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Chapter 2974 Old Scalper


Chen Fuman glanced at the wooden sculpture that was dug out by the old scalper, bent down to pick it up, wiped the soil on it and looked at it.

Then he threw it aside casually.

Continue to plow the fields with the old scalper.

Worked until noon.

The old scalper slowly went to the side to nibble grass. After Chen Fuman ate some dry food he brought with him, he wanted to find a place to lie down for a while.

As I get older, I can't stand working all morning. If I don't get some sleep, I won't be able to work in the afternoon.

Chen Fuman looked around, picked up the wooden sculpture that he had just thrown away, and placed it under his head as a pillow.

Don't even say it.

This thing is quite comfortable to rest on.

Chen Fuman just rested his head on the wooden sculpture and took a nap in the field.

This moment of nap made Chen Fuman have a long dream.

In the dream, his mute wife recovered from her serious illness and could speak again.

His son fell into the water and drowned, but he rescued him in time, saved his life, and grew up smoothly.

His daughter was not forcibly married and had children. Instead, she married a young carpenter in the village and lived a harmonious life.

In this dream, all the suffering he experienced no longer existed.

The days passed normally and smoothly.

Chen Fuman couldn't help but smile while he was sleeping, while the old scalper beside him lay silently next to Chen Fuman.

Until Chen Fuman woke up suddenly, the smile on his face stopped abruptly.

Chen Fuman slowly sat up, looking around at everything in a daze, and then touched the old scalper beside him.


Chen Fuman let out a long sigh and rubbed his face with his hands.

"It turned out to be a dream."

He was in a particularly sad mood.

As beautiful as the dream was, the reality was so uncomfortable for him.

If you are stuck in a dream and can't wake up, it would be a good idea to just sleep to death.

It can be regarded as some comfort after a lifetime of suffering.

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Chen Fuman slowly got up and continued plowing the fields with the old scalper until dusk.

Chen Fuman, exhausted, was about to go back to the village with the old scalper.

Before leaving, Chen Fuman looked again at the wooden sculpture that he used as a pillow during his nap.

He hesitated.

Finally, he put the wooden sculpture in his arms and slowly walked down the mountain.

After returning home, Chen Fuman washed the wood carving with clean water and placed it under the candlelight to examine it carefully.

"Who is this person? Doesn't he look like a god?"

Chen Fuman didn't care who was carving the wood carving. His intuition told Chen Fuman that this wood carving should be of some value.

If it doesn't work, you can exchange money.

Chen Fuman kept the wood carving at home, took it with him when he worked for several days, and used it as a pillow when he took a nap in the field.

I don’t know if it’s a coincidence or if this wood carving really has some magical effect.

Chen Fuman always has good dreams when he takes a nap on it.

He hasn't had a good dream in many years.

These past few days have given Chen Fuman some comfort in his sleep.

Five days later.

The work in the fields is finally done.

Chen Fuman drank a little wine by himself in the evening and fell into a deep sleep soon.

It's late at night.

However, three sneaky figures quietly came outside Chen Fuman's hut.

And headed straight to the bullpen.

The three of them arrived at the cowshed, looked around, and then looked inside the hut.

Seeing Chen Fuman sleeping soundly, all three of them looked happy.

"Old man Chen has fallen asleep. Let's take his cow away quickly. He hasn't eaten meat for several days, so it's time to have a delicious meal."

"Hey, I've been craving this old scalper for a long time.

I don’t have much chance, I will eat it no matter what I say tonight.”

"Old man Chen himself is very poor, but this cow is quite strong and can feed us for a long time."

"Let's go, let's go see the cows!"

The three of them walked into the cowshed. One of them fed the old cattle with grass, while the other two looked at the wind and the other led the cattle.

Unexpectedly, the old ox ate the grass but did not go out at all.

Even if someone is holding it, it will stand still.

No matter how hard the man pulled, he couldn't move it.

"What are you doing? Why can't you lead the cow?" .??.

The short and thin young man feeding the grass said angrily.

The little fat man holding the cow scratched his head, then pulled out a piece of black cloth and covered the old scalper's eyes directly.

"Go, go, go!"

The little fat man pulled the cow's nose ring and finally led the old scalper out of the cowshed this time.

"Hurry up, we'll be in trouble if someone finds out later!"

The tall man watching the wind urged him again and again.

The three of them are idle lads in the village. They don't do anything serious on weekdays and specialize in doing some sneaky things.

"It's done, hurry up and leave!"

Seeing the old scalper being led out of the cowshed, the three people quickly took the old scalper and disappeared into the night.

At the same time, a green light floated out from the hut and followed the three people and the old scalper.

Early the next morning.

Chen Fuman got up and prepared to take the old scalper out to eat grass.

Although he is old, he treats the old scalper very well and feeds the old scalper fresh grass every day.

But when Chen Fuman came to the cowshed and took a look, the old scalper was gone.

Chen Fuman was stunned and stood there a little at a loss.

He walked around the hut but couldn't find the old scalper.

Chen Fuman squatted at the door of his house, touching his head in confusion, looking at

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It felt like he had lost his soul.

A lifetime of losing family members.

When I get old, even the old scalpers are gone.

What little energy Chen Fuman had left was gone.

There is no thought of living at all.

"What do I want to do with my life?"

Chen Fu was filled with despair and staggered towards the pond not far away.

Just when he walked to the edge of the pond.

Not far away, a dull cow cry sounded.


Chen Fuman was startled and suddenly turned around.

I saw the old scalper walking back slowly.

He was still chewing a piece of tender grass in his mouth.

"old man!"

Chen Fuman was overjoyed, walked to the old scalper with staggering steps, and hugged the old scalper tightly.

The old scalper also stuck out his tongue and licked Chen Fuman.

One person and one cow depend on each other for life.

No one can leave anyone.

At noon, the villagers in the village were running around in a panic, as if something had happened.

Chen Fuman also learned about the situation from his neighbors.

Three idle men who had been idle in the village died.

Moreover, the death was extremely miserable, as if his head was crushed by some ferocious beast, and he died in a disgraceful manner.

"Old Chentou, you don't know that even the county officials came and said they found a handful of cow hair next to the bodies of the three Liu boys."

"There seems to be cow dung."

The neighbor, Aunt Zhang, spoke to Chen Fuman vividly and glanced at the old scalper behind Chen Fuman.

"Old Chentou, do you think there is such a ferocious cow in our village? It can crush people's heads and melon seeds?"

Chen Fuman shook his head repeatedly and touched his old scalper.

"I don't know, it has nothing to do with my old buddy anyway."

"My old guy has the best temper. I whip him without even making a sound."

This chapter has been completed!
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