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Chapter 1987 The shameless villain enters the army tent

Gao Su was still unconvinced and said loudly: "Even if Sima Yuanxian has intentions, Huan Xuan is not a traitor to Tianshi Dao. He has not rebelled. He has no name, so how can we let us fight him?"

Liu Yi smiled slightly: "I'm afraid Deputy Commander Gao has forgotten that Huan Xuan wanted to send troops eastward many times when we were pacifying the Tianshi Dao. For this reason, he also imposed a food embargo on Yangzhou, killing many soldiers and civilians. Still.

Through internal conflagration and without the permission of the imperial court, they sent troops to eliminate Yin Zhongkan and Yang Quanqi. Recently, they even sent envoys to send a letter to the court, cursing Prince Kuaiji and his son. The war was fierce at that time, and Sima Yuanxian could not tolerate it for a while.

Look, now that the rebellion has been put down, he will definitely let us send troops to avenge him, and by the way, we will never cause any future troubles in Jingzhou!"

Liu Yu nodded: "What Xile said is absolutely true. Huan Xuan and Sima Yuanxian are both people who are extremely passionate about power and are unwilling to share it with others. Moreover, both of them regard each other as their biggest rival, and they are not as powerful as Xie Xianggong before.

With your majesty and Huan Wen's broad-mindedness and insight, since you have soldiers and horses in your hands, you must fight to the death. Huan Xuan wanted to eliminate Yin Zhongkan and Yang Quanqi before, while Sima Yuanxian wanted to put down the demon-thief rebellion, and he couldn't take care of it for the moment.

Both of them had solved the rebellion in front of them, and only this main opponent was left, fighting to the death. Huan Xuan sent people to the court to deliver a message, cursing Sima Daozi and Sima Yuanxian father and son, in order to make them bear the responsibility for the Tianshi Dao rebellion.

Responsibilities, this letter is for the aristocratic families in Jiankang City."

Liu Laozhi frowned: "What you mean, what Huan Xuan means above, is to win the support of the high-ranking families in Jiankang City, or even the mafia?"

Liu Yu said seriously: "Yes, this form was written before the marshal led his troops to escort Sima Yuanxian's henchmen to seize the Wudi Manor. It was handed over to Yin Zhongkan's son and returned to Jian with his father's coffin.

Kang, in fact, was trying to show his goodwill to those big families, hoping not to side with Sima Yuanxian in this civil war. But now that Sima Yuanxian actually took the initiative to make such a stupid move, this letter seems redundant.


Liu Laozhi began to sweat on his forehead: "Yes, in this case, those high-ranking families in Jiankang City will definitely not side with Sima Yuanxian. Without their support..."

Gao Su gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Commander, don't worry. The big families now are no longer what they used to be. What they relied on before was just the manor, population, money and food of Wu. We are marching and fighting.

, the necessary logistical supplies cannot be separated from them, so they are controlled by others. But now that the Tianshi Dao Rebellion has taken place, they themselves have lost these territories. Now these manors and the population are in the hands of His Highness the Crown Prince and ourselves, and we have to be afraid.

What do those wealthy families do?"

Liu Yu said coldly: "Did Vice Admiral Gao forget so quickly? It was just a few months ago that so many manor owners in Wu and the children of branches of aristocratic families held gold and silver in their arms, wore silk and satin, and raised their eyebrows.

Did a family starve to death in their own home? A person misplaces the land for a time, and the land misplaces a person for a year. Due to the wars in Wudi in recent years, the standardized production of the past has long ceased. Large fields have been laid waste, and half of the people have died.

During the war, more than half of the remaining people followed Sun En and became monster thieves. The other half also became refugees and needed relief and charity from the court. The land of Wu is now in dire straits and needs to be resettled for refugees and reclaimed for production.

At that time, new food and grass will not come out until this summer at the earliest. In this case, where will we get the money, food, soldiers and horses to fight Huan Xuan?"

Liu Laozhi gritted his teeth: "We defeated the demon thief and seized hundreds of thousands of dan of military rations. If all of them are used as military rations, it can last for three months. Even if there is no other support, we will not be desperate!"

Liu Yu sighed: "Commander, even so, Sima Yuanxian has to work hard, but do you think he is a hard-working person like this now? If he treats Ah Shou like this, you will not see him either.

And Vice Admiral Gao, if you listen to your advice, you will just send out an order like a slave, asking us to go back on the road to attack Huan Xuan."

Liu Laozhi's brows were furrowed tightly: "We are separated from the aristocratic family and have no food and grass. Under such circumstances, what are the chances of winning against the powerful enemy who just pacified Jingzhou? The Beifu Army has been fighting outside for two years, and they have been fighting continuously.

After a hard battle, the soldiers were exhausted both physically and mentally. We finally had a chance to breathe, but we are asked to go to the battlefield again. No matter how ignorant we are of soldiers, we won't be like this!"

Liu Yu said coldly: "I expect that the person who gave the order to the commander-in-chief will be here soon."

Liu Laozhi's expression changed, but he heard a long "report" sound, and walked straight in from outside the tent. As soon as the tent door was opened, He Wuji rushed in directly, sweating profusely: "Commander, Lujiang Prefect

Zhang Fashun, following the order of His Highness the Crown Prince, is here to deliver the order, and he has already arrived outside the tent."

Liu Laozhi was about to speak, but he only heard a burst of sharp laughter from outside the tent. Zhang Fashun, dressed in a gorgeous silk official uniform, holding a roll of silk edict in his hand, went straight into the tent and looked at Liu Laozhi.

Then he said with a smile: "General Liu, after several months of separation, your complexion is getting better and better."

Having said this, he glanced at Liu Jingxuan who was standing aside, looking at him coldly, and the corners of his mouth curled up unnaturally: "General Xiao Liu is here too."

Liu Jingxuan said angrily: "Prefect Zhang, if you don't go have fun with the prince and arrange some entertainment show for exotic beauties, why are you here with us?"

Zhang Fashun curled up his lips and said with a smile: "I'm afraid General Liu has some misunderstandings. Those banquet programs in the past were just for praying for the soldiers at the front. Just like the Tianshi Dao, didn't they also have some rituals for the union of heaven and man?

Of course, you may not understand this kind of ceremony, and it’s my fault that I didn’t explain it to you in detail. I deeply apologize for causing General Liu’s displeasure that time.”

Liu Jingxuan turned his head away in anger and didn't want to look at him anymore. Liu Laozhi frowned and thought to himself, this Zhang Fashun is really shameless. It turns out that what this guy Ah Shou said is true. Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together.

It's impossible for those old gangsters in the mafia to appreciate such a thing, and they might actually support Huan Xuan. I'd better make plans early and reserve a way out.

Thinking of this, he looked at Zhang Fashun and said in a deep voice: "This time, I have been ordered by the court to re-divide the manors and fields in Jiangnan according to the wishes of His Highness. The detailed process has been written by the soldiers and will be published tomorrow.

It will be sent to the court, and Magistrate Zhang will come, but do you want these records?"

Zhang Fashun smiled and waved his hand: "I am not here for this matter. I would like to congratulate the commander-in-chief first. You have been promoted again. This time, you are General Zhengxi!"

This chapter has been completed!
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