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Chapter 2836: Separate the Hus and join the Han family

Mao Dezu laughed: "So, the tribe of the Hu people is not much different from the villages of the Han people. We Han people take the village as a unit, and the powerful people or powerful elders in the village have the final say.

When it comes to major events or expeditions, the village chiefs and elders make the decision, and all the young people in the village must obey him. In fact, it’s just like this barbarian tribe.”

Liu Yu said with a smile: "Yes, it's just that our Han people's grassroots organizations are villages and families, and theirs are tribes and tents. But when you enter the Hu tribes in the Central Plains, you can find them at any time, unlike in the vast

On the grassland, they live in pursuit of water and grass, and it is difficult to find them. Therefore, as long as these barbarian tribes can be broken up and dispersed to villages and townships, and they are no longer restricted by the original tribal leaders, it can be like a town.

As Xie said just now, he can turn the barbarians into Han people and truly integrate into us Han people in the Central Plains."

Everyone's expressions changed. Liu Yu's idea was a little too advanced, beyond their ability to understand. Tan Shao frowned: "Break up the tribes and disperse them into villages and townships? Can the Hu people accept this condition?"


Liu Yu nodded seriously: "If you don't accept it, you have to accept it. If Nanyan is pacified this time, the Hu people will be the people of the Jin Dynasty. I don't want to do one country, two systems anymore. Han and Hu people will be treated equally."

, if you don’t accept it, then leave Dajin and go somewhere else. As long as you stay in Dajin for one day, you must abide by the laws of Dajin. This makes no difference to Han people or Hu people."

Yang Muzhi, who had not spoken much, shook his head: "Commander, you said before that Cao Cao made a promise to these Hu tribes to retain their tribal model before they agreed to enter the Central Plains. Now you want to fight.

I'm afraid these barbarians will not agree to disperse their tribes, especially the tribal leaders. This is tantamount to directly depriving them of their privileges, which will cost their lives."

Liu Yu sneered: "Who is Cao Cao? Is he the current emperor of Jin Dynasty?"

Yang Muzhi shook his head: "Of course not, but after all, he was the one who created the original rules for barbarians to invade the Central Plains, and this set of rules has been used for two hundred years, including Fu Jian of the former Qin Dynasty.

The Jin Dynasty had also recruited and surrendered barbarians like the Yao Qiang tribe, but it also wanted to retain their entire tribe and not disperse them. If Qingzhou is newly pacified and people are uneasy and need to be appeased, I'm afraid that if they make such a big move...


Liu Yu waved his hand to stop Yang Muzhi's next words. He said sternly: "Anyway, if we can successfully destroy Yan this time, it will be the first time that the Jin Dynasty has officially and effectively regained this place since its southern crossing.

The land of Qilu, and we will not evacuate again in the future, most of these barbarians I do not intend to stay in Qingzhou, but want to move to the south to enrich the states and counties."

Yang Muzhi opened his eyes wide: "Move them out of Qingzhou? This, I'm afraid this is even more impossible to agree to."

Liu Yu said coldly: "It is a blessing to be able to save one's life after the country is subjugated. How can there be so much room for bargaining? As everyone said just now, the Han people here have hated these barbarians for hundreds of years and will

All the sufferings suffered in Shizhao and the former Yan period were attributed to the Xianbei Hu people of Nanyan. They stayed here and then scattered the Hu tribes, allowing the Hu people to have a few tents and a dozen tents scattered among the villages.

In each township, it’s no different than killing them. To save your life, you can only move elsewhere, such as to Wudi, to Jiangzhou, to places where the Hu people are not hated so much. Only in this way can long-term peace and stability be achieved.”

Yang Muzhi breathed a long sigh of relief: "The commander-in-chief's opinion is indeed much higher than mine, and I am convinced. If all the barbarians in Nanyan can be moved away, then Qingzhou will only have Han people, and it will really be peaceful."

Many, but it is not easy to relocate hundreds of thousands of people, which will probably consume a lot of manpower and material resources."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "It all depends on man-made things. As long as the Yan can be destroyed smoothly, it will be easy to handle. These Hu people themselves also migrated from outside the Pass. Many people moved from Sizhou to Guanzhong to Bingzhou, and then went to Hebei, and finally

Moving to Qingzhou has already traveled half the world. It is not a big deal for them to move to Jiangnan and Jingzhou. Moreover, as long as they can get enough benefits, such as land allocation and tax exemption for a few years, most people will be able to move to Qingzhou.

Those who are happy to go there. They probably won’t dare to stay in this Qilu land and suffer revenge.”

Yang Muzhi nodded: "It's just that if you disperse them like this, they may become Han people and farm and weave cloth to pay taxes, but the Hu people are good at fighting, especially the biggest ones who are good at riding and shooting.

Their characteristics are gone. I’m afraid it won’t be easy to recruit troops from among them in the future, especially to form cavalry.”

Liu Yu nodded: "I will naturally consider this. Maybe some Hu people will still exist as cavalry soldiers, but it depends on whether Nan Yan surrenders. In the land of Qingzhou, there are many large

The pastures can be used for cavalry training. Even if the Hus are not used as cavalry, in the future, strong men can be selected from the Han army in the Jin Dynasty to form a cavalry unit. I believe that if we Han people have horses, we will not be worse than the Hus."

Xiang Mihaha smiled: "That's good, Brother Jinu. This time in the Linqu battle, we captured tens of thousands of war horses. We made a lot of money. We no longer have to worry about our lack of war horses in the future."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Even if we form a cavalry, it has nothing to do with you Tieniu. Either Ah Shou will be the general, or it will be handed over to Lao Suo. When can you ride on the horse and sleep, then talk to me about this."

Xiang Mi curled up his lips: "I don't have a sister-in-law who can teach me all day long. Brother Jinu, this is not fair..."

Liu Yu grabbed a paperweight on the shore angrily and was about to throw it. He was so frightened that Xiang Mi quickly begged for mercy: "I was wrong, Brother Jinu, just think I farted."

Liu Yu put down the paperweight, the smile on his face slowly faded, and said in a deep voice: "Actually, whether Nan Yan surrenders or fights, the key lies in Murong Lan. Now I don't know what her condition is, but this

A national war is a matter of two countries and two races. You cannot ruin a major event just for the sake of one person's gains and losses. Next, when we go to Guanggu, everyone must not think about Murong Lan. If the enemy forces ruin a major event with

She uses blackmail to force us to retreat or lay down our weapons. If anyone obeys, he will be punished for treason and abandoning the army, and will be killed without mercy!"

Xiang Mi gritted his teeth: "Brother Jinu, do you really not care whether your sister-in-law lives or lives? Maybe..."

Liu Yu sighed: "No need to say more, as long as the black robe is here, I just think she is dead."

Zhuge Changmin's voice sounded from the side: "Jinnu, you haven't replied yet, how can we explain to the soldiers below the rewards after destroying the city and destroying Yan. We can understand these principles, but they don't care. No more

Treasure, then how can we let the soldiers do their best?"

This chapter has been completed!
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