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Chapter 481

 A faint Buddha's light flickers on Xuyun's body.

Although it is not strong, it is clearly presented in front of everyone's eyes.

At this moment, Xu Yun's face showed a light of piety.

The treasure is solemn.

Although he is just a young monk who has only been practicing for two or three years.

But at this moment, he looked more like a Buddhist than the advanced monks present.

Zen Master Yulong was very surprised.

He didn't expect that such a young monk would have such an opinion.

He instantly surpassed the so-called outstanding monks he valued.

This made Zen Master Yulong doubt himself a little.

Could it be that I am really old and dim?

Even the truly outstanding monks can no longer tell the difference?

Ye Qingyun also admired this Xuyun quite a lot.

Although his answer was not completely in line with Ye Qingyun's own thoughts.

But compared to other monks, it is already much better.

"Okay, let me ask the second question."

Ye Qingyun opened his mouth and said.

Xuyun and the monks all showed serious expressions.

Get ready to listen to Ye Qingyun’s second question.

Ye Qingyun cleared his throat.

"Ahem, second question."

"If someone comes with an ordinary flower in exchange for the largest and most precious golden Buddha statue in the temple, how should you respond?"

This question confused everyone again.

Use an ordinary flower in exchange for the largest and most precious golden Buddha statue in the temple?

how to respond?

This question is too outrageous.

Is this something a normal person can think of?

Zen Master Yulong and other old monks all appeared deep in thought, and they could vaguely sense Ye Qingyun's good intentions.

"Reporting to the Holy Son, this is absolutely a rude request, so I will naturally refuse it."

"Yes, the golden body of a Buddha statue cannot be desecrated."

"If there is such a person, it must be the evil spirit coming to cause trouble."
All the monks opened their mouths to answer.

The answers are much the same.

They all disagreed with using ordinary flowers in exchange for the golden Buddha statue.

This is also normal.

In anyone’s opinion, exchanging an ordinary flower for a golden Buddha statue?

This is simply unreasonable.

Only crazy people do this.

Ye Qingyun looked calm and looked at the young monk Xuyun who had been silent.

"What's your answer?"

Xuyun tensed up and shook his head again.

"It's better not to say anything."

Ye Qingyun was startled, then smiled and said, "Why don't you tell me?"

Xuyun was a little embarrassed, "Amitabha, the young monk is afraid that if he speaks out, he will be scolded by his masters and brothers."

Ye Qingyun smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. As long as I'm here, no one will scold you. You can say whatever you think."

Only then did Xu Yun feel relieved.

"The young monk feels that if someone really comes to exchange for the golden Buddha statue of my Xichan Ancient Temple with an ordinary flower, that young monk would be willing to exchange it with him."

As soon as these words came out, all the monks changed their expressions.

The great monk on the side was about to scold him, but when he saw Ye Qingyun's face, he shut his mouth.

"Why would you be willing to exchange?"

Ye Qingyun asked curiously.

Xuyun clasped his hands together and looked at the golden Buddha statue in the Buddhist hall.

"Buddhist scriptures once said that all living beings are equal and everything has Buddha nature."

"Whether it's a flower or a Buddha statue, there is no distinction between high and low, they are all equal."

"They are all equal, why can't they be exchanged?"

"What's more, everything has Buddha nature, including flowers. Its Buddha nature will not be lower than that of a golden Buddha statue. There is nothing wrong with the exchange."

After Xu Yun finished speaking, he carefully looked at Zen Master Yulong and others.

"This is all my own opinion. If there are any mistakes, please let me know.

The abbot punishes.”

Zen Master Yulong showed a hint of bitterness.

"What you said is very good. There will be no punishment."

Ye Qingyun was also surprised.

I didn't expect that there would be such an extraordinary monk in the ancient Xichan Temple.

The other monks all looked ashamed.

They only considered the value of the golden Buddha statue itself, but forgot the teachings in the Buddhist scriptures.

After hearing Xu Yun's answer at this moment, they naturally realized their shortcomings one by one.

"The third question."

Ye Qingyun continued to ask questions.

All the monks listened carefully.

"In front of you, there are two seriously injured people. One is a good person who does good deeds and is compassionate, and the other is an evil person who does all kinds of evil and cannot be tolerated by nature."

"They are all asking you for help, but you can only save one person, how should you choose?"

All the monks were startled.

This seems to be a very obvious question.

A good person or an evil person, can only one be saved?

Of course it is to rescue good people.

There is no doubt about it.

But this is a question raised by the Holy Son Ye Qingyun, and it is definitely not that simple.

Monks, you look at me and I look at him.

They all seem to have answers.

"The Holy Son should save the wicked."

"That's right, save the evil ones."

"Save the evil man and then teach him to do good."

The monks spoke one after another.

Their answers were quite consistent.

They all choose to save evil people.

Ye Qingyun seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Until all the monks had finished speaking, only Xuyun was left without answering.

"Xuyun, what's your answer?"

Ye Qingyun looked at Xuyun.

Xu Yun's expression was tense and his brows were furrowed.

"Holy Son, I haven't thought about it yet."

Ye Qingyunyi

Then he smiled and said, "Okay, think about it slowly, I'll wait for you."

Everyone was surprised.

It seems that the Holy Son is particularly generous to Xuyun.

I waited for almost half an hour.

Xu Yun, who had been troubled and uneasy, suddenly became calm.

"Holy Son, the young monk has the answer."

Ye Qingyun was suddenly curious, "Oh? Then tell me your answer."

Xuyun took a deep breath.

"The little monk can't save anyone."


The monks were immediately stunned.

Xuyun's answer was that he wouldn't save anyone?

This is simply incredible.

Obviously the problem with the Holy Son is that he can only save one person, but Xuyun actually chooses not to save anyone?

What kind of answer is this?

What's more, when a person is about to die, you obviously have the ability to save one, but you choose not to save him.

Is this what Buddhists do?

It simply goes against the teachings of Buddha.

"Xuyun, what are you talking about?"

The great monk finally seized the opportunity and scolded him angrily.

Xuyun felt a little aggrieved.

But he didn't dare to say anything.

Ye Qingyun waved his hand towards the great monk.

"Let him finish first."

The great monk looked embarrassed.

Xuyun clasped his hands together and knelt in front of Ye Qingyun.

"The young monk feels that no one can be saved."

"It would be unfair to good people if we save evil people."

"And if you save a good person, as a Buddha, it is also an act of not saving him in the face of death."

"But the young monk believes that if a good person dies, he has done good deeds throughout his life and accumulated blessings. After death, he can transcend and see the Buddha, and there will be thousands of blessings in the next life."

"And after the evil person dies, because he has done many evil things during his lifetime, he will definitely go to the eighteenth level of hell and suffer the sufferings of hell."

"This is the best result for them!"

This chapter has been completed!
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