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Chapter 625 Buddha's Precious Image

 When everyone heard Li Tianmin's words, they were all startled for a moment.

Then one after another showed signs of sudden enlightenment.

"Your Majesty is still wise, and you can see the good intentions of the Imperial Master!"

"It's not that the Imperial Preceptor can't save Concubine Zhen, it's just that the Imperial Preceptor is too low-key and doesn't want to reveal his extraordinary skills in front of others!"

"But the Imperial Master will not ignore death, so he asked Master Huikong to come and save Concubine Zhen in the name of chanting sutras and praying for blessings!"

"The great virtuous master of the country!"

For a moment, everyone seemed to be moved by Ye Qingyun's noble character.

"The Holy Son actually has such good intentions, and I didn't realize it until now!"

Huikong felt that he was too slow.

You need to be reminded by others to understand.

He wanted to slap himself twice.

This is probably because the Holy Son is deliberately testing himself.

I am afraid that my performance will make the Holy Son very disappointed.

"Master Huikong!"

Li Tianmin immediately grabbed Huikong's hands.

Huikong only felt that Li Tianmin's hands were wet.

It's obvious that my hands are sweaty.

No wonder.

Li Tianmin had been worried about Concubine Zhen before, and it was normal for him to be so nervous that his palms became sweaty.

"Since this Sutra of Original Vows can cure Concubine Zhen, then please ask Master to ask the Master for advice and obtain the complete sutra. Concubine Zhen will definitely be cured completely!"

Li Tianmin said with excitement.

"Yes, Master, according to Buddhist teachings, saving one life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. If Master can obtain the complete scripture and save Concubine Zhen's life, it will be a meritorious deed!"

Queen Changsun said the same.

Huikong nodded solemnly.

Then he pulled out his hand from Li Tianmin's wet hand without leaving any trace.

I saw Huikong clasping his hands together and bowing to the emperor and empress.

"Your Majesty, my empress, please rest assured. Since the Holy Son has sent this poor monk here, he will definitely not leave you alone."

"The poor monk will go see the Holy Son now and ask for the complete scripture!"

After saying that, Huikong strode away.

And Li Tianmin and Queen Changsun are
With hopeful eyes, he watched Huikong leave.

Huikong walked quickly.

Like a puff of smoke passing by Chang'an Avenue.

Passers-by only felt a burst of smoke and dust, and their eyes were blurred, and they could not see Huikong clearly.

Until I passed by a dark and thin old farmer carrying a hoe.

Huikong suddenly stopped.

Then the left foot stumbles over the right foot.


It fell to the ground all of a sudden.

This confused Huikong.

He lay on the ground and didn't react for a long time.

Did you actually fall down?

This is too strange.

Seeing that passers-by were looking at him in astonishment, Huikong quickly got up and looked around.

Except for a thin, black old farmer carrying a hoe, there was no one special around him.

As for this dark and skinny old farmer, he also had a simple and honest look on his face, he was just an ordinary mortal.

"Perhaps I was too impatient and my body movements went wrong."

Huikong said secretly.

Without thinking much, he continued to use his body skills and rushed towards the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion.

The dark and thin old farmer looked at Huikong's retreating figure with a look of surprise in his eyes.

Huikong ran into the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion.

"Holy Son! Holy Son!"

As soon as he entered, he shouted.

"What are you shouting for?"

Ye Qingyun walked out of the kitchen.

My hands are still full of flour.

"Didn't I ask you to go to the palace to recite sutras? Why did you come back so soon? Concubine Zhen must not have died yet, right?"

Ye Qingyun wiped his face with the back of his hand and looked at Huikong with some confusion.

Huikong was about to say that Concubine Zhen could be saved, but then he thought about it and realized that Ye Qingyun obviously didn't want others to know that he could save Concubine Zhen.

There is no need to say more about this myself.

Just ask for the complete Medicine Man Glazed Light

The Tathagata Original Vow Merit Sutra will suffice.

"Holy Son, the young monk would like to pray for Concubine Zhen, but the Sutra of the Original Vows and Merits of the Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata in the ancient Xichan Temple is not complete and has great flaws. I wonder if the Holy Son knows the complete Sutra of the Original Vows and Merits?"

Huikong asked.

Ye Qingyun was startled.

Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata’s Original Vows and Merit Sutra?

He really knows this stuff.

But he was a little confused, why did Huikong suddenly recite this sutra?

Concubine Zhen is already hopeless. No matter how many times you recite this Sutra of Vows and Merits, it will not make any sense.

But seeing Huikong's expectant look, Ye Qingyun didn't think much about it.

"Listen carefully."

Huikong suddenly became energetic.

He looked like he was listening.

"This is what I hear"

The complete Medicine Master Light Glazed Tathagata Original Vow Merits Sutra was recited in Ye Qingyun's mouth.

Although this thing is indeed obscure and difficult to understand.

But I couldn't stand up to Ye Qingyun, a liberal arts student who memorized magical skills by rote.

Just stick it in my mind.

It's completely possible to blurt it out at this moment.

Perhaps it was also because of the years of asking for advice from the system that made Ye Qingyun's memory of these things particularly strong.

Buddhist scriptures, Taoist scriptures and Confucian classics are all firmly engraved in Ye Qingyun's mind.

So vast!

When you need it, it's at your fingertips.

“This is the complete scripture.”

Ye Qingyun memorized the entire Puritan Vows and Merit Sutra.

Even he was a little surprised that he could remember such an obscure scripture so well.

The Buddha's light flashed in the center of Huikong's eyebrows.

Relying on a Buddhist heart and supreme Buddhist wisdom, Huikong memorized the entire scripture.


Huikong clearly felt that this sutra had a great impact on him.

All the acupoints in his body seemed to be completely opened.

The meridians all over the body are extremely smooth.

The power of Qi and blood triples!


The Buddha's heart has a sense of regional perfection and purity.

"Is this the beauty of this sutra?"

Huikong was shocked.

"No! This is definitely more than just the scriptures!"

"This is a gift from the Son!"

Huikong took a deep breath.

Bowed to Ye Qingyun.

"Thank you, Holy Son, for your guidance!"

Ye Qingyun blinked.

"Do you really remember everything?"

"Yes! The young monk has remembered everything!"

"Is everything okay? It's okay. I'll continue making dumplings."

After saying that, Ye Qingyun turned around and got into the kitchen again.

He planned to call Li Yuanxiu and Pei Hongyu over in the evening and have a dumpling meal together.

Huikong turned around and left the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion again.

Continue to use your skills.

Run all the way towards the palace.

Halfway through, he passed the thin, dark old farmer carrying the hoe again.

But Huikong didn't notice this old farmer.

But the old farmer was aware of Huikong.

"What is this monk doing running around?"

The thin, black old farmer was a little confused.

Huikong ran all the way back to the palace. Li Tianmin had already asked someone to wait at the door. When Huikong arrived, he was taken directly to Concubine Zhen's palace.

"Master Huikong, can you please obtain the complete scripture?"

Li Tianmin asked hurriedly as soon as he saw Huikong.

Huikong took a breath and was about to speak.


His expression changed, and he stood there blankly.

A green Buddha's precious image suddenly appeared behind Huikong.

This precious image of the Buddha is dressed in Buddhist robes, holding a medicine pot in his left hand, with the seal of the three realms in his right hand, and is coiled on a lotus platform.

Under the lotus platform, there are twelve divine generals protecting the Dharma.

The most peculiar thing is that the face of this precious Buddha is sometimes illusory and sometimes solid.

But at the moment of solidification, his appearance was exactly the same as that of Ye Qingyun!

It is Medicine Master Glazed Light Tathagata Buddha!

This chapter has been completed!
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