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Chapter 2676 Scored Several Scores

"I understand, I understand everything."

"This is Lord Qingyun's painstaking efforts."

"Although Master Qingyun is not from the Sixth World, he knows me so well that he made such an arrangement."

As the Black Stone Great Sage spoke, he dug up this dwarf bamboo shoot with trembling hands.

"I am where I am today only because of my strong will like this bamboo shoot. Even though times have changed, I cannot forget the past."

The dwarf bamboo shoots were dug out by the Black Stone Monkey King and held carefully in his hands.

With a face full of emotion, he put his face close to the bamboo shoot and smelled it deeply.

"Hmm~~What a unique smell!"

"But I don't know how many years it has been brewing. The profound power contained in it is difficult for even me to glimpse." ??

Dahei stared at the Black Stone Monkey King with wide eyes, thinking that this guy with a black face really has good taste.

I can actually smell the owner's unique urine smell.

Don't even say it.

The smell of the owner's urine is indeed quite overwhelming sometimes.

The Great Sage of Black Stone sniffed it several times, his dark face full of intoxication and immersion.

The whole person seemed to be sublimated.

"Thank you Sister Dog for your guidance. I, the Great Sage Blackstone, will keep these kindnesses in my heart and will never forget them!"

This old man was quite polite and did not forget to salute Dahei with his fists raised, and then slowly put the bamboo shoots full of the unique smell of urine into his mouth.

Click click click!

The sound of chewing suddenly sounded.

You can tell from the sound of chewing that these short bamboo shoots are quite crispy.

Just as he was chewing, there was something wrong with the Black Stone Monkey King's face.

Why do you feel like vomiting so much?


Once this disgusting feeling comes up, I can't suppress it at all.

It immediately made the Black Stone Monkey nauseated.

The Great Sage Blackstone was originally filled with tears, but at this moment, he was even more moved to tears by the waves of vomiting.

He tried his best to swallow the bamboo shoots in his mouth.

But the stinky smell kept exploding in the mouth, and the smell rushed up.

It was like someone peed into his mouth a pool of old urine, but he couldn't spit it out, and had to keep it in his mouth for seven to forty-nine days to make the old urine ferment and taste even more.


The Great Sage Blackstone, who had lived for millions of years, felt that this moment was the most torture he had ever experienced in his life.

Want to vomit!

But I dare not vomit!

He felt from the bottom of his heart that this was the test he had to endure.

How can we take such an opportunity lightly?

Easy to get?

If you can't even bear this pain, what qualifications do you have to get this unprecedented opportunity?

Under Dahei's sympathetic gaze, Blackstone Monkey King burst out with astonishing perseverance.

The million-year-old monster still has some abilities after all.

He forcefully swallowed this extremely smelly bamboo shoot.

The moment he swallowed all the bamboo shoots, the Great Sage Blackstone fell to the ground, as if his whole body had lost all strength.

That's called being exhausted.

It's simply more tiring than fighting someone.


The Great Sage of Black Stone suddenly hit a barrier, and the smell rushed up again. He quickly covered his mouth and took several deep breaths.

Only then did he suppress the feeling of vomiting rising in his throat.

at the same time.

The same faint golden light as the bamboo shoot appeared on the body of the Black Stone Great Sage.

Golden brilliance emanated from his body, and even his originally dark face became less dark.

"This is"

The Great Sage Blackstone seemed to feel something, and quickly got up and sat cross-legged on the ground.

When Dahei saw this scene, he knew that nothing happened to him, so he waggled his tail and left the bamboo forest.

The Great Sage of Black Stone sat cross-legged on the ground, and the golden light around his body became increasingly intense until it enveloped his entire body.

There was only a golden ball of light left, and no one could be seen inside.

And the Black Stone Great Sage in the golden light group is going through the biggest transformation in his life.

Blackstone clan, endless longevity!

And this inherent advantage of this clan has now become a key for the Black Stone Monkey King to enter a new realm.


The Great Sage Blackstone is contacting and comprehending the eternal avenue among the ten supreme avenues.

Once it is successfully understood, it can be integrated with the eternal avenue. As long as the power of the avenue is not cut off, the Black Stone Great Sage will always have eternal power.

True immortality.

Even the ancient gods cannot kill it.

This is the true meaning of eternity!

It will truly last forever.

Even the power of the Supreme Avenue cannot make the Eternal Avenue lose its effectiveness.

The only one who can resolve the power of the eternal avenue is the creator of the tenth level of the highest realm.

Ye Qingyun.

He can grant the supreme avenue to all living beings, and he can also take away the supreme avenue from all beings.

In other words.

The Black Stone Great Sage Yidan has truly mastered the power of Eternal Avenue. Looking at the entire realm of nothingness, no one except Ye Qingyun can obliterate him.

It is simply a hard rock that cannot be beaten to death.

I may not be able to beat you, but you will never beat me to death.

On the contrary, it is quite consistent with the rise of the Black Stone Monkey King.

The Blackstone Great Sage's ability to obtain such an opportunity is closely related to his origin. The talent of the Blackstone clan itself is somewhat similar to the Eternal Avenue.

And the bamboo shoot you eat is the real key.

Let him successfully come into contact with the Eternal Avenue.

Relying on the understanding honed over millions of years, although the Black Stone Monkey King has made very slow progress, just like his accumulation in this life, he has always achieved it at a slower pace than others.

Don't be afraid of being slow.

I'm afraid I don't have enough time.

For the Black Stone Monkey King, endless years are enough for him to do anything well steadily.

A handsome young man in a white robe was lying on his back in the grass, silently looking at the night sky.

He is the strongest person from the Seventh World, and has the title of Divine Controller.

The situation in the Seventh World is different from other worlds. The ancient god Lao Qi may have come to the Seventh World as a "true god" because of his own bad taste or because he was just bored.

As a result, all creatures in the seventh universe believe in him, the so-called true god.

The Ancient God Lao Qi just showed up and didn't want to interfere with the operation of the Seventh World, so he found a random person and gave him some power to become his spokesperson.

That is to say, this divine charioteer is the head of a group of divine servants and is known as the strongest person under the true god.

However, although the Divine Controller is the spokesperson of the ancient god Lao Qi, he is not proud of it deep down and feels quite painful.

He is a wise and sober person, and he realized early on that the so-called "true god" is just a terrifying existence that fools all living beings in the seventh world.

It is not that the Divine Controller has never thought about getting rid of the control of the ancient god Lao Qi, but he has seen the terror of the ancient god again and again, and deep down in his heart, he is increasingly afraid to resist.

For many years, the Divine Controller has been struggling with the pain of submission.

It wasn't until the ancient god Lao Qi was arrested by Ye Qingyun that he was finally freed.

Now the seventh world

Being controlled by Ye Qingyun, the Divine Controller was initially worried that he would become a puppet again.

But now it seems that my worries are somewhat unnecessary.

The Divine Controller is not as keen on so-called opportunities as others.

He doesn't care much about chance.

Perhaps it is past experiences that make the Divine Controller not want to accept gifts from others.

After all, his previous years as a puppet were caused by the ancient god Lao Qi forcibly giving him power.

Nowadays, the Divine Controller instinctively rejects so-called chance gifts from others.

Everyone else was busy looking for opportunities, and he was just lying here watching the night scene, as if nothing happened.

He has already thought about it.

It doesn't matter what chance is.

He will return to the Seventh World at dawn.

"I said, man, why are you so leisurely?"

But at this moment, a discordant sound broke the tranquility of the divine controller.

A sneaky figure came to the side of the Divine Controller.

This person was wearing green clothes, tall and thin, and had a pair of very beautiful golden wings behind him.

You can tell at a glance that he is not from the human race.

This person is the most powerful person in the third world, the Sky-Wing King.

The Divine Controller didn't even look at Tianyi King, he was still lying quietly in the grass.

But the Tianyi King was very familiar with it and came close to him.

"Brother, could it be that you have found an opportunity?"


"Then why is brother so leisurely?"

"Nothing to do with you."

Seeing the cold attitude of the Divine Controller, the Tianyi King still didn't care, but showed a sly smile.

"Brother, if you have no direction, you can go with me."

Hearing this, the Divine Controller glanced at him.

"go with you?"

The Sky Winged King nodded repeatedly and pointed in the direction of the top of the mountain, the cunning smile on his face getting stronger.

"Brother, I don't know. I have been observing the courtyard on the top of the mountain for a long time."

"If there is a chance on this mountain, it is most likely to be in that courtyard."

"I wonder, brother, have you ever noticed that all the other houses in the yard are very ordinary, but there is only one house that is extremely luxurious and noble, and it is particularly eye-catching."

"If my prediction is correct, that luxurious house must contain a secret!"

s has a cold, so it’s a bit hard to type. Sorry.

This chapter has been completed!
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