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Chapter 2750 Nine Styles of Huangtian

Not just the Decepticons, but in the eyes of anyone who knows Yang Dingtian, the appearance of the Ancient Emperor Tianshang at this moment is really unbearable.

With a body as strong as a sheep's head, he said very serious words with a majestic look.

This picture is really beautiful.

Even Da Mao can't stand it anymore.

Why haven't I noticed before that Yang Dingtian looks so happy?

I can't be serious at all.

The sense of dissonance is too serious.

"Lord Ancient Emperor, this big yellow-haired dog is extremely powerful and holds a heavy treasure. Even my subordinates will be defeated by it."

The Jade Sword Master stared at Da Mao with particular vigilance, and clenched the two swords in his hands even more tightly.

"It doesn't matter."

Ancient Emperor Tianshang spoke calmly, and then slowly raised a hoof.

"This emperor's body also needs a battle to speed up its adaptation."

"Let you be the whetstone for my emperor to regain his strength."

next moment.

Countless golden lights bloomed from the hooves of Ancient Emperor Tianshang, and in an instant, countless golden lights were like sword rain, roaring towards Da Mao and others.

Da Mao bears the brunt of the attack, and the most golden light comes towards it.


I heard Da Mao let out a crisp barking sound, and the dog hair all over his body shot out in a swishing swish.

Every dog ​​hair contains the power of killing saints belonging to Da Mao.

The next moment, the golden light rain collided with Da Mao's countless dog hairs.

Boom boom boom boom boom!!!

Fierce conflicts continued to break out, and all directions were shrouded in golden and red light.

The force generated caused everyone present to step back and look shocked.

While the jade sword made Qianying retreat, she was also wary of others taking action against her.

As for the Ancient Emperor Tianshang, she was not worried.

"Even if the ancient emperor's strength has not yet recovered, these people are by no means his opponents!"

Just as the Jade Swordsman retreated, two figures attacked her, one from the left and one from the right.

It was Chi You and Xing Tian.

One of the two wielded the mace, the other wielded the battle ax, forming a pincer attack on the Jade Sword user.



The Jade Swordsman snorted coldly, his beautiful eyes flashed, and he waved the two swords in his hands left and right.

Two rays of sword light quickly slashed away, blocking the incoming attacks of Chi You and Xing Tian.

Xing Tian and Chi You were both shaken to the point of being stunned, as if they did not expect that the Jade Sword Master was so powerful.

The original plan was for the two of them to join forces and capture the Jade Sword Master first, and then everyone could attack the Ancient Emperor Tianshang together and take back Yang Dingtian's body.

But now it seems that this jade sword user alone is not so easy to capture.

Fortunately, there are enough people coming this time. If two people are not enough, then four will come.

Emperor Yi and Fu Xi came together.

The former drew his bow and arrow, and the arrow of destruction instantly approached the Jade Sword Master with infinite power.

Fuxi's face was cold, he held the Bagua disk in his hand, and he was running the Void Avenue. He suddenly saw countless Void chains emerging, trapping the Jade Sword Master all over his body.

Even his body was trapped by the power of the void, making it difficult to move for a while.

The arrow of destruction happened to strike and hit the Jade Sword User directly.


With the explosion of the power of destruction, the jade sword caused the whole person to fly backwards, seeming to have been severely injured.


But Emperor Yi looked surprised.

"This woman is so powerful!"

As the Jade Sword Master pulled away and retreated, golden light appeared all over her body, wrapping her delicate body like armor.

It was the armor transformed by this golden power that withstood Emperor Yi's arrow of destruction.

The Jade Sword Master's face was cold, and his beautiful eyes were full of sharp color.

"You can't even do anything to me, and you still want to take action against the Ancient Emperor?"

The Jade Sword Master sneered unceremoniously.

As the strongest among the five generals, the Jade Swordsman indeed has a strength that he can be proud of.

It is also the true biography of the Ancient Emperor Tianshang.

The ancient emperor of Tianshuang shocked the whole world

The Jade Sword Master has mastered five of the nine forms of Huangtian's magical power of years.

The armor transformed by this golden power is one of the nine moves of Huangtian.

Emperor Yi, Fu Xi, Chi You, and Xing Tian took action again, and the four of them besieged the Jade Sword Envoy.

On the other side, Da Mao was already engaged in a fierce battle with the Ancient Emperor Tianshang.

This is also one of the very few strong men that Da Mao needs to use all his strength to deal with.

Its body has turned red.

Especially a pair of dog claws, which are extremely bright red, leaving indelible traces of the road every time they are waved.

The Ancient Emperor Tianshang protected his body with the power of Huangtian, and each of the nine Huangtian moves he performed contained unimaginable mystery and power. .??.

Although it is not the Supreme Avenue, it can derive effects similar to the Supreme Avenue.

Even Da Mao saw for the first time a power that was very close to the Supreme Avenue.

Every move and every move seems to be moving closer to the direction of the supreme avenue.

"This guy is really awesome!"

Da Mao secretly praised him in his heart, but he was not ambiguous at all when he used his claws.

He approached the Ancient Emperor Tianshang several times.

But it was still unable to hurt the Ancient Emperor Tianshang at all, and judging from the scene, Da Mao still fell into the disadvantage.

This is with the help of Long Da, Decepticon, Big Rooster and Turtle Immortal.

Still can't take any advantage.

In the eyes of Da Mao and others, this may be the time when "Yang Ding Tian" is at its most powerful.

After all, Ancient Emperor Tianshang is currently occupying the body of Yang Dingtian, and has not changed his body shape. He always fights them with the posture of Yang Dingtian.

This feeling is very strange.

It's like they are besieging the sheep's head.

The fighting became increasingly fierce.

However, the Ancient Emperor of Tianshang had a vague attitude of getting stronger with each battle.

His strength is quickly adapting to Yang Dingtian's body.

Originally, he only had 60-70% of his peak power, but now he can exert 70-80% of it.

The power of Huangtian Nine Styles has obviously reached a higher level.


"Shenhuang Finger!"

The ancient emperor of Tianshuang spread his hooves in two, knocking the dragon, the Decepticon, the big cock and the turtle immortal away. At the same time, a terrifying finger light emerged and went straight towards Da Mao.

Da Mao immediately used the power of the Supreme Avenue, and ten levels of supreme power emerged together, turning into ten insurmountable barriers.


However, he saw that the terrifying finger light was as powerful as a broken bamboo, and it directly defeated the ten highest powers one by one.

It wasn't until the last barrier formed by the Eternal Avenue that it could withstand the power of this finger.

"Back then, there were less than ten strong men who could block this emperor's attack without any damage."

"You can be proud of yourself if you can do this."

The voice of the Ancient Emperor of Heaven.

But the second Divine Desolate Finger is ready to go, and its power is obviously superior to that of the first finger.

"But there is still room for my emperor's power. How many times can you stop me?"

The big hairy dog ​​curled his lips.

"Your world is still in our hands. The lives of those creatures and your four subordinates are all in my hands."

"Don't you want to save them?"

Hearing this, Ancient Emperor Tianshang showed a hint of hesitation.

It was at this time.

Huikong, who had been hiding in the dark, finally took action.

The Buddha's light shone everywhere, and the sound of chanting sutras drowned the ancient emperor Tianshang like a tide.

This is the Shurangama Sutra!

At that time, Huikong had Ye Qingyun teach this sutra, and he had recited it beside the sheepfold. It was also the first Buddhist sutra that Yang Dingtian had ever heard.

Huikong wanted to use this scripture to awaken Yang Dingtian's own will.

"I see."

Ancient Emperor Tianshang was surrounded by the array of scriptures with a very indifferent expression.

"Want to awaken the consciousness of this body? But it has already been taken over by me."

Before Ancient Emperor Tianshang finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed.

A voice mixed with that of Yang Dingtian and Ancient Emperor Tianshang suddenly sounded.

"Fuck your mother!!!"

This chapter has been completed!
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