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Chapter 3034 Everyone does his best!

Since Huikong left, everyone in Fuyun Mountain has not been idle.

Take action spontaneously.

The ten disciples traveled around the world and built monuments and temples for Ye Qingyun, hoping that through this, all living beings in the world would know the real Ye Qingyun.

This process is also particularly difficult.

After all, under the influence of the Rebellion Law, all living beings in the world believed that Ye Qingyun was a peerless evil demon who harmed the world, and they were particularly disgusted and repulsed by him.

When they saw that someone was erecting monuments and temples for this big devil, the crowd naturally became excited and came together to smash these stone monuments and temples related to Ye Qingyun.

It is not easy for the top ten disciples to show up directly to stop it. They can only let people vent their anger and resentment first.

After the stone tablets and temples were smashed, the ten disciples quietly rebuilt them.

Only a few of the stone temples they built in sparsely populated areas can be preserved.

Most of them are going through the process of destruction, reconstruction, destruction, and reconstruction again.

I don’t know when and what year will these living beings accept the stone tablets and temples about Ye Qingyun.

This is a difficult process.

But I had to keep doing it.

The five holy beasts also left Fuyun Mountain and returned to their respective holy beast groups.

Since the five holy beasts have achieved the realm of the holy ancestors, they have been able to use their own essence and blood to create new groups of holy beasts, and they can also regenerate dead holy beasts from their bloodlines.

In other words, as long as the Holy Ancestor is immortal, the lineage of Holy Beasts will never die.

Long Da, Decepticon, Big Rooster, Turtle Immortal and Sheep Dingtian all created their own groups of holy beasts.

Whether it is a new holy beast or a resurrected holy beast, every group is very powerful.

The most important thing is that the group of holy beasts created by the five holy beasts has not been affected by the laws of rebellion.

Because these five sacred beast groups were born after the rebellious law was cast.

Therefore, with the efforts of Long Da and others, the Holy Beast tribe all knew about Ye Qingyun's deeds, which made the Holy Beast tribe have deep respect for Ye Qingyun.

But just for the Holy Beast tribe to know about Ye Qingyun's deeds does not have much effect.

There are simply too many creatures in the entire realm of nothingness.

Just because the holy beasts know about Ye Qingyun, it is not enough to gather enough faith to let Ye Qingyun return to the realm of nothingness.

Just as Ye Ziyun said, it takes great faith from all living beings to make Ye Qingyun reappear.

At least it would be necessary to arouse the faith of countless human beings in Ye Qingyun.

Sheng Xiaozi, Yan Zheng and Gu Chen Sword Master are also doing their best.

Yan Zheng returned to the Central Plains, compiled many Confucian classics as a Confucian sage, and passed down Ye Qingyun's deeds in the form of calligraphy.

He also accepted three thousand disciples and taught them the essence of Confucianism. At the same time, he allowed these three thousand disciples to recognize the real Ye Qingyun in the form of calligraphy and painting.

This move had a good effect, but it also caused a lot of controversy.

After all, everyone in the Confucian school was also influenced by the laws of rebellion. Although they knew that Yan Zheng was a Confucian sage, Yan Zheng spoke well of a peerless evil demon and kept preaching about it.

This is simply treason!

Disgraceful to Confucianism!

Many Confucian people stood up to rebuke Yan Zheng, and even felt that Yan Zheng was not worthy of being a Confucian sage and should be criticized verbally and writtenly.

Even nearly half of the three thousand disciples accepted by Yan Zheng chose to leave, and later joined the ranks of those who condemned Yan Zheng.

Although Yan Zheng was not deprived of his reputation as a sage, he became a person with mixed reputations among Confucianists.

Even though his reputation was damaged and even though his disciples criticized him, Yan Zheng did not change his attitude.

Still compiling Confucian classics, and still painting portraits related to Ye Qingyun.

Continue to tell the Confucian disciples the true deeds of Ye Qingyun.

Yan Zheng firmly believes that as long as he persists in his work, sooner or later everyone in the Confucian family will know the real Ye Qingyun.

Compared with Yan Zheng's method, Sheng Xiaozi's method is simpler and more crude.

Sheng Xiaozi returned to the Central Plains Dao Sect and immediately arrested everyone in the Dao Sect.

Then a stone statue of Ye Qingyun was moved, which was lifelike and vivid. Even Ye Qingyun's name was clearly engraved on the stone statue.

"From today onwards, you will kneel down and worship this stone statue here. You must be sincere and do not have other thoughts!"

"I'm right here watching you. If anyone dares to have second thoughts, I can tell at a glance."

"If anyone worships sincerely, I will teach him the supreme Taoist scriptures and the method of becoming an immortal."

Although this method of hitting a stick and giving a sweet date is simple and crude, it is indeed effective.

Although everyone in the Taoist sect was puzzled, they could only follow the instructions.

They all knelt down and worshiped the stone statue of Ye Qingyun.

Sheng Xiaozi was like a cold overseer, sitting aside and staring at them carelessly.

Her Taoist Dharma eyes can naturally see what these Taoist people are thinking.

Who is pretending and who is sincerely worshiping, Sheng Xiaozi knows it clearly.

As for Gu Chen Jianzun, he is not from a hundred schools of thought and has no descendants.

Sword Master Gu Chen just brought his own sword and traveled around the nine heavens and ten earths, teaching sword techniques and forging famous swords.

During this process, Sword Master Gu Chen told the world about Ye Qingyun's deeds, and the famous swords he forged would incorporate Ye Qingyun's insights into Sword Master Gu Chen.

For those who obtain the famous sword, it is as if they have obtained Ye Qingyun's enlightenment.

In this way, those swordsmen would know about Ye Qingyun's deeds.


Guo Xiaoyun returned to the Dayun Dynasty, taught the descendants of the Guo family as Taizu and Gaozu, and took them to Fuyun Mountain to worship.

Then, in the Dayun Dynasty, the people's impression of Ye Qingyun was gradually changed.

But Guo Xiaoyun still underestimated the impact of Niluan Fazhun.

In Bai Xin's memory, Ye Qingyun was the evil spirit who brought trouble to the world, but the Dayun Dynasty was actively promoting this evil spirit, making it difficult for countless people in Dayun to accept it.

He even felt that the royal family was corrupt and ignorant, and wanted to confuse the world with evil talk.

The people were excited and the response was huge, which even caused several major turmoils in the Dayun Dynasty, shaking the Dayun royal family for a time.

Even among the descendants of the Guo family, there are people who are disobedient to Guo Xiaoyun.

Even so, Guo Xiaoyun still tried his best to do this despite all kinds of pressure.

Even if the Dayun Dynasty is really destroyed because of this, Guo Xiaoyun will never regret it.


Over the long river of time, the crescent moon turned into a line of light and shadow, constantly looking for something.

She did not believe that Ye Qingyun was really dead, and she was even more unwilling to accept the fact that Ye Qingyun could not come back.

No matter what, Yue Mixia wants to find Ye Qingyun.

No matter it is some traces of Ye Qingyun, or even everything related to Ye Qingyun.

As long as he can find some, he can use the power of the Great Path of Creation to bring Ye Qingyun back.

But Yue Mingxia found in despair that everything about the current Ye Qingyun seemed to have disappeared in the long river of time.

Even if Ye Qingyun once left something behind, it no longer existed the moment he and Li Ergou died together.

Yue Xiaxia stood desperately on the long river of time, looking back blankly, her heart feeling cold.

"What on earth...can I do to get you back?"

This chapter has been completed!
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