand, he crushed it directly. .??.

And at this moment, the outcome has been decided.

Ye Qingyun was surrounded by the power of the avenue of time, and Nuwa could not touch him at all.

Even when Ye Qingyun walked in front of her, she couldn't realize it.

Because the two are no longer under the same passage of time.

This is the horror of the Avenue of Time.

The moment Ye Qingyun put his palm on Nuwa's head, the power of time disappeared, and Nuwa looked at Ye Qingyun who appeared in front of her in shock.

"you lose."

Ye Qingyun exerted a slight force on his palm, directly shattering the ancient god's armor wrapped around Nuwa's body.

Nuwa stepped back repeatedly, with a look of unwillingness on her face, but she couldn't say a single brave word.

"Leaving aside the tenth level of the Supreme Avenue, your current strength should be half as good as that of the Fourth Ancient God, but it is still not as good as the Third Ancient God."

Ye Qingyun said lightly.

"What? This is impossible!"

Nuwa obviously couldn't accept Ye Qingyun's evaluation.

Even if I haven't reached your level yet, I should have surpassed those ancient gods.

Ye Qingyun said that she was only comparable to the ancient god Lao Si.

"I have refined four ruins of heaven and earth, and also comprehended the Avenue of Chaos and the Avenue of Creation, which are the powers accumulated by the four ancient gods over a long period of time. Except for the head of the ancient gods, the other ancient gods should be inferior to me."

Nuwa said this.

"You underestimate the ancient gods too much, especially the three most powerful ones. There is a big gap between the other ancient gods and those three."

Ye Qingyun said calmly.

"You should also know that the ancient gods cannot use the power of the tenth supreme avenue, but it does not mean that they have nothing to do with the tenth supreme avenue."

"If what I expected is correct, the Third Ancient God, the Second Ancient God and the First Ancient God have all mastered the method of resisting the power of the Supreme Avenue."

"Regardless of whether their method is stupid, at least they won't be helpless when facing the Supreme Avenue."

"And your own ancient god's power is inferior to these three ancient gods, and can only be slightly better than the fourth ancient god."

"If you really have to fight against the fourth ancient god, the outcome cannot be determined, let alone compared with the three stronger ancient gods."

Ye Qingyun's precise comments made Nuwa fall into silence.

Her initial confidence had been shattered.

"But you don't need to be discouraged. Your use of the power of the ancient gods is much better than that of the ancient gods. They have no power, but they can only use it in the simplest and crudest way."

"But you are different. You can use the power of the ancient gods flexibly. Perhaps in the future, this will be your advantage over the ancient gods."

Ye Qingyun did not criticize Nuwa blindly, but also affirmed Nuwa's excellence.


Nuwa stared blankly at Ye Qingyun, inexplicably feeling a little happy about being praised.

But then I thought about it, what am I so happy about? I obviously want to surpass him, so there is no need to be happy because of his praise, right?


I don’t want your praise from Ye Qingyun!

"Of course it's true. Your progress is greater than I thought. It's really good."

Ye Qingyun said with a smile.

Nuwa's face was slightly red, her eyes did not want to meet Ye Qingyun's eyes, and she immediately changed the subject.

"I refined the ruins of four worlds, and vaguely noticed something from those powers."

Ye Qingyun calmed down his expression and looked into the distance.

"It must be related to the Temple of Nothingness."

Nuwa was immediately surprised.

"how do you know?"

This chapter has been completed!
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