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Chapter 2753 A blessing in disguise

While Yang Dingtian was successfully rescued, the ancient god boss who was besieging Old Man Nothingness on the other side immediately withdrew.

Without any hesitation.

His withdrawal immediately caught Nuwa and King Yin Yang off guard.

Even Old Man Nothingness was stunned for a moment.

He ran too fast.

One moment he was still trying to fight Old Man Nothingness, but the next moment he was running away and couldn't even see his shadow.

Old Man Xian's heart sank, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

I'm afraid something has happened to Ancient Emperor Tianshang.

"Don't stay here any longer!"

Without the influence of the ancient god boss, Nuwa and King Yin and Yang would not be able to stop Old Man Nothingness at all.

In just a moment, Nuwa and King Yin Yang felt the tremendous pressure from the void old man.


Nuwa also realized that it was impossible to rescue King Destruction.

She originally wanted to consume Old Man Nothingness's power, let him perform his last rebirth against death, and then escape immediately.

When the maintenance time of reverse death regeneration ends, Old Man Nothingness will be completely useless.

But now the old man Wu, who is wearing the Taiyan Holy Robe, is not afraid of continuing to waste time with them.

Even if the two of them tried their best, they couldn't force Old Man Nothingness to use reverse death regeneration.

As long as this last rebirth against death is not performed, they will have no chance to rescue the suppressed King of Destruction.

Moreover, the two of them are in danger of being suppressed by Old Man Nothingness.


Nuwa immediately used the power of the Avenue of Chaos to hide herself and King Yin Yang in it and quickly escaped.

But Old Man Nothingness seemed to have been prepared for it. The bamboo stick came straight towards him, and the ancient spiritual source lingering on it quickly broke through the power of the avenue of chaos.

"not good!"

The two women were shocked and turned around to slap each other.

Bang bang!!!

After trying to challenge the Qixuan Huntianzhu, Nuwa and the Yin-Yang King both vomited blood, and their whole body strength almost collapsed.

But in the end he managed to escape.

He was not forced to stay by Old Man Nothingness.

"Alas, it's still a little bit off after all."

Old Man Nothingness sighed, feeling a little helpless about this.

He was able to fight for so long simply because of the Taiyan Saint Robe.

own blessing.

Although the body will not wither and the power is endless, it is ultimately not as good as the improvement in strength brought by rebirth.

If he is in the state of rebirth against death, coupled with the Taiyan Holy Robe and the Qixuan Huantian Bamboo, not to mention Nuwa and the Yin-Yang King, even the ancient god boss may not be able to escape under his nose.

"I don't know what's going on with Ancient Emperor Tianshang at the moment. I hope nothing serious happens."

Old Man Xianwu didn't have the energy to chase Nuwa and King Yin and Yang, and hurried towards the Tianshang Ancient Territory.

In Goumao Tiandi, Yang Dingtian was lying on the ground in a daze, and everyone gathered around it, all looking at Yang Dingtian.

It was seen that the injuries suffered by Yang Dingtian were rapidly recovering, and in the process of recovery, its physical condition also improved again.

This is the benefit brought by the ancient spiritual source, which gives Yang Dingtian's body greater room for improvement.

Although you are beating yourself up, it is not a kind of tempering.

It's just that there are not many people who can be as ruthless as Yang Dingtian, and he almost cracked his own head.

At this time, the ancient god boss also entered the world of dog hair.


"We have succeeded. Thank you for your help this time."

Da Mao said briefly.

The ancient god boss nodded, glanced at Yang Dingtian, and said nothing more.

"What do you think of Old Man Nothingness's strength?"

Da Mao suddenly asked.

The ancient god boss showed hesitation on his face, "It's very strong, and the treasure in my hand is too powerful. I can only support it for a moment with all my strength. If not for the sudden arrival of Nuwa and the Yin-Yang King, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape in the end."

Big Mao was thoughtful, but what he cared about was not the old man's own strength.

It's the treasure in his hand.

Whether it was the Qixuan Huntian Bamboo or the Taiyan Holy Robe, they all gave Da Mao a very familiar feeling.

It seems that I have seen it on Ye Qingyun's hand before.

Especially the Taiyan Holy Robe, the more Da Mao thought about it, the more he felt that it was a bit like the silver tablecloth that Ye Qingyun used two years before he was trapped in Fuyun Mountain.

Later, he seemed to feel that the tablecloth was a bit impatient, so he didn't know where it was thrown by Ye Qingyun.

But even if the Taiyan Holy Robe is really related to the tablecloth in Fuyun Mountain, what happened in the meantime?

How could a good tablecloth turn into the so-called Taiyan Saint Robe?

Moreover, the Taiyan Holy Robe is obviously a treasure from ancient times. Judging from the time, the gap is too big, and the before and after are not consistent at all.

At this moment, Yang Dingtian opened his eyes in a daze.

When it opened its eyes completely, it saw the sheep standing up suddenly with a majestic and deep look on its face.

"The Emperor is here, how dare you be so presumptuous? Why don't you quickly kneel down and worship?" .??.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was stunned.

What the hell?

Could it be that the Ancient Emperor Tianshang never gave up the physical body of Sheep Dingtian? Is he still entrenched in its body?

In an instant, everyone put on a posture as if they were facing a formidable enemy, staring at Yang Dingtian with particularly vigilant eyes.

Only Da Mao looked at Yang Dingtian with a suspicious look on his face, then he went up and hit Yang Dingtian hard on the head with his paw.

"You're pretending to be your mother!"

Sheep Dingtian suddenly let out a roar, and then his true colors were revealed.

"I'm just teasing you!"

As soon as these words came out, Long Da and the others went up to the sheep and beat him violently.

But as he was beating, he was surprised to find that Yang Dingtian actually had the power that the Ancient Emperor Tianshang had used before.

A faint golden light swirled around Yang Dingtian's body, and then became introverted into his body.

"What's happening here?"

Everyone was surprised and suspicious again.

Yang Dingtian himself was a little confused. This sudden power was obviously not his own.

Instead, it belongs to the Ancient Emperor Tianshang.

But now that the Ancient Emperor Tianshuang has given up Yang Dingtian's body, it is impossible for Yang Dingtian to exert the power of the Ancient Emperor Tianshuang.

"I see."

Da Mao saw the clues at a glance.

"A part of the Ancient Emperor Tianshang's power was actually left behind by you. It is estimated that even the Ancient Emperor Tianshang himself has not discovered it."

"Yang Dingtian, you are a blessing in disguise."

Hearing what Da Mao said, everyone was surprised and looked at Yang Dingtian strangely.

Good guy!

Huikong really said it right

Well, even though this stupid thing has no brains, he can always get some benefits inexplicably after encountering a crisis.

Is it true that the legendary fools are blessed with fools?

But this sheep's luck seems to be a bit too good.

One can't help but wonder if this guy is practicing any magical powers related to luck?

"When your body recovers and you fully master the power of the Ancient Emperor Tianshang, your strength should be improved a lot."

Da Mao said lightly.

Not to mention that it was okay, but that it would improve his strength. Yang Dingtian immediately cast an excited look at Da Mao.

"I can finally defeat you, you stinky dog!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately walked away.

This sheep-topped boy was really squeaking for a while, and he started to wonder how much he weighed.

Tianshang Ancient Territory.

The ancient Emperor Tianshang, who had lost his body, summoned his treasure, the Golden Cauldron.

I saw golden water rippling in the golden cauldron, exuding an extremely extraordinary aura.

He wanted to use the power in the golden tripod to rebuild a powerful body for himself.

The Jade Sword User, the Golden Hammer User, and the Blood Sword User stood aside, seemingly trying to protect the ancient Emperor Tianshang.

"Huh? Why has the emperor lost some of his power?"

It wasn't until he entered the cauldron that Ancient Emperor Tianshang realized that his power was inexplicably missing.

And it's not just a little bit less.

But a full 20% of the power!

"Did it stay in the body of that creature?"

Ancient Emperor Tianshang immediately thought of this possibility.

But I can't care about that now. The lost strength can be restored when the body is reshaped.

"After the emperor entered the cauldron, he asked Old Man Xuanwu to sit in the Tianshang Ancient Territory and guard the emperor for a period of time."

"You three, please help him properly."

"I obey my orders!"

Ancient Emperor Tianshang gave some instructions and then threw himself into the cauldron.

But at this moment, the jade sword made a pair of beautiful eyes shine with a sharp cold light.

This is the moment she has been waiting for!

"You are no longer worthy of being emperor. Tianshang Ancient Territory needs someone with real courage to take charge!"

The Jade Sword Envoy will take advantage of this opportunity to seize the power of the Ancient Emperor Tianshang.

Make yourself emperor!

This chapter has been completed!
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