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Chapter 512

 Huikong flew all the way, heading straight beyond the East China Sea.

He has a firm mind and a mind of whether I will go to hell or who will go to hell.

I want to enlighten that demon king.

Even if there are many dangers, even if he narrowly escapes death, it is still difficult for Huikong to be shaken. .??.

He is just like Zen Master Xuanzang who went to the Eastern Tang Dynasty to teach Buddhist scriptures.


What Huikong wants to do this time is even more amazing than what Zen Master Xuanzang did back then.

"Amitabha, if I don't go to hell, who will?"

"The poor monk Huikong, this time I vow to transform the king of the demon clan and save the common people!"

"Even if you give up your life and cultivation, you will not retreat!"

Huikong kept mumbling all the way, and finally saw the sea.


Huikong found that he was lost.

He wandered around the sea for several days.

As a result, I have no idea where Wulong Mountain is located?

He also asked someone.

But as soon as the person who asked the question heard that Huikong was asking about Wulong Mountain, he immediately became jealous and refused to talk to Huikong at all.

How can this be fixed?

If you can't even find Wulong Mountain, how can you enlighten the demon king? How can you resolve the conflict?

How else to save the common people?

"Amitabha, am I, Huikong, really so unbearable?"

Huikong stood on the sea, silently asking the sky.


Huikong saw some monsters, and they all flew in the same direction.

Although Huikong is a bit slow, he is not a fool.

Looking at the direction in which these monsters flew, I immediately concluded that they were heading towards Wulong Mountain.

As long as I follow these monsters, won't I be able to find Wulong Mountain?

Amitabha, you are really smart!

Ever since.

Huikong just followed a group of monster beasts majestically.

As a result, not long after that, all the monsters turned to look at Huikong.

Huikong was also startled and stopped quickly.

"What do you do?"

A strong man from the demon race stared at Huikong with a suspicious face.

Huikong had a kind smile on his face and clasped his hands together.
"Amitabha, the poor monk is a monk from the Buddhist sect in the Western Region and is going to Wulong Mountain."

Buddhist monk?

The group of demons looked at each other.

This damn Buddhist monk is too arrogant.

Follow them directly?

What do you want to do?

Want to catch them all in one fell swoop?

"Monk, if you don't want to die, get away, otherwise don't blame me for being rude to you!"

The strong man from the demon race said with a ferocious look.

How could Huikong be afraid?

He dared to enlighten a demon king, so how could he be frightened by such a few little demons?


Huikong dared to face the demon Buddha Bo Xun and fought to the death.

Now this scene,

It was too trivial for him.

"Amitabha, the world is so beautiful, but all the donors are so irritable. Isn't that good?"

Huikong said softly.

Group of demons "???"

What the hell is this monk talking about?

The strong man from the demon tribe didn't bother to say anything and directly punched Huikong with his fist.

Huikong neither dodges nor avoids.

He allowed this strong man from the demon tribe to punch him.


Huikong remained motionless.

On the contrary, the strong man from the demon clan uttered an ouch and fell back again and again.

Looking again, Huikong's whole body was filled with a layer of faint golden light.

The indestructible magical power of Vajra!

This is an extremely advanced martial art in Buddhism, and Huikong was not very good at it originally.

However, after following Ye Qingyun for a long time, Huikong's Dharma has greatly increased, and his cultivation has made breakthroughs one after another.

Even the magical power of Vajra Indestructibility has entered the realm of great achievement.

Unless there are dozens of practitioners of the same realm working together, it will be difficult to break their indestructible body.

And those whose cultivation level is lower than Huikong's, it is completely impossible to shake Huikong in the slightest.

Even if the realm is higher than Huikong, as long as the gap is not too big, Huikong can do it

Rely on this magical skill to remain invincible.

The cultivation levels of these monster beasts vary, but none of them is higher than Huikong.

Of course, there is nothing that can be done to Huikong.

"This benefactor, we still value peace and don't take action."

Huikong is still very patient.

"How about the donor learn some Buddhism from the poor monk?"

"I'll learn from your grandma!"

"Come together and beat him to death!"

The group of demons rushed forward in a hurry.

It launched a fierce attack on Huikong, who was shrouded in golden light.

Huikong sighed.

Hands together.

Standing among the demons, he did not fight back.

Let them attack you at will.


But these monsters were half dead from exhaustion.

They were all huffing and puffing and breathing heavily.

But there was nothing we could do against Huikong.

"Let's go, let's not waste time on this monk!"

The demons no longer want to pay attention to Huikong.

Turn around and leave quickly.

Huikong smiled and continued to follow.

The group of demons looked back, and suddenly they felt miserable in their hearts.

Why did this monk follow me again?

What on earth does he want to do?

The coast of the East China Sea.

There is a large island called Aolai.

Why is it called Aolai?

Few people overseas know about it.

It seems to be related to some ancient rumors.

There are many peaks on Aolai Island.

But now, the highest mountain on Aolai Island is Wulong Mountain.

This is a mountain formed the day after tomorrow.

It was the place where Tianfozi and the Lord of the Heavenly Palace joined forces in the past to suppress the demon clan Qitian Demon King.

There are ninety-nine and eighty-one Hun Tian seals in the mountain.

It can suppress all living things in the world.

Even the king of the demon clan has difficulty escaping.

But the power of the formation will eventually be exhausted.

Now five hundred years have passed, and the seal of Wulong Mountain is gradually declining.
> And the two people who maintained the formation, Tianfozi passed away.

The Lord of the Heavenly Palace is seriously injured and old, and is unable to survive.

Naturally, the king of the demon clan will take the opportunity to escape from the trap.

On Aolai Island, monsters come from all directions.

He was summoned by the Ten Thousand Demons Order and ordered to come and protect the king of the demon clan.

Resist all those who can prevent the Demon King from escaping.

This is an unprecedented event for the demon clan.

The demon clan has been in decline for five hundred years.

If there is no longer a demon king to lead the demon clan, then the demon clan will really be completely overtaken by the human race.

The demon clan comes to protect the demon king.

And there are other forces coming with different intentions.

It can be said that the situation is chaotic.

An inconspicuous island not far from Aolai Island.

Two figures stand side by side.

It is none other than Emperor Zun and Xuanhuang Cult Leader Meng Youran.

In fact, the two of them had already arrived here.

But he never showed up, let alone took any action.

Looking at Aolai Island in the distance, Emperor Zun had no expression on his face, while Meng Youran frowned slightly.

"what are you worried about?"

Emperor Zun suddenly asked.

"Five of the nine demon masters of the demon clan have arrived one after another, and the remaining four should be arriving soon."

Meng Youran said.

Emperor Zun smiled slightly, "It's just the nine demon lords. If you and I join forces, why should the nine demon lords take it seriously?"

Meng Youran shook his head.

"The situation is a bit wrong. There are more and more monsters, and more masters from Tiangong and Lieyang Palace are coming than expected."

"If we take the opportunity to take action, I'm afraid we will immediately become the common enemy of these two parties."

Emperor Zun also nodded after hearing this.

at this time.

A group of monsters flew over not far away.

These monsters were cursing and each one of them looked very embarrassed.

Behind these monsters followed a bald monk with a kind smile on his face.

Meng Youran saw the bald monk at a glance.

I couldn't help but be stunned.

"Why is he here too?"

This chapter has been completed!
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