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Chapter 33 Master, I understand!

 Ye Qingyun did not see the phantom of the Buddha behind him.

When he saw that Song Xiaotian was actually kneeling on the ground with his hands clasped together, with a pious look on his face, he thought that Song Xiaotian believed in Buddhism.

"Since you believe in Buddhism, it will be easier."

"Let me influence you, father and son."

Ye Qingyun was determined.

"Song Xiaotian, Song Chenglong, you two, father and son, have done many evil things and accumulated many bad consequences. These bad consequences will eventually be punished on you."

Ye Qingyun tried his best to pretend to be Buddha-natured.

He fantasized about the appearance of those Buddhist monks and tried his best to imitate them.

Perhaps because of this reason, the phantom of the Buddha behind Ye Qingyun became more and more solid.

Even the appearance of the Buddha's shadow is somewhat similar to Ye Qingyun.

This made the Song family father and son even more stunned.

"This is actually a Buddhist master!"

The father and son were extremely shocked.

Buddhist monks are very mysterious existences.

Although there was Buddhism in the Tianwu Dynasty, it was not a common practice.

According to legend, Buddhism flourished in the Western Region beyond the Southern Wilderness.

There is even a Buddhist country where everyone believes in Buddhist monks and Buddhists, and the status of Buddhists is extremely respected.

The Song family father and son did not expect that Ye Qingyun was actually a Buddhist.

And it seems that he is definitely an enigmatic existence in Buddhism.

For a time, the father and son were filled with regret.

If I had known that he was so powerful, I shouldn't have provoked him.

"Master, we, father and son, haven't done many bad things either."

Song Xiaotian said somewhat vaguely.

Ye Qingyun shook his head.

"Buddha is everywhere. Whatever you do or don't do, Buddha sees it. Nothing can be hidden from the eyes of Buddha."

Before he finished speaking, the phantom of the Buddha behind Ye Qingyun suddenly lit up his eyes, illuminating the Song family's father and son.

The Song family father and son trembled all over.

Under the gaze of the Buddha's eyes, the father and son felt as if their minds had been purified.
All the things they did in the past came to mind.

The evil deeds he had done were extremely clear one by one.

The faces of father and son were pale.

Only then did they realize how many bad things they had done in the past.

The two of them were so ashamed that they lowered their heads deeply.

Ye Qingyun, on the other hand, had a strange look on his face.

"Where did this golden light come from? Is it so mysterious?"

He turned his head and looked around, but couldn't see anything unusual at all.

The phantom of the Buddha was visible to everyone else, but only Ye Qingyun could not see it.

"Master, we father and son know we were wrong!"

"I know I was wrong, I really know I was wrong!"

The father and son kowtowed to Ye Qingyun repeatedly.

Ye Qingyun nodded happily.

"Although you, father and son, have done many evil things, I, the Buddha, are merciful and everyone has a chance to be forgiven."

"From today on, you should do more good deeds and have kind thoughts in your heart. This will surely eliminate the bad consequences of the past for you, father and son."

The Song family father and son heard this.

I suddenly became excited.

They are willing to do anything as long as it can eliminate the bad consequences.

Not to mention just doing good deeds.

Do good?

That's not too easy.

"We remember!"

Song Xiaotian said.

"I'm not finished yet."

Ye Qingyun continued, "The most important thing is to recite Buddhist scriptures every day."

"Buddhist scriptures?"

The father and son looked blank.

"Master, we don't understand Buddhist scriptures at all."

Song Xiaotian Dao.

"No problem, poor monk, I will pass on a Buddhist sutra to you. Remember to recite it three times a day, once in the morning, noon and evening."


The two sons were overjoyed.

"Thank you, Master!"

Ye Qingyun hummed and then began to recite Buddhist scriptures.

"This Buddhist sutra is called the Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra."

The father and son took the paper and pen directly, with serious looks on their faces, just like students taking notes in class.


"Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, walking in the deep Prajnaparamita for a long time, sees that all five aggregates are empty, and can survive all hardships."

"Relics, color is not different from emptiness, emptiness is not different from color, color is emptiness, emptiness is color, and the same is true for feelings, thoughts, and consciousness." .??.

"Relics, all dharmas are empty, neither born nor destroyed, neither dirty nor pure, neither increasing nor decreasing."

"That's why there is no color in the sky, no feelings, thoughts or consciousness."

"Reveal the truth, uncover the truth, Polo reveals the truth, Pāloṇṭhāna reveals the truth, Bodhisattva reveals the truth."

A complete "Prajnaparamita Heart Sutra" was recited by Ye Qingyun fluently and smoothly.

When he finished reciting this Heart Sutra.

The phantom of the Buddha behind Ye Qingyun has never been brighter.

A bright Buddha light shot straight into the sky.


this moment.

With a radius of thousands of miles, everyone can see this golden scenery as long as they raise their heads slightly.

For a time, all parties in the Tianwu Dynasty were alarmed.

"This is Buddha's light!"

"This Buddha's light is so rich and pure. Could it be that some eminent monk had enlightenment?"

“Maybe even the reincarnation of Buddha!”

"Go and see what's going on?"

For a time, many people came towards the direction where the Buddha's light emerged.

at this time.

The western territory far away from the Tianwu Dynasty.

This is the paradise of Buddhism.

In the mouths of outsiders, this place is also called the Western Paradise.

A temple full of incense, with bright lights and people coming and going.

Among the monasteries in the backyard of the temple.

An old monk who had been in meditation for 7749 years suddenly opened his eyes.

"Huh? Is there a Buddha in the south that is so powerful that it soars into the sky?"

The old monk stepped out and looked towards the south with his bright eyes.

Vaguely, he seemed to see the golden Buddha behind Ye Qingyun.


The appearance of the old monk alarmed many eminent monks in the temple, and they came one after another.

"Quick! Send people to the Tianwu Dynasty in the southern wilderness, where my Buddhist saint appears!"

"What? The Holy Son of Buddhism?"

The monks were horrified.

The Holy Son of Buddhism, that is the person that the Buddhist sect in the Western Region has been searching for for many years but has not found.

Even in the Bodhi Buddha Country, there are only three suspected Buddhist saints who have not yet been completely confirmed.

Now, the old monk says that the Holy Son of Buddhism was born in the Southern Wilderness outside the Western Territory?

How can this be?

However, none of the monks dared to doubt the old monk's words.

Because this old monk is the most senior monk in Xichan Temple and one of the top beings in Buddhism in the entire Western Region.

His words are the most truthful principles of Buddhism and cannot be doubted by anyone.

At that moment, Xichan Temple immediately sent monks and headed straight to the southern wasteland.

Not only the Western Zen Temple, but also many Buddhist forces in the Western Region also sent their own Buddhist disciples to rush to the Southern Wilderness.

Just to explore the secret of that Buddha light.

As the instigator, Ye Qingyun had no idea how much of a sensation his recitation of the Heart Sutra would cause in the far western region.

"Do you remember?"

The Song family father and son were completely stunned.

They were immersed in the Heart Sutra that Ye Qingyun recited just now, although they did not quite understand the principles contained in the Heart Sutra.

But just after listening to it once, they felt as if they had fully realized it.

Life has changed tremendously since then.

"Master, I understand!"

Father and son both shouted.

This chapter has been completed!
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