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Chapter 1,267 Two Heavenly Masters Sneak into the City

On the other side of the city wall in Jinyong City, Liu Yi was dressed in mail and stood tall with cloud-swallowing beasts on his shoulders. He looked at Liu Yu with Liu Daogui, Tan Pingzhi, Kuai En and more than 300 people as he hurried away.

Murong Lan also changed into ordinary sergeant equipment, carried a big bow on her back, and left among the team, heading towards Mengshan Mountain in the north.

Meng Chang, like Liu Muzhi, also wore leather armor, but he was thin and did not need to cut a hole in his stomach. Even the leather armor seemed a bit big. He stood next to Liu Yi and smiled slightly:

"Xile, I still can't understand why you are willing to give up your post as Sima in South Xuzhou this time to join Liu Yu in this muddy water."

Liu Yi shook his head: "Back then, I followed the Diao brothers and became Sima, just to avoid the responsibility of the Yecheng War. Now that the conflicts in Changdao have become more and more prominent, if I follow the Diao brothers again, I might get involved. If they do something wrong,

If one party is defeated, those aristocratic families may be able to save their lives, but we people will have to lose our heads. Even if Liu Yu doesn't come back, I plan to resign and return to my hometown. Yanda, you are a smart man, but even the pursuit of fame sometimes

It will blindfold you."

Meng Chang curled his lips: "If you want to resign, I have no objection, but what's the point of following Liu Yu? Guarding Luoyang in a private capacity, even if no one accuses us of gathering people to do evil, we will still win.

There is no merit, but there is merit in defeat. Not to mention, even if you are lucky and achieve military exploits, what good will it do? Liu Yu will steal all your limelight."

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "Since I am willing to come, I am fully prepared. Liu Yu, don't try to take the credit from me this time. He may have some skills in fighting, but this time in the Central Plains, he has to rely on me."


A trace of doubt flashed in Meng Chang's eyes: "What do you mean by this? I don't understand."

Liu Yi smiled and looked at the tower on the right and said, "Yuanlong, you can come out now."

Meng Chang's expression changed. From the tower on one side, he saw a sergeant dressed in Jin army uniform walking slowly out. He had a long beard and looked a bit like a fairy. But beside him stood

A giant man as strong as a bear, couldn't he be Lu Xun and Xu Daofu, the two great disciples of Tianshi Dao?

Meng Chang's expression changed and he asked in surprise: "How could it be you? Xile, are you crazy? Why did you cooperate with them and let them appear here?"

Lu Xun smiled slightly: "Mr. Meng, are we some kind of savage beast? Why can't we appear here? In terms of identity, we are citizens of the Jin Dynasty. Even before, we also joined the Beifu Army. It can be said that we are a

Where are the comrades on the chariot? It’s too foreign for you to say that.”

Meng Chang said bitterly: "Okay, Lu Xun, there is no need to show off your rhetoric here. You, the Celestial Master, are not the same as our Beifu Army. During the last Northern Expedition, we fell into a trap and were ambushed, resulting in heavy casualties."

, but you, the disciples of Tianshi Dao, ran away halfway without being hurt. If we hadn't betrayed you, what would we have done?"

Xu Daofu said in a deep voice: "Meng, you have to speak with evidence. What evidence do you have that we are connected with the enemy? Your General Liu Yingyang does not regard us as his own people and does not allow us to rush ahead for fear of us."

We robbed you of your trophies, but we were lucky enough to escape. Does this become the reason for us to collaborate with the enemy?"

Meng Chang ignored Xu Daofu and turned to Liu Yi and said: "Xile, I advise you to think carefully. These people from Tianshi Tao are not of the same mind as us. Not only me, but everyone in this city."

If you don't regard them as one of your own, if you cooperate with them to seize Liu Yu's leadership, I'm afraid no one will obey you."

Liu Yi shook his head: "Everyone just wants to get what they need. Our Beifu Army has never established a foothold in the Central Plains, and now it has been thrown here by Zhu Xu. He said that everyone is a horn, but in fact he just wants us to be in the front.

We are going to die, we didn’t bring any equipment, we are trapped in this small town, the victory is not our fault, and none of us can survive the defeat, what should we do if we don’t find friends? At this time, Liu Yu still couldn’t let go of his family views, and he actually ran to save someone.

Villagers, they do this kind of useless work but don't look for real friends."

Lu Xun smiled slightly: "Brother Xile, I'm afraid you have misunderstood Liu Yu. It's not that he doesn't know our strength, he just doesn't want us to take the credit. In these years, your officers and soldiers have only been trapped in big cities in the Central Plains and don't care about these things.

The life and death of the people in the countryside is that our Tianshi Dao organization forms a stronghold and defends it. When the enemy attacks, it is also we who help them fight off bandit attacks. So, go outside the city now and see if they recognize us or not.

Your Governor Zhu."

Xu Daofu said in a buzzing voice: "That is, your officers and soldiers don't care about the life and death of the people, and we protect them, but it has become a conspiracy? Why didn't you say that you also came to Luoyang in a private capacity? If you don't cooperate with each other at this time, you will continue to quarrel.

Going down?"

Meng Chang gritted his teeth: "How can we cooperate? Can you send troops to help us?"

Lu Xun smiled calmly: "We don't have an army, we only have disciples. According to the laws of the Jin Dynasty, we are not allowed to have armor, shields, horses, long spears, crossbows and arrows. We are only allowed to have some self-defense swords, wooden bows and the like. You

Even if you want us to help, there is nothing we can do. Unless you can convince Governor Zhu to give us the organization and status of the army, and then open the arsenal and give us armor and ordnance, maybe we can arm a few thousand people."

Liu Yi smiled and said: "That's impossible. It's not your strong point to have you fight in frontal formations. However, I know your abilities, including reconnaissance, assassination, harassment, sneak attacks, and surprise attacks during frontal stalemates.

Enemy generals, these are your strengths. What we need is your ability."

Lu Xun's eyes flashed coldly: "Let me tell you the truth, we are willing to cooperate with you this time because of King Kuaiji's secret order to do something in the Central Plains. He heard that you came privately

News, I am afraid that I will steal the limelight from you and allow the Changming Party to monopolize the limelight, so we must not fall behind. Otherwise, given our past grievances, I would not be willing to invite me. However, I also have my own conditions.

, that is, we must report our merits to Zhu Xu. You defend the city, and we will be responsible for supporting the guerrillas from the rear. If it succeeds, half of the merits will be given to us."

Meng Chang sneered and said: "We are here to defend the city with all our strength. Who knows what you will do outside the city, and you will get half of the credit? It's too greedy. No one will agree to your conditions."

Lu Xun smiled slightly: "Of course, as a sign of sincerity, my third junior brother and I will lead a thousand elite disciples to guard this Jinyong City with you, and we will share life and death together, how about that?"

This chapter has been completed!
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