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Chapter 877 Eaten alive

 The huge hammer fell towards Chen Wuxiu.

this moment.

Chen Wuxiu seemed to see his master and father who had been dead for many years.

They seemed to be waving to me from the sky.

It was as if he was welcoming Chen Wuxiu.

Chen Wuxiu grinned.

Although this smile looks actually uglier than crying.

next moment.


A scalp-numbing knocking sound sounded.

Chen Wuxiu's whole body was hit by a giant hammer.

This time.

It directly smashed Chen Wuxiu's entire body into a piece of cake.

That's right.

Chen Wuxiu was perfectly fine, but was smashed to pieces.

This is not over yet.

The giant hammer rose again, and then fell again.


Chen Wuxiu has become very thin.

This time.

It made Chen Wuxiu's body flatter.

The hammer did not continue to hit.

Restored to its original size.

And Chen Wuxiu

He slowly floated in the sky.

Like a piece of paper, it floated towards the sea and fell.

This scene left everyone stunned.

I almost couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Chen Wuxiu, the majestic master of Lieyang Palace and a powerful human race overseas.

Has it become a piece of cake at this moment?

Is this a situation that a normal person can imagine?

Anyway, everyone present, even the people in the Moon God Palace, were all stunned at this moment.


Chen Xuan started crying and wanted to rush over immediately.

"Young palace master, you can't do that!"

"If you step forward now, you will risk your life!"

"The Palace Master may still be alive, so don't be impulsive!"

Everyone in Lieyang Palace quickly stopped Chen Xuan.

If Chen Xuan rushed up at this time, he would definitely get a hammer.

Chen Xuan might have died on the spot with just one blow.

And Chen Wuxiu is indeed not dead.

After all, he is not an ordinary person, although this hammer beat him into a piece of cake.

but life
Still there.

But at this moment, Chen Wuxiu really might as well just die.

All his muscles, bones, flesh, and bones were severely injured.

Completely irrecoverable.

In other words.

Even if he is lucky to survive today, if there are no great opportunities in the rest of his life.

He can only continue to live like this.

Chen Wuxiu, who had turned into a cake, really couldn't show off anymore.

Not only could he not show off, he felt that his horse was about to be blown away by the wind.

Who will save me?

I don’t want to become a piece of pie!

Chen Wuxiu howled in despair.


His outcome today is already determined.

Chen Yunxiang reached out with one hand.

Suddenly a huge cyan ghost hand appeared.

Chen Wuxiu grabbed the pancake in his hand.

Immediately afterwards.

Chen Yunxiang's ghost body suddenly became huge.

The pancake Chen Wuxiu was put into Chen Yunxiang's mouth.

Click click click click!!!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!"

A shrill scream came from Chen Yunxiang's mouth.

After chewing it three or two times.

The screams also stopped abruptly.

Chen Yunxiang showed a satisfied look.

The ghost power in his body suddenly increased sharply.

After all, he was a strong man who had half-stepped his transformation. Although he was instantly defeated by the hammer, it was still a great help to Chen Yunxiang.

The ghost power suddenly increased a lot.


It is still far less than the improvement during the period of following Ye Qingyun.

From the original ordinary evil ghost, he broke through all the way.

Reached the realm of ghost emperor.

If this were applied to ordinary ghosts, it would take at least four to five thousand years of cultivation before they could reach Chen Yunxiang's level.

For Chen Yunxiang, it has only been more than a year.

Following Ye Qingyun, even a sow can ascend to heaven.

What's more, it's Chen Yunxiang.

"Guigui, Sister Yunxiang has such a strong taste."

Ye Qingyun was speechless for a while.

This Chen Yunxiang actually eats people.

It's really a bit scary.

Fortunately, I am in the same group.

Otherwise, Ye Qingyun would really not dare to carry that hammer with him in the future.


Huikong couldn't bear it, so he hurriedly recited sutras silently, which was regarded as a way of salvation for Chen Wuxiu.

Leng Muxue's expression was complicated.

I felt relieved, but also felt a little unreal.

Did Chen Wuxiu really die like that?


Chen Xuan screamed miserably.

He couldn't imagine that his father was dead.

And he died so miserably.

So incredible.

His father, who was supposed to be invincible, was smashed into a living piece of cake.

Then he was eaten alive by that female Ghost Emperor.


It's too awful!


My dad was eaten!

"Run away!"

Chen Xuan was still in a daze, but other people in Lieyang Palace had already dragged him away and fled.

Lieyang Palace, which originally came with great momentum, ended up running away in such a panic.

They can't do it unless they run away.

Even Chen Wuxiu is dead.

What can they do if they continue to stay here?

It's just a matter of two more strikes with the hammer.

Who dares to stay here after seeing Chen Wuxiu being smashed into meat pies with a hammer?

Who can withstand the power of that hammer?

"Palace Master, do we want to chase him?"

Over at Moon God Palace, someone asked Leng Muxue for instructions.

Leng Muxue shook her head.

"Forget it, Chen Wuxiu is dead, it's hard for these people in Lieyang Palace to be successful."

"Moreover, if that person doesn't take action, we won't be able to keep these Lieyang Palace experts."

While speaking, Leng Muxue looked at Chen Yunxiang who was not far away.

But Leng Muxue knew it very well.

Although Chen Yunxiang is strong, the person who ordered Chen Yunxiang to take action is the truly terrifying existence.

That is Ye Qingyun!

If he hadn't invited Ye Qingyun to take charge of the Moon God Palace.

I'm afraid that the last arrival of the Lord of the Heavenly Palace had already put the Moon God Palace in dire straits.

And this time.

Although Ye Qingyun didn't really take action.

But he drove a ghost emperor to defeat Chen Wuxiu.

Saved the Moon God Palace again.

Saved myself.

When she thought of this, Leng Muxue's thoughts became a little complicated.

Ye Qingyun was so kind to me, how should I repay him?

Although he really wanted to commit himself to her, a master like Ye Qingyun might not look down on him at all.

It’s better to give up this unrealistic idea.

at this time.

Chen Yunxiang returned to the hammer again.

Then the hammer flew back to Ye Qingyun's hand.

"Sister Yunxiang, thank you for your hard work this time."

Ye Qingyun said to the hammer.

"Serving the young master is what I should do."

The hammer made a sound.

The scene of the hammer falling into Ye Qingyun's hand was also seen by the people from the Sixth Academy who had not yet left.

Seeing the hammer being held by Ye Qingyun, everyone in the Sixth Academy looked shocked.

"Could this hammer be this person's treasure?"

"Who is this person? He looks so young, but he gives people an inscrutable feeling?"

"To be able to control such a treasure, I'm afraid it has a great background."

"I guess this person is the helper invited by Leng Muxue. Even a strong man like Chen Wuxiu was easily killed by this person's treasure."

The people in the Sixth Academy immediately became very interested in Ye Qingyun.

at the same time.

On a small island overseas.

A figure suddenly came from a distance and fell straight onto the island.


The island shook for a while.

A large cloud of smoke and dust was raised.

When the smoke and dust dissipated, a large crater was revealed.

And in the big pit, stood a burly man with disheveled black hair and an evil look on his face.

This person's appearance is exactly the same as that of Demon Buddha Bo Xun!

This chapter has been completed!
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