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Chapter 2863 Overlooking everything

Ye Qingyun frowned, looked at the God Lord beside him, and then looked at the palace below.

"Isn't this a little too dark? Why would you interfere in someone else's future when they are doing well?"

The God Lord looked indifferent, as if he didn't hear what Ye Qingyun said at all.

Ye Qingyun sighed.

But he didn’t object to the Lord’s proposal.

The two of them were like gods that existed in the dark, overlooking everything happening in the palace below.

A little prince has just been born in the palace. The emperor of this country is very happy, and the whole country is also immersed in joy.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

The little prince is already three years old. He is smart and very cute. He has been established as a prince.

It seems that the future of this prince is bright. When he grows up, he can naturally become the king of a country.

Another four years later, something unexpected happened.

The prince's mother, the queen, began to age and lose her beauty. Although she still retained her charm, the emperor naturally preferred young and beautiful concubines in the harem.

It happened that in this year, another concubine in the harem gave birth to another prince.

The concubine was young and beautiful, and the prince she gave birth to was also deeply favored by the emperor, but her status as the prince has not been shaken yet.

Until a few more years passed.

The prince is nine years old, and the second prince is five years old.

The emperor's love for the second prince was already greater than that of the prince. For some reasons, he even abolished the queen and made the second prince's mother the queen.

As a result, the palace underwent drastic changes.

The prince's position also became precarious.

In the blink of an eye, another six years have passed.

A lot of things happened in the past six years. First of all, the deposed queen suddenly died suddenly in the cold palace.

Immediately afterwards, the prince, who was only fifteen years old, was found guilty of many evil deeds, which caused the emperor to become furious and severely punished the prince.

Afterwards, under the influence of the new queen, she finally made the decision to establish a crown prince.

The second prince was made a prince, while the deposed prince was demoted to a prince and sent to a remote fiefdom.

At this point, the matter seems to have been settled.

The future throne already belongs to the second prince, while the deposed prince can only die in depression in a remote place.

All this was seen by the Lord God and Ye Qingyun.

So far, they have not made any intervention and let everything happen naturally.

Although they had watched it for decades, for the two of them, it was just a snap of the fingers.

"It's a pity that the eldest prince didn't do anything and was just deposed."

Ye Qingyun sighed and said.

He saw everything with his eyes. The eldest prince and his mother were both murdered, especially his mother. The sudden death of her mother in the cold palace was purely due to someone's conspiracy.

It's a pity that none of this is known.

"He didn't know what was going on, and that's why he ended up in this situation."

The Lord God said calmly.

"Next, I will intervene."

Ye Qingyun frowned slightly, always feeling that what the Lord God did was inappropriate.

But now that it was over, he could only continue to watch.

The Divine Lord circulates the power of the Great Way of Time, causing the time in this world to begin to reverse.

Going all the way back to the time when the eldest prince's mother died suddenly in the cold palace, the God Lord deliberately let the eldest prince discover the real reason for his mother's sudden death.

The real reason is that the second prince's mother planned all of this so that her son could successfully become the prince.

In this way, it has changed from the original past.

The eldest prince was extremely angry when he found out the reason for his mother's sudden death. He exposed the crimes of the second prince and his mother to the emperor on the spot.

Unexpectedly, the emperor took one side of the story and thought that the eldest prince was making trouble unreasonably, so he imprisoned the eldest prince directly.


in prison.

In the end, the eldest prince could not get out of the prison and was killed in prison.

Ye Qingyun watched the eldest prince dying in prison and couldn't help but glance at the Lord of God.

"Look, you might as well not have intervened and just killed him."

The God Lord didn't care, and used the Great Way of Time again to return the time to the time before the eldest prince's sudden death.

He also pushed the eldest prince to discover the conspiracy of the second prince's mother and rescued his mother in time.

The eldest prince and his mother revealed everything to the emperor. Faced with irrefutable evidence, the emperor finally punished the second prince's mother.

But it was just to banish her to the cold palace and re-establish the eldest prince's mother as queen.

That's all.

The second prince was not affected in any way.

In the blink of an eye, another three years have passed.

The emperor found an excuse at random and began to favor the second prince's mother again.

After experiencing this, the mother of the second prince became even more sinister and sinister, and used an extremely cruel trick to frame the eldest prince for conspiring to rebel.

Although there was no substantial evidence, the emperor still deposed the eldest prince as crown prince out of suspicion and made the second prince the crown prince instead.

After that, the mother of the second prince continued to exert her efforts and encouraged the emperor to send the deposed eldest prince to lead the army. As a result, the eldest prince died on the border.

"Look, you've beaten him to death again."

When looking at the scene where the eldest prince was wrapped in horse leather in the frontier land, Ye Qingyun couldn't help but squint at the Lord of God.

The Lord of God looked normal, as if all this was within his expectation.

"As you can see, I changed the past twice, but for this eldest prince, the future has not changed much."

"He will still die."

"Do you still think that the future can be easily changed? Things that are destined to happen are difficult to change no matter what."

Ye Qingyun immediately shook his head.


"What's wrong?"

"Your method is wrong."

This time, Ye Qingyun took the initiative.

He set the time back to the time after the eldest prince's mother died suddenly and was about to be framed for many evil deeds.

Ye Qingyun used some means to let the eldest prince know the reason for his mother's sudden death and his upcoming crisis.

The eldest prince was extremely frightened, especially when he realized that his father would never stand on his side, he became completely desperate.

But at the same time of despair, the eldest prince also felt a sense of determination in his heart.

Now that we have reached this point, the result cannot be worse anyway, so we will continue to make mistakes.

The eldest prince directly rebelled!

Before the mother of the second prince sent anyone to frame him, he immediately led his confidants into the palace. Because the commander of the palace guards had received favors from the mother of the first prince in the early years, he decided to help the first prince.

Let him kill it smoothly.

Go straight to the emperor's palace!

Finally, after a night passed, the eldest prince succeeded and killed the second prince's mother as well.

He successfully resolved the crisis and at the same time ascended to the position of emperor.

That's how clean and neat it is.

Ye Qingyun pointed to the eldest prince sitting on the emperor's throne below and couldn't help but smile.

"Look, doesn't this change the future?"

"As long as your thinking doesn't slip, there are always more solutions than difficulties."


This chapter has been completed!
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