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Chapter 2866 The Lord of God is not here, white clothes return

After all, the Lord God still cannot ignore the little bit of beauty that he values ​​the most deep in his heart.

That was the memory of him and Da Mao.

From the moment he saw that little yellow dog, everything has been engraved in the mind of the Lord.

There is never a moment of forgetfulness.

After experiencing these long years and seeing through the reincarnation of life and death of all living beings in the realm of nothingness, the God Lord once believed that the existence of all living beings in this realm of nothingness was meaningless.

But even the God Lord himself cannot ignore the beauty hidden deep in his heart.

If it were for Da Mao, the God Lord would be willing to be born in this world again.

The same goes for all living beings. Most of them would be willing to come to this world again for the short-term beauty that has appeared in their lives.

This is the meaning of life!

Chasing beauty!

Even a short moment is enough to be remembered for a lifetime.

Ye Qingyun made the God Master completely aware of this, and his views on all living beings also changed.

Every creature that comes into this world has its own meaning.

Regardless of the length of their lives, just being born into this world is already great.

Do not trample on it at will.

Nor can we think that the existence of these creatures is meaningless.

The Lord God gently closed his eyes, but silent tears continued to slide down his cheeks.

A kind of loneliness that cannot be described in words enveloped the Lord of God at this moment.

He needs the beauty in his heart.

Need those memories with Da Mao.

Need more...big hair.

Seeing the God Master closing his eyes and weeping, Ye Qingyun felt extremely touched and his eyes felt a little sore.

Whether it's the past, present, or future.

For Ye Qingyun, the most important thing from beginning to end was Da Mao.

And the most important point... Ye Qingyun can exist in the past, present world and future as the third generation Dharmakaya, and meeting each other will not change what has happened.

But Da Mao... only has one.

It has been accompanying Ye Qingyun from the past years to the current years, and it has always been this big hair.

There is no second big hair.

It will not be like Ye Qingyun, there will be many big hairs in the past, present and future.

If Ye Qingyun didn't know that Da Mao would disappear in the future and he didn't explore the realm of nothingness to find Da Mao, then Da Mao might have really disappeared completely.

There will be no more Da Mao in the coming years.

At that time, "Ye Qingyun" in white told Ye Qingyun about the future without Da Mao. At that time, "Ye Qingyun" in white knew that he would become another Ye Qingyun, but he still chose to let the current Ye Qingyun find Da Mao.

Whether it is "Ye Qingyun" in white or the God Lord, they are the same person with huge differences, but the same thing is the importance they attach to Da Mao.

I would rather create a different future than let Da Mao come back.

"Let's go, it's time to go back to the river of time."

Ye Qingyun sighed softly and casually opened the long river of time.

The Lord God did not speak, but nodded.

The two of them stepped into the long river of time again and returned to the intersection of time.

I saw that Da Mao had returned and was squatting not far away, waiting for the return of the two Ye Qingyun.

But Nuwa has disappeared.

"Da Mao..."

The Lord God looked at Da Mao, with a strong emotion that could not be suppressed in his eyes.

Da Mao seemed to have noticed the changes in the Lord of God. Instead of being afraid and rejecting the Lord of God as before, it slowly walked towards the Lord of God.

A gentle "woof" sound was heard.

And its tail waggled slightly.

The Lord of God slows down


When he reached out, he gently stroked the big-haired dog's head.

"Big hair...my...so big hair."

As the familiar tone sounded, the Lord God's whole person changed.

The ten layers of divine rings behind him faded away, and the robe turned into pure white, shining with bursts of gentle brilliance.

The expression on his face became calm and gentle.

At this moment, he was no longer the divine master who established the Eternal Divine Court, but became "Ye Qingyun" in white again.

And the future has also changed in a real sense at this moment.

"Ye Qingyun" in white will meet Da Mao again in the coming years.

"You did it after all."

"Ye Qingyun" in white looked at Ye Qingyun with a touch of relief in his eyes.

"You don't need to thank me. We are all buddies."

Ye Qingyun said very casually.

This sounds quite strange.

After all, they are the same person.

"Ye Qingyun" in white looked at the chaotic intersection of years beneath his feet and took action immediately.


I saw bursts of power from the avenue of time forcefully pouring into this intersection of time, causing the intersection of the future and the past to gradually begin to separate.

This is what must be done.

The source of chaos in the long river of time is at this intersection point.

As long as this is disconnected, the chaos of the ages can be stopped.

Of course, those tributaries of time that have been created cannot be erased. After all, those tributaries of time also contain countless living beings.

If those tributaries of time were to be erased, countless living beings would be erased together.

This is something that "Ye Qingyun" in white cannot do.

If it was the Lord of God, it would be fine. He just raised his hand and wiped it off without saying anything.

Since those tributaries of time have been born, and countless creatures are moving forward in those tributaries of time, there is no need to forcibly erase them.

The long river of time has its own unparalleled power, and there is no need for excessive intervention.

Of course, the intersection of the future and the past must be separated.

When the intersection of time gradually dissipates, the connection between the future and the past is completely severed.

As time goes by, things begin to go on the right track.

"It's finally over."

Ye Qingyun let out a big yawn, and suddenly became lazy.

"Now I just want to go back to Fuyun Mountain, have a good sleep, and eat a good bowl of noodles."

Hearing Ye Qingyun's words, "Ye Qingyun" in white couldn't help but smile.

This was also his life.

"It won't be difficult for you to transform the Forbidden Abyss into the seven worlds again. As for Floating Cloud Mountain...it's such a nostalgic place."

Speaking of this, "Ye Qingyun" in white touched the big-haired dog's head again, but he hesitated to speak.

Da Mao seemed to have noticed the thoughts of "Ye Qingyun" in white, and immediately barked twice, then looked back at Ye Qingyun.

Apparently he was seeking Ye Qingyun's opinion.

"Go ahead, it's okay to wander around in the future years, but don't hang around for too long. Remember to go back to Fuyun Mountain."

Ye Qingyun waved his hands and said.

Da Mao barked twice, and then followed behind "Ye Qingyun" in white, heading to the future together.

Ye Qingyun looked at Da Mao's figure following him, still feeling a little reluctant.

But when I think that the person Da Mao is following is his future self, I feel nothing at all.

"Wait a minute, where is that unlucky girl Nuwa?"

Ye Qingyun suddenly remembered something and quickly called "Ye Qingyun" in white.

"Ye Qingyun" in white paused in his steps, and then he remembered that he seemed to have forgotten the existence of Nuwa.

He turned back to look at Ye Qingyun.

"She was probably taken away by someone."


"Who is it? Can you go to the end of the long river of time and steal people?"

Ye Qingyun was a little surprised.

Is there something else that I don’t know?

"Ye Qingyun" in white had a slightly complicated expression, as if he didn't want to tell Ye Qingyun something.

"A person you will definitely meet in the future."

"There is also this thing."

While speaking, "Ye Qingyun" in white raised his left hand, and the broken small tower made of brass fragments appeared in his hand.

"This thing is very important."

Ye Qingyun looked at the broken little tower and frowned suddenly.

"Isn't this something you refined?"

"Ye Qingyun" in white shook his head.

"This thing does not belong to the realm of nothingness."

Ye Qingyun looked stunned, then scratched his head in distress.

My mother.

A new storm has emerged again?

ps: It’s still available today!


This chapter has been completed!
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