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Chapter 575

As soon as Huang Fusheng's wife Zhang Shulan came out, she saw her son pinching the ears of a big yellow dog.

While squeezing, he giggled.

Zhang Shulan's face changed greatly with fright.

But I turned around and looked.

Found Ye Qingyun standing next to his son.

The big yellow dog didn't show any intention of biting his son.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Ye Ye?"

Zhang Shulan bowed and saluted a little at a loss.

She is a mortal, but she has also been to Fuyun Mountain.

During the previous Mid-Autumn Festival, Zhang Shulan followed her husband Huang Fusheng and had an eye-opening experience on Fuyun Mountain.

I met many important people that I would never dare to think about on a daily basis.

Therefore, Zhang Shulan also knew that Ye Qingyun was an extremely extraordinary person.

It's not something ordinary people like them can compare to.

"Mrs. Huang!"

Ye Qingyun also clasped his fists in return.

Zhang Shulan looked at her son, a little embarrassed.

"Master Ye, this brat made you laugh."

Ye Qingyun smiled and said, "How old is your master?"

"Eight months."

"What the hell?"

Ye Qingyun looked at the fat boy who was still stroking his dog's head in astonishment.

Thinking this is eight fucking months?

He looks as if he is over two years old.

And whose eight-month-old child can run and walk?

If a child of seven or eight months old can crawl and walk on the ground, it is already considered very good.

This guy is pretty good.

When you run, it's a smooth ride.

You can also come and stroke the dog’s head.

And he is tall and strong, so he is really gifted.

Ye Qingyun was very suspicious, what did this little guy grow up on?

The big-haired dog's head was brushed until the hair stood on end, and his face was full of helplessness.

This big fat boy seems to think it's not enough.

He actually grabbed Da Mao's back with both hands.

He raised one foot, as if he wanted to ride on Da Mao's body.

Ye Qingyun was speechless for a while.

I can only reach out and grab this big fat boy
Pick it up.

"Little guy, you can't ride a dog if it hurts your butt."

The fat boy looked at Ye Qingyun blankly.

Suddenly his mouth dropped.

Wow wow wow!!!

Then he burst into tears.

Ye Qingyun was very embarrassed.

I just picked him up and didn't scare him.

Why are you still crying?

You were so fragile when you were playing with the dog just now.

Ye Qingyun could only return this kid to Zhang Shulan.

The little guy hid in his mother's arms and stopped crying immediately.

He even turned around and glared at Ye Qingyun deliberately, as if he felt someone was supporting him.

"Master Ye, my son is naughty and ignorant. Don't be offended, Master."

Zhang Shulan was afraid that Ye Qingyun would be unhappy, so she quickly said.

Ye Qingyun waved his hand.

"I'm just a kid, naughty is my nature."

After saying that, Ye Qingyun remembered that he had not seen Huang Fusheng.

I couldn't help but ask, "Where's Brother Huang?"

Zhang Shulan had a sad look on her face.

"I love him"

Seeing that Zhang Shulan looked wrong, Ye Qingyun also felt nervous.

Could it be that something happened to Huang Fusheng?

"What happened?"

he asked quickly.

Zhang Shulan had a desolate look on her face.

"My husband-in-law was taken away by a group of soldiers. They said that the Nanying Army was short of men and asked my husband to go to the Nanying Army as a errand."

When Ye Qingyun heard this, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

Isn’t this just about catching young men?

No wonder he walked along and found that there didn't seem to be many young men in the market.

Most of them are old, weak, women and children.

This is what happened to feelings.

"How long has it been since Brother Huang was captured?"

Ye Qingyun asked hurriedly.

"It's been ten days."



Ye Qingyun thought to himself, fortunately it hasn't been too long, he should still be in the south camp army.


Zhang Shulan suddenly hugged her son and knelt in front of Ye Qingyun.

"Mr. Ye, please help us orphans and widowed mothers, please bring my husband back!"

Zhang Shulan knew that Ye Qingyun had great supernatural powers and knew so many big shots.

As long as Ye Qingyun comes forward, she will definitely be able to get her husband back.

Ye Qingyun quickly helped Zhang Shulan up.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Huang, I will definitely let Brother Huang go home."

After saying that, Ye Qingyun turned around and left with Da Mao.

He came all the way to the Shaolin Temple.

"Holy Son? Why are you here?"

Huikong immediately came out and was a little surprised.

Ye Qingyun took out a message slip.

"Help me contact His Majesty the Emperor Wu."

Ye Qingyun also wanted to contact him himself.

But the problem is that he has no spiritual energy, so he can't use this messenger slip at all.

I can only find someone to help.

Huikong didn't ask any more questions and immediately helped Ye Qingyun contact Emperor Wu Dongfangsu using the jade slip.

at the same time.

The Nanying Army is a hundred miles away from Fuyun Mountain.

The Nanying Army was only a second-rate army within the Tianwu Dynasty. It was usually responsible for suppressing some bandits and bandits and maintaining local security.

Previously, due to flooding, the Nanying Army was also affected, resulting in many casualties.

Then the Beggar Gang started a rebellion, and many soldiers in the Nanying Army joined the Beggar Gang directly.

As a result, the soldiers in Nanying were short of manpower.

At the moment, the Tianwu Dynasty has no time to spare to replenish troops for a second-rate army and let them deal with it on their own.

Ever since.

The capture of young men happened.

The Nanying Army arrested people in several nearby towns.

All young and middle-aged men of suitable age were captured and served as soldiers in the Nanying Army.

Forget about catching strong men.

But these young men who were captured did not receive any good treatment at all.

Either he was in the army or he was

Or they are forced to do many things.

As for wages?

Don't even think about it.

It's considered good if you can eat just one mouthful of food a day.

As long as people don't starve to death, that's fine.

Huang Fusheng was in the Nanying Army at this time.

He was carrying bags of military rations, which had just arrived from the Nanying Army.

But Huang Fusheng and the other young men who were captured only ate two steamed buns in three days.

At this moment, I was so hungry that I felt dizzy and my limbs were weak.

How can I bear the burden of carrying grain bags?

Huang Fusheng gritted his teeth and persisted, but his legs couldn't stop trembling.

"Hurry up! What are you waiting for?"

Standing beside him was a dark-faced veteran, holding a whip in his hand, and struck Huang Fusheng directly with the whip.

Huang Fusheng was already very weak.

At this moment, he was whipped, and he was even more unsteady due to the pain.

The person suddenly fell to the ground.

This time, the veteran became even more angry.

He raised his whip and struck Huang Fusheng repeatedly.

"His grandma's! Let you be lazy! Let you be lazy!"

"How dare you throw away the grain bag? Let's see if I don't beat you to death!"

Bang bang bang!

The whip fell across his head and face.

Huang Fusheng was beaten until he was rolling on the ground, with blood marks all over his face, hands and back.

"My lord, have mercy on me! My lord, have mercy on me!"

Huang Fusheng begged for mercy again and again.

The veteran seemed to be tired of fighting, so he stopped.

But Huang Fusheng's body was already bruised and he looked very miserable.

The other strong men carrying the grain all sympathized with him.

But they didn't dare to say anything for fear of being whipped like this.

It can only be treated as invisible.

As for the veterans, they laughed heartily.

They have long been accustomed to bullying these young men who have been captured.

The slightest dissatisfaction was punished by a whipping.

Even if you kill someone, it won't be a problem.

This chapter has been completed!
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