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Chapter 2755 Replacement


The Ancient Emperor Tianshang screamed, but before his voice could reach the Dead Sea, it was already submerged in the golden cauldron.

The Jade Sword Master devoted all his strength and struck hard into the golden cauldron, causing the Ancient Emperor Tianshang to be severely damaged immediately.

At this moment, the Ancient Emperor Tianshang was at his most critical and weakest time.

If you can react in time, you can save the day and resist the Jade Sword Master's attack.

But the Jade Sword Master's attack came completely out of the blue. Ancient Emperor Tianshang's attention was focused on fusing his new body, and he didn't have any precautions at all.

The Jade Sword Envoy is his confidant, and he will not take any precautions against the Jade Sword Envoy.

Calculating mentally but not intentionally.

Only then did Ancient Emperor Tianshang suffer a huge crisis at this moment.

"How could you do this? You really want to betray me!"

Ancient Emperor Tianshang wanted to struggle, but he had missed the opportunity. At this moment, he just wanted to rush out of the golden cauldron as much as possible.

"I am loyal to you because I think you can lead Tianshang Ancient Territory to its peak, and because I think you are qualified to become the emperor!"

"But you disappoint me so much!"

"As an emperor, you must have the courage to sacrifice others. You don't even have this courage. You are simply stupid!"

The jade sword makes his words extremely sharp, and his actions are even more unambiguous.

She soaked the golden cauldron with her own blood, and at the same time operated four of Huangtian's nine movements, constantly seizing the power of the ancient emperor Tianshang.

Visible to the naked eye.

The golden figure of Ancient Emperor Tianshang dimmed quickly.

His power is being crazily plundered by the Jade Sword Master.

It can't be contained at all.

"You are hateful!"

"I will never let you go!"

"Even if you take away my power, I can still be reborn again with the help of Tianshang Ancient Territory!"

The Ancient Emperor of Tianshuang has realized that he is powerless to save the world, no matter it is his own strength or

The new bodies will all be captured by the Jade Sword Master.

But the Ancient Emperor Tianshang will not die.

He is causally connected to the Tianshuang Ancient Territory. As long as the Tianshuang Ancient Territory still exists, he can turn into a holy egg and be reborn somewhere in the Tianshuang Ancient Territory just like before.

Only if the Jade Sword Master goes crazy and directly destroys the entire Tianshang Ancient Territory can the Ancient Emperor of Tianshang be completely killed.

"You can disappear in peace."

The Jade Sword Master's expression was cold, and the golden glow around his body gradually became stronger and richer.

She has already taken away a lot of the Ancient Emperor Tianshang's power.

"I will find someone who can exert the power of the King of Karma and cut off all the karma between you and the Tianshang Ancient Territory."

"You will no longer have anything to do with Tianshang Ancient Territory, and you will never be able to live again!"

After hearing this, Ancient Emperor Tianshang, whose consciousness gradually dissipated, finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

Unexpectedly, the Jade Sword Master has already prepared for this level.

We must completely block the last escape route for the Ancient Emperor Tianshang.

It can be said to be extremely cruel.

Perhaps this is what is called admiring a person to the extreme, only to find that the person you admire is different from what you expected.

That kind of disappointment will become particularly twisted, even hatred and rage.

The Jade Sword Envoy has great respect for the Ancient Emperor Tianshang, otherwise he would not have been guarding the Ancient Tianshang Territory for so many years after the Ancient Emperor Tianshang was defeated and died.

Even though they were sealed together behind the Bronze Palace Gate, they never forgot to continue to follow the Ancient Emperor Tianshang.

Because in the view of the Jade Swordsman, it was extremely glorious for the Ancient Emperor Tianshang to be defeated. After all, he was facing the God Lord head-on. It can be said that even though he was defeated, he was still an emperor worth following.

But the Jade Swordsman doesn’t allow his mind to

The emperor in the world will make compromises and give up for the lives of the creatures in the Tianshang Ancient Territory.

How can you care about these sacrifices if you become a great businessman?

If it were her, even if she sacrificed the entire Tianshang Ancient Territory, as long as she could achieve great things in the end, it would all be worth it.

This is the courage and courage that a peerless emperor must have.

Since you, Ancient Emperor Tianshang, have lost such courage, it is natural for me to take your place.



The figure of Ancient Emperor Tianshang has disappeared from the golden cauldron.

All his power already belongs to the Jade Sword Master, and even the body that relied on the power of the Golden Cauldron and the entire Tianshang Ancient Territory has been integrated into the Jade Sword Master.

In this way, the Jade Swordsman not only gained the power of the Ancient Emperor Tianshang, but even became extremely powerful physically.

As long as it takes time and allows itself to fully adapt, the strength of the Jade Sword Master will be comparable to that of the Ancient Emperor Tianshang at his peak.

The Jade Sword User stood on the golden cauldron, feeling the incomparable power surging within his body. Although it was not fully functioning, this power already made the Jade Sword User feel extremely satisfied.

"The emperor of Tianshang Ancient Territory is now me."

The next moment, the golden tripod that originally belonged to the Ancient Emperor Tianshang was lifted up by the Jade Sword Master.

There is still a small crack on the golden tripod.

That was when their Five War Generals took the golden tripod to capture Da Mao, but Da Mao smashed it out with a solid gold chair.

Although it has been compensated by the power of the Ancient Emperor Tianshang, it has not yet fully recovered.

"It seems that it is necessary to go to the Forbidden Abyss and repair the cracks on it."

In addition, there is one more thing that the Jade Sword Master must do, which is to find someone who can exert the power of the Great Path of Cause and Effect.

Cut off the cause and effect between the Tianshang Ancient Emperor and the Tianshang Ancient Territory.

Completely cut off the ancient emperor Tianshang's hope of rebirth.

And in the Jade Sword Master's mind, he already has a goal.

A long crystal river flowing with indescribable power.

I don’t know where it comes from, and I don’t know where it is going, but it seems like it will flow like this forever.


This is the long river of time, starting from the past and flowing towards the future.

An ordinary but extraordinary figure stood in the long river of time, letting the power of time carry him down the river.

If it goes against the current, it leads to the past years.

If it goes smoothly, it means heading straight to the future.

This figure crisscrossing the long river of time is none other than Ye Qingyun.

When the two kings went to fight against the old man of nothingness, he escaped directly into the long river of time.

I want to go to the future to meet someone and confirm some things.

For this reason, Ye Qingyun deliberately bypassed some nodes in the future and went straight to the nodes in the future.

"It should be almost done."

Ye Qingyun murmured to himself, seeming to have found the future he wanted to go to.

next moment.

With a casual stroke, he walked out of the long river of time.

When Ye Qingyun appeared again, he was already standing on the top of a bare mountain.

The mountain was filled with deathly silence, without any vegetation, and the earth as far as the eye could see was nothing but scorched earth without any life.

It was as if there was a raging fire that burned everything here.

Ye Qingyun looked around, as if he wanted to see where this place was.

When he looked at a broken stone tablet at the foot of the mountain, he couldn't help but be startled.

On the broken stone tablet, there are three words Fuyun Mountain clearly engraved!

This chapter has been completed!
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