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Chapter 2689 Sowing discord

"This is impossible!"

The Ancient God Boss stared at Ye Qingyun, not believing that Ye Qingyun already knew the secrets in the Temple of Nothingness.

"Nothing is impossible, I already know it."

Ye Qingyun had a smile on his face, his eyes were full of wisdom, and he seemed to have seen through everything in the Temple of Nothingness at this moment.

And Ye Qingyun's see-through look and the confident smile on his face really made the ancient god boss feel a little bit in his heart.

The Ancient God Boss is really a little unsure. Did Ye Qingyun really spy on the secrets of the Temple of Nothingness?

Looking at Ye Qingyun's appearance, it seemed like that was the case.

Could it be that he really knew?

The boss of the Ancient God was confused and confused, but he did not lose his position so easily.

"Ye Qingyun, even though you have many methods, the Temple of Nothingness is a unique existence in the entire world of nothingness. How can you pry into its secrets without going deep into it?"

Ye Qingyun withdrew his gaze from the Temple of Nothingness and turned to look at the Ancient God Boss.

There was a bit of playfulness and teasing in his eyes.

"Since you know that I have a lot of tricks, why do you assert that I can't pry into the secrets of this Temple of Nothingness?"

"Even if I haven't gone deep into it, I still have other ways to know everything."

"Just because you ancient gods are stupid doesn't mean that I will be as stupid as you."

These words not only boasted of themselves, but also belittled their ancient gods.

The second son of the ancient god was so angry that his eyes widened in anger again.

"If you knew the secret of the temple, why didn't you take action?"

The ancient god boss asked tentatively.

"I can take action at any time. I just want to see how far you ancient gods can go to protect this secret?"

Ye Qingyun remained calm, as if he had everything under control.

The ancient god boss thought Ye Qingyun was bluffing, but after hearing what he said

He said that he felt even more unsure.

The tumultuous conversation between Ye Qingyun and the elder of the ancient gods also made the other ancient gods, except the second and third elders, a little confused.


Are there any secrets in the Temple of Nothingness?

Why don't some of us know?

Ancient God Lao Si, Ancient God Lao Wu, Ancient God Lao Seven and Lao Ninth all had confused and confused expressions on their faces.

Obviously, even a few of them have no idea what the secrets are in the Temple of Nothingness.

At this moment, hearing the conversation between Ye Qingyun and the Ancient God Boss, he looked even more confused.

Only Nuwa, when she sat on the throne of the ancient god Lao Ba, vaguely touched the secrets of the Temple of Nothingness, so she probably had an idea in her mind.

But Nuwa didn't know what this secret was exactly, but it was better than the other ancient gods who knew nothing about it.

Nuwa also noticed the confused and confused expressions of the other ancient gods, and she was also a little surprised.

Sometimes Nuwa even wonders whether, except for the second and third elders, the other ancient gods were born from the realm of nothingness just like the elder ancient god?

If they were born in the same way, why can the eldest, second and third eldest know the secrets of the Temple of Nothingness, but the other ancient gods know nothing about it?

"Boss, what secret is he talking about?"

I don’t know what the ancient god Lao Jiu was thinking, but he asked directly at this moment.

The elder ancient god did not pay attention to the ancient god Lao Jiu.

However, Ye Qingyun immediately grasped the key point from Ancient God Lao Jiu's inquiry.

Ancient God Lao Jiu doesn’t know the secret of the Temple of Nothingness?

So, does it mean that the nine ancient gods have different levels of knowledge?

When I tortured the ancient god Lao Liu before, it seemed to be the same. Lao Liu only knew that the Temple of Nothingness was not created by the ancient god, and knew nothing else.

"Except for the eldest, second and third eldest, none of the other ancient gods know the secrets of the Temple of Nothingness!"

Ye Qingyun was now able to confirm this matter.

At the same time, it also gives Ye Qingyun more room to play.

Ye Qingyun is a veteran of deception. Whether it is the foolish Ye Qingyun before or the current Ye Qingyun, the instinct of deception is still engraved in his bones.

He had no idea what the secrets were in the Temple of Nothingness. He just said that just to fool the Ancient God Boss and see if he could get something out of his mouth.

Unexpectedly, the boss of Gu God was so cautious, even if he couldn't eat in his heart, he was like a bottle, and he was not deceived by Ye Qingyun.

But the other ancient gods were exposed, so Ye Qingyun had the opportunity to take advantage of it. ??

"Ha ha ha ha!"

I saw Ye Qingyun suddenly burst into laughter, and his laughter was full of joking.

It seems to be ridicule these ancient gods.

"I say you Ancient Gods are really interesting. You are obviously brothers who share the same spirit, and you have always stayed in the Temple of Nothingness. However, you hide such a major secret of the Temple of Nothingness from your brothers."

"I said boss, you are a bit unknown, what are the best concealment of your own brothers?"

"Or are you worried about other brothers from the beginning?"

As soon as this words came out, the face of the ancient god changed sharply, and the eyes of the second child and the third child also looked complicated.

As for Lao Si, Lao Wu, Lao Seven and Lao Ninth, all four of them were affected by Ye Qingyun's words.

The eyes of the four ancient gods were all looking at the boss of the ancient gods.

"Boss, what on earth is he talking about?

?You, the second child, and the third child really have something to hide from us?"

Ancient God Lao Jiu asked in a somewhat unacceptable tone.

He was originally dissatisfied because the elder of the ancient gods forcibly gave his ancient god's heart to the fourth.

Before Nuwa arrived, he originally thought that the boss would use Nuwa's Heart of the Ancient God to compensate him.

The result was not.

Moreover, Nuwa was made one of the ancient gods and took the position of the eighth god.

Poor Lao Jiu is still in a state without the heart of the ancient gods and is extremely weak.

Therefore, although Ancient God Laojiu didn't say it with his mouth, he was already quite complaining about the Ancient God Boss in his heart.

Why do I, Laojiu, always suffer?

What Ye Qingyun said now aroused the resentment deep in Lao Jiu's heart.

"Shut up!"

The boss of the ancient gods didn't seem to want to explain anything to Lao Jiu, and still scolded Lao Jiu in a tough manner.

"Why should I shut up?"

This time, Ancient God Lao Jiu did not shut up as before, his voice was even higher, with an angry look on his face.

"Boss, Lao Jiu didn't say anything. Can't we even ask?"

Ancient God Lao Qi also stood on Lao Jiu's side and said questioningly.

It was obvious that Ancient God Lao Qi was also a little dissatisfied.

"There's nothing wrong with Lao Jiu. There are some things that we really need to explain clearly."

The ancient god Lao Wuyin spoke sadly.

Although the fourth ancient god did not speak, the look in his eyes clearly showed some doubts about the elder ancient god.

At this time, the face of the ancient god boss became even more ugly.

I finally realized how powerful Ye Qingyun's words just now were.

It immediately broke the hearts of the ancient gods and brothers!

This chapter has been completed!
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