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Chapter 2710 Use ancient gods to defeat ancient gods

A figure quietly arrived outside the Temple of Nothingness.

At the same time as this figure appeared, another figure flew out from the Temple of Nothingness.

The two figures stood opposite each other in an instant.

The former is Nuwa, and the latter is the ancient god.

"You still dare to come here?"

When the ancient god boss saw Nuwa actually appearing here, he looked at her with a cold face.

"This is the third time I have come to the Temple of Nothingness on my own initiative."

Nuwa did not show any fear, nor did she appear to have done anything wrong.

He seemed particularly calm.

"The first time, I came here to find your ancient gods."

"The second time, I became an ancient god and became one of you."

"This third time, I'm here to save you."

Nuwa said this.

Her words made the ancient god boss very surprised.

Come and save us?

It's almost like a joke.

"You were the one who let that guy go and let the second and third sons fall into his hands. You never helped me in the slightest before."

"If I want to destroy you, it will only take a moment."

"Now you say you're here to save us, don't you think it's a bit ridiculous?"

The ancient god boss said in a deep voice.

Nuwa glanced at the Temple of Nothingness behind the Ancient God Boss, and a look of pity appeared on her face.

She is showing mercy to the ancient god boss!

This is simply incredible.

It can even be said to be a bit absurd.

As the most powerful ancient god who is the head of the ancient gods, why does he need anyone's mercy?

"You have been imprisoned by the ancient god's fate for countless years, and you still don't want to wake up until now?"

As soon as Nuwa said this, the ancient god boss fell into silence.

He immediately understood the meaning of Nuwa's words.

Previously, the boss of the ancient gods made Nuwa become a real ancient god, sit on one of the nine divine thrones, and gain access to the secrets of the Temple of Nothingness.

The original intention was to let Nuwa accept the fate of the ancient gods, become one of them, and shoulder the mission of guarding the Temple of Nothingness with them.

But Nuwa not only did not become one of them, but

The idea came up to open the seal of the Temple of Nothingness.

Perhaps she was influenced by some unknown force, or maybe Nuwa herself wanted to bring the glory of the previous Zhou Yuan back to today.

all in all.

Nuwa is indeed acting towards this goal.

But the Ancient God Boss has the will to protect the Temple of Nothingness, even though it was forced on him.

But this will is still firm and will not be shaken easily.

As Nuwa said, this will is like the fate of the ancient gods, imprisoning them for countless years.

Since the birth of the Ancient Gods, they have only existed to protect the Temple of Nothingness.

Everything I do is completely centered around this matter.

They have no real self.

There is no will of his own.

"It is our mission to protect the Temple of Nothingness."

The ancient god boss said in a low tone.

"No one can destroy the seal in the Temple of Nothingness."

Nuwa shook her head sympathetically.

"But before, you seemed to be wavering between saving the second child and rushing back to the Temple of Nothingness."

"Boss, is this Temple of Nothingness really what you care about most?"

The ancient god boss was stunned for a moment.

He didn't expect Nuwa to notice his hesitation at that time.

As Nuwa said, if the Ancient God Boss values ​​the Temple of Nothingness the most, then he will not hesitate when he should rush back to the Temple of Nothingness.

He should abandon the second and third sons without hesitation and rush back to the Temple of Nothingness directly. This is the most correct choice.

Since the Ancient God Boss hesitated at that time, it means that in the mind of the Ancient God Boss, the Temple of Nothingness is not as important as he said.

"Are you here just to mess with my mind?"

The boss of the ancient gods suddenly spoke and took action directly. Countless palm prints transformed by the power of the ancient gods continued to attack Nuwa.

Nuwa tried her best to resist, but

There is a huge gap between her and the boss of the ancient gods.

Especially when the ancient god boss did not hold back, he suppressed Nuwa in an instant.

"So what if you capture me?"

Although Nuwa was suppressed by the power of the ancient god boss, she did not panic at all, but looked calm and composed.

Continue to output in your own words. ??

"Can you save the imprisoned children?"

"Can you still protect Lao Qi and the others?"

"And the Temple of Nothingness, which you value most, how long can you protect it?"

"I think you will be in vain in the end!"

The ancient god boss had an angry look on his face, and he wanted to explode several times, but was finally suppressed by him.

After all, he is the head of the ancient gods, and his will is particularly strong. How could he be influenced by Nuwa's mere words?

But Nuwa's words are not completely useless.

She just wanted to leave a gap in the heart of the ancient god boss.

As long as this gap exists, then as soon as the time comes, this gap will be enough to turn into a ravine, thus completely changing the will of the ancient god.

as expected.

Not long after Nuwa was captured by the ancient god boss.

Terrifying and powerful auras came from far and near, quickly approaching the Temple of Nothingness.

Feeling these auras, the Ancient God Boss and the other three ancient gods came to the Temple of Nothingness and looked at the direction where these auras came from.


A familiar figure came into view.

Astonishingly, they are the second ancient god, the third ancient god, the sixth ancient god and the ninth ancient god.

"It's Lao Er and the others!"

Seeing this scene, Lao Qi suddenly shouted excitedly.

The fourth and fifth children were also very happy, thinking that the second and third children were powerful and escaped back with the sixth and ninth children.

But the ancient god boss looked a little embarrassed.

There was uncontrollable anger in his eyes.

Until the four of them, the second ancient god, came closer, they had no power at all.

Unabated, he looked like he was about to attack the Temple of Nothingness directly.

"What are you doing? Why don't you stop quickly? Are you crazy?"

The fourth child was shocked and exclaimed.

But the four of them, the second one in the distance, didn't react at all. They each used the powerful power of the ancient gods and slammed into the Temple of Nothingness.

Boom boom boom boom!!!

Accompanied by four earth-shaking loud noises in succession, the second, third, sixth and ninth ancient gods all crashed into the Temple of Nothingness.

However, the Temple of Nothingness already had a barrier arranged by the Ancient God Boss, and the four ancient gods just bumped into the barrier.

But it also caused the barrier to collapse quickly, and the Temple of Nothingness was affected and trembled.

And this is just the beginning.

The second child, the third child, the sixth child, and the ninth child were all carrying fanaticism and belligerence, and they continued to bombard the Temple of Nothingness as if they were crazy.

There was no response at all to the calls of the Ancient Gods and the Four.

"They are controlled."

The ancient god boss said in a very serious tone, with unprecedented anger in his eyes.


Hearing this, the three of them were extremely shocked.

I couldn't believe that someone could control their ancient god.

That’s it for the sixth and ninth laos. The second and third laos are so powerful, how could they be controlled?

These ancient gods are not the only ones being controlled.

Only a series of violent dragon roars were heard.

In the distance, eight real dragons were meandering and soaring, and a peerless and domineering figure in purple robes was standing proudly on the head of a blue dragon.

Her long hair is flying and her purple robe is fluttering.

It is none other than the purple-robed "Ye Qingyun".

The eight real dragons under his feet are the eight younger brothers of Long Da.

Now they are all controlled by the purple-robed "Ye Qingyun" and have become his mounts.

The purple-robed "Ye Qingyun" looked at the Temple of Nothingness not far away, with excitement and curiosity in his eyes.

"This place must be destroyed by me!"

The fifth update of s, Happy New Year! The Year of the Dragon rises!

This chapter has been completed!
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