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Chapter 2941 Everything is wrong

The young man who was thrown out of Fuyun Mountain with a small shovel in his hand was naturally Ye Ziyun.

He didn't know what happened, he was thrown out for no reason.

He didn't even ask himself if he wanted to be thrown out.

A little too presumptuous. .??.

Li Ergou recognized Ye Ziyun at a glance.

Li Ergou had also fought against Ye Ziyun before when they were in the mountains and seas outside the fog, and once brought out Ye Ziyun's true consciousness.

It is also clear that this seemingly dull child is actually a very powerful man.

Li Ergou's eyes were gloomy, and he directly struck Ye Ziyun's head with a palm.

The terrifying palm prints condensed into shape in an instant, pressing down like a huge mountain, and slapped Ye Ziyun's body hard.


Ye Ziyun shouted, and his body spun like a gourd rolling on the ground.

Before Ye Ziyun could stabilize his figure, Li Ergou urged Yuwu Bahuang to summon the shadows of the eight martial gods.

Use the power of the Eight Martial Gods to forcibly suppress Ye Ziyun.

Leave him no room to fight back.

I saw Ye Ziyun's small body being suppressed by the eight huge phantoms of the Martial Gods, and the endless power impacted Ye Ziyun like a vast sea.

Ye Ziyun was like a lonely boat in the huge sea. He had no power to resist and could only drift with the tide, being swallowed up by the power of the eight shadows of the Martial Gods.

But Li Ergou looked at this scene without showing any joy.

Instead, his frown deepened, and a trace of gravity appeared on his ugly and weird face.

Even though Ye Ziyun seemed to have no power to resist, he was not even hurt at all by the powerful impact of the eight phantoms of the Martial Gods.

His body seemed to have reached an incredible level, and not even the power of the eight great gods of war could do anything to him.

Ye Ziyun was stunned by the power of the Eight Martial Gods, but he still held on to his beloved little shovel and waved it subconsciously.

Boom boom boom boom!!!

Terrible and boundless power

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As soon as the shovel was swung out, the shadows of the eight martial gods all retreated.

Ye Ziyun ignored it and rushed forward with a roar.

The Eight Great Martial Gods rushed forward again, but they were hit one by one by Ye Ziyun with a shovel, causing their bodies to scatter and almost no longer be able to condense into shape.


Seeing this situation, Li Ergou decisively activated the Destruction Method in an attempt to deprive Ye Ziyun of his power and memory.

And when the power of the Destruction Law enveloped him, Ye Ziyun's body also began to generate the power of the Avenue of Chaos.

He completely protected Ye Ziyun and collided with the incoming Destruction Method.

Two extreme forces are constantly intertwined and conflicting.

For a while, no one could do anything to anyone.

But then, the power of the Chaos Avenue around Ye Ziyun grew stronger and stronger, overwhelming Li Ergou's Destruction Method.

"Damn it!"

Li Ergou cursed secretly and immediately recalled the eight martial gods to protect him.

With the help of the power of the Eight Martial Gods, Li Ergou barely blocked the power of the Chaos Avenue released by Ye Ziyun.

He used the power of his inner magic again, trying to imprint the inner demon mark on Ye Ziyun's mind.

If successful, no matter how difficult Ye Ziyun is to deal with, he will be tortured by his inner demons forever.

Never dare to face yourself.

The accurate power of mind magic is strange and difficult to prevent, and Li Ergou is confident that it can play an unexpected role.

Taking advantage of Ye Ziyun being entangled by the Eight Great Martial Gods again, Li Ergou decisively activated his heart magic.

His eyes turned red, and an imperceptible red light instantly headed towards Ye Ziyun.

Li Ergou looked at Ye Ziyun nervously, until he saw the inner demon mark successfully penetrated into Ye Ziyun's body, Li Ergou felt ecstatic in his heart.


The mark of the inner demon has entered.

It was so unexpectedly smooth that Li Ergou couldn't believe it.

"This son is no longer a threat to me!"

Li Ergou decisively activated the Heart Demon Mark, hoping that the accurate power of the Heart Magic could completely defeat Ye Ziyun's mind. ??

But then, Li Ergou's expression suddenly changed.

The inner demon brand has indeed been activated, and the power of magic is also running, but the speed of consumption is simply terrifying.

In one fell swoop, Li Ergou lost most of his legal power.

But even so, the magic of the mind failed to work.

"not good!"

After all, Li Ergou was Li Ergou, and he immediately realized the problem.

After all, he still underestimated Ye Ziyun.

He thought that as long as he planted the mark of his inner demon, Ye Ziyun would not be in trouble.

But he ignored that Ye Ziyun's own strength was too strong. Even if the inner demon brand was driven into his body, if he wanted the inner demon brand to be fully effective, he would need to consume Li Ergou's extremely majestic magic power.

Just at this moment, Li Ergou was about to be devastated.

Li Ergou's body was inherently incomplete, and the power of the law could not bear much. As a result, in order to activate the mark of the inner demon, there was not much power of the law left in Li Ergou's body.

Realizing the problem, Li Ergou also quickly gave up the idea of ​​using mental magic accuracy, and quickly withdrew some of the power of magic accuracy.

Although it is impossible to recover everything, a little bit can be recovered.

Ye Ziyun, on the other hand, didn't feel anything at all. He was already flying in front of Li Ergou with a small shovel.

"I beat you to death!"

Ye Ziyun directly picked up the small shovel and dropped it on Li Ergou's head.

Li Ergou raised his hand and hit the small shovel.

However, he felt a surge of boundless force coming at him, beating Li Ergou's palm to a bloody pulp, causing him to fall back again and again.

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Li Ergou's face was filled with astonishment, but what greeted him was Ye Ziyun's ruthless shovel.

"I beat you to death!"

Ye Ziyun didn't know what the rules were, so he was swinging the shovel purely by instinct.

Although the offensive is simple, its power is quite brutal.

No matter what your Dharma is, every shovel I shovel contains the origin of the Supreme Way, and the power of your Dharma cannot stop me.

Even with Yuwu Bahuang's body protection, he couldn't resist Ye Ziyun's style of play.

The phantoms of the Eight Great Martial Gods have long been dispersed.

Li Ergou's body is bearing every shovel now.

The beating made Li Ergou miserable.

Every shovel would leave solid wounds on Li Ergou's body.

Although Li Ergou was completely at a disadvantage, he didn't seem to have much power to fight back.

But Li Ergou did not retreat directly like last time, but chose to resist forcefully.

To be precise, he was forced to carry it and get beaten.

In fact, Li Ergou doesn't care how long this body can exist. What he wants is to learn the supreme way.

From Ye Ziyun's body, Li Ergou could feel the power of the supreme avenue far beyond that of others.

So even if he gets beaten, it will still be good for Li Ergou.

He is stealing lessons!


But secretly, Li Ergou felt that something was not right again.

"No! Everything is wrong!"

Li Ergou suddenly woke up. The young boy wielding the shovel in front of him was not real at all.

Even everything he has experienced, starting from when he forcibly fused his body and descended to the lower realm, everything was wrong.

It wasn't until this moment when he realized that he couldn't learn the power of the Supreme Way from Ye Ziyun that he realized this.

Li Ergou's expression suddenly changed.

"The power of transcendence? Use it in reverse?"

This chapter has been completed!
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