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Chapter 951 Don’t enter the Western Heaven! Fall into reincarnation!

 Buddha's light, sword light!


Between heaven and earth, it seemed as if all sounds had disappeared.

The terrifying energy caused Demon King Qitian, Chen Yunxiang and Yang Dingtian to retreat continuously. ??

All three of them looked horrified.

This force is so strong that if the three of them don't retreat in time, they will definitely be affected.

I'm afraid I'll die on the spot!

Even if they were only slightly contaminated at this moment, the three of them had already been severely injured.

Especially Chen Yunxiang.

This power restrained her the most, causing her ghost body to almost collapse.

Even everyone in the academy below was shaken to the point of staggering.

People with lower cultivation levels even fainted directly.


Ye Qingyun was also unsteady on his feet.

Suddenly he fell backward.

His head suddenly hit the stone steps.

Eyes rolled.

I fainted immediately.

Only Da Mao and the Decepticons noticed that Ye Qingyun fainted.

No one else noticed.

Da Mao seemed to have anticipated something.

Didn't care.

The Decepticons looked at Ye Qingyun with strange eyes, wondering how could this guy faint?

He turned around and looked at Da Mao.

Why is this dog so calm?

Can't figure it out.

"This sword is too strong!"

Shen Canglang's voice was full of excitement.

"A sword that transcends the throne can definitely kill that ghost and immortal!"

Aohuang also clasped his hands together.

Everyone believed that the sword of Mo Fo Bo Xun was enough to kill ghosts and immortals.

But only the demon Buddha Bo Xun himself was holding the holy sword to punish sins and looking upward.

He didn't look relaxed.


Wild laughter rang out.

It is the voice of ghosts and immortals!

When everyone heard his voice, they couldn't help but be shocked.

"He's not dead yet?"

"Can't even a sword that transcends the throne be able to kill him?"

"Is there really no power in heaven and earth that can kill him?"

The ghost fairy appears again!

He is indeed not dead!

But there was an extremely terrifying sword mark on his body.

Guixian was almost split into two pieces.

But his ghostly immortal body is too powerful.

Even though the power of this sword is even greater than that of the Nine-Level Thunder Tribulation, it is still difficult to wipe it out with one sword.

Not only that!

The ghost fairy raised his hand.

In the ghost palace not far away, a majestic ghost energy emerged.

Injected into the ghost body.

As a result, Guixian's injuries continued to heal.

"This sword is very strong, better than the Nine Levels of Thunder Tribulation!"

The ghost immortal smiled ferociously and looked at the demon Buddha Bo Xun.

"What a pity! Can you still use the power of your sword again?"
Mofo Bo Xun remained silent.

His sword was already at its limit.

And it can only be performed with the blessing of the two arhat shadows subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger.

It's not impossible to use another sword.

But it takes time to brew!

But seeing that Guixian is about to recover from his injuries, how can he be given time to brew again?

Mofo Boxun glanced down.

His eyes fell on Ye Qingyun.

After just one glance, Mofo Boxun withdrew his gaze.

It seems that he already knows what to do.

He raised the Holy Sword of Judgment.

Pointed to the west.

"Bo Xun is here, let me use the power of Western Bliss."


A misty voice, like cotton wool, sounded from the Buddha's light shining down from the west.

It seems to be the response given by the Western Paradise to the demon Buddha Bo Xun.


The boundless power of Buddha once again flowed into the body of Demon Buddha Boxun along with the Buddha's light from the west.

"Impossible! You"

The ghost fairy was shocked and turned pale.

"You have become a Buddha!!!"

He discovered it too late.

With the help of the power of Western Bliss, Bo Xun swung his sword again.

This sword.

Even better than before!

The sword energy roared vertically and horizontally, engulfing the ghosts and immortals again.

This time, Guixian didn't make any sound.

And everyone can see it clearly.

The body of Guixian was disintegrating little by little.

Start with your feet.

Until the body.

Then to the head.

The ghost fairy showed a sad smile.

He did not expect that he would finally get out of trouble and wait until hundreds of families had fled into the Central Plains.

Just thinking that I can show off my skills and dominate the world.

But I didn't expect it.

It will end like this.

Looking back on my life, from a weak and lonely ghost to the realm of ghosts and immortals.

How much have you been through?

But in the end it was all in vain.

Not willing to give in.

He is so unwilling!

But no matter how unwilling you are, you can only accept the reality now.

Completely destroyed!

"Although I am dead, my ghost clan will not remain silent!"

Ghost fairy in its last moments.

Finally a sound was made.

I saw Guixian using the last of his strength to strike out into the distance.

That power quickly disappeared.

No one knew what he had done.

But I don't know why, but there is a vague feeling of uneasiness.

It seems like something big will happen in the future


"Hahahaha! You can kill me with the help of the power of Xitian Bliss!"

"There is still no one in heaven and earth who can defeat me!"



The ghost fairy's last voice faded away.

His body also turned into nothing under the boundless Buddha light. ??

Just vanish into ashes!

Not far away, the ghost palace of the underworld also fell apart.

Ghost Tribe All the ghost tribes in the Underworld, except for some of them, had fled before.

The other ghost clans, including the ghost immortals and the three ghost emperors, all perished.

"Finally won!"

Aohuang breathed a long sigh of relief.

"The ghost fairy is dead! The ghost fairy is dead!"

"Very good!"

"We survived!"

Everyone cheered with excitement.

It's like surviving a disaster.

The people in Xuanjing Palace and Academy, whether they knew each other or not, were all excitedly hugging each other at this moment.

No wonder.

The ghosts and fairies are coming, and the ghost tribe reappears!

The pressure put on them before was too much.

They all felt that they could not escape death.

I didn't expect to actually defeat the ghost fairy.

Naturally, I am extremely happy.

Mo Fo Bo Xun also showed a relieved smile.

He looked at the Holy Sword Judgment in his hand. The light was dim and it seemed that it had exhausted its power.

"The destiny of this sword has not been exhausted, so I will let you stay in the world and wait for the next person to hold the sword."

After Demon Buddha Bo Xun finished speaking, the Holy Sword Judgment of Sin floated away and submerged into the sea.

at the same time.

A golden vortex appeared at the western celestial pole.

"Bo Xun, you have become a Buddha in the human world, killed ghosts and immortals, and canceled all the sins of the past."

The loud Buddha seal came from the golden vortex.

It seems to come from Western Bliss.

"Now, the gate of the Western Heaven is opened for you. If you enter the Buddhist Gate of the Western Heaven at this moment, you can ascend to the Buddha's throne and enjoy the true fruition!"

This voice was aloof, as if giving Bo Xun a gift.

Everyone looked at Demon Buddha Bo Xun.

This is to go to the Western Paradise and become a true Buddha.

But it's no wonder.

Kill the ghosts and immortals, the merits are immeasurable!

It is indeed enough.

Just when everyone thought that the demon Buddha Bo Xun would happily become a Buddha.

"I will not enter the Western Heaven!"

Mofo Bo Xun actually refused.


An angry shout.

"Becoming a Buddha in the Western Heaven is a gift!"

"I don't allow you to discuss it!"

The voice was full of majesty.

"Ask you again! Can you enter the Western Heaven?"

"I don't want to enter."

Mo Fo Bo Xun refused again, but his voice became calmer.


He didn't pay any attention to the anger of the voice from the west.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What is Bo Xun doing?

After finally killing the ghosts and immortals, I got the chance to become a Buddha in the West.

He actually refused?

Is he crazy?

This is an opportunity that countless Buddhist monks and monks cannot obtain after countless years of hard work.

But Mofo Boxun really refused.


The sound of the West sounded again.

"If you don't enter the Western Heaven, I will take away your Buddha body, destroy your cultivation, and make you fall into the six paths of reincarnation and suffer the suffering of reincarnation!"


A Buddha's palm fell and hit Bo Xun's body heavily.

Bo Xun's entire body of Buddha's power was completely eliminated.

The body was also broken into pieces.

Everyone was horrified.

I was extremely worried.

But there was nothing he could do to help Mo Fo Bo Xun.

All he could do was watch Bo Xun's body perish.

Only one soul is left.


Another Buddha palm fell, and Bo Xun's soul disappeared directly.

We are already heading to the land of reincarnation.

Everyone was extremely sad.

The demon Buddha Bo Xun, who had just destroyed ghosts and immortals and sought peace for the world, ended up like this because he refused to become a Buddha in the West.

It seems that this bliss in the west is not as beautiful as people think.

Just when the whirlpool in the western sky was about to dissipate.


A sigh resounded throughout the world.

A pure white figure suddenly flew out from Ye Qingyun who was unconscious on the ground.

Astonishingly, it was the white-clothed "Ye Qingyun" who appeared over Chang'an in the Tang Dynasty.

Ye Qingyun in white stands between heaven and earth, looking up to the west.

"Xitian Bliss, I will come back to settle your accounts later."

"Ah!!! You, you, you are"

The voice of the West, which had been so majestic just now, easily driving Bo Xun into the land of reincarnation, now started to tremble.

The voice was full of shock and fear.

"Ye Qingyun" in white clothes moved and disappeared from the spot.

And in the vast underworld.

Two golden butterflies have just appeared and are about to fly to the Yama Palace.

But he saw "Ye Qingyun" in white suddenly appeared in front of the two golden butterflies.


The two butterflies were extremely shocked.

Unexpectedly, their master would arrive in person.

"This time, let me do it."

"Ye Qingyun" in white said lightly.

next moment.

But he saw "Ye Qingyun" in white taking a step lightly.


The entire Netherworld was shaken violently.

All the terrifying existences in the underworld are filled with trembling and panic.

"Emperor Netherworld, come out and see me!"

This chapter has been completed!
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