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Chapter 2846: Being separated from the upper and lower parts brings worries to the slaves

Liu Yu frowned: "Our own Jingba brothers are not fully literate, so let the Xianbei people learn? Although I intend to pardon the Xianbei people and resolve these hatreds, I will not let them use these first.

Print it."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "In any case, if Guanggu is captured, the Xianbei people will not have a good life, whether as people or slaves. Your idea of ​​dividing three or two of their households into each village

, have you ever considered a question, that is, if these Xianbei people can't even speak Chinese, how will they survive in the future?"

Liu Yu's brows gradually wrinkled: "Can't speak Chinese? It's unlikely. No Xianbei people I know can't speak it. Oh, no, except those Xianbei people on the grassland. However, the people in the Central Plains

These Xianbei people have lived in the Han region for many years. It’s okay to say they can’t read, but it’s a bit too much to say they can’t speak Chinese or can’t understand it.”

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "Because the Xianbei people in the Central Plains you have come into contact with are all Xianbei nobles such as Murong Lan, Murong De, and Murong Chui. They have been trained to recognize Chinese characters and speak Chinese since they were young. But this does not mean that

Ordinary Xianbei people can also speak Chinese. Just like Tuoba Gui can speak Chinese, but almost no tribesmen on the grassland can."

Liu Yu murmured to himself: "It seems to be the same. Just like us ordinary Han people, we can't speak Xianbei dialect. I only learned it when I went to the grassland, and the dialects of each of their tribes are also different.

, the Yuwen tribe, which was originally a Xiongnu tribe, has a language that is very different from the ordinary Xianbei tribe, almost the same as our Wuyue language and Guanzhong dialect."

Liu Muzhi said with a smile: "That's it, so you have to let the ordinary Xianbei people speak Chinese, and it is best to know Chinese characters, so that they can integrate. This time you give the soldiers three months more than the usual military pay.

The ten-fold reward and the calculation of military achievements are also discounted, just to set a high example for the Northern Expedition and tell the world that if the Northern Expedition annihilates the Hu in the future, there will be great benefits. Even this reward is not as good as that of Jingkou Jian.

The difference in time."

Liu Yu nodded: "That's right. Although I just learned that many veterans came this time because they believed the nonsense about the Murong family treasure, but in fact, I offered these rewards to stimulate the warriors to join the army. After all,

, The Northern Expedition is a highly dangerous matter, and even I don’t know if I can go back alive.”

Liu Muzhi said seriously: "So, if you use high rewards to encourage soldiers to join the Northern Expedition, you should also set the same example on how to deal with the Xianbei people after the war. The Northern Expedition does not mean winning the battle, capturing the city, and destroying the people."

After the war, you must deal with the Hu people carefully. If you do not handle it well, it will lay the root of another turmoil. Or it may arouse the Hu people in other places.

The desperate resistance in the Second Northern Expedition, these two things are probably what you don’t want to see."

Liu Yu sighed: "To be honest, I was really shocked when I saw that most of the brothers really wanted to kill all the Xianbei people. We also suffered a lot in this battle in Linqu. Seeing so many of our comrades

Brother Pao was killed in the battle, and everyone had a heart of hatred. The killing of the people they had never met was just an excuse for them to go on a killing spree, or maybe they really imagined what they had done in Wudi before.

In that way, you can kill people, steal goods, and then destroy the corpses to avoid the punishment of military law."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "These are the essence of the army. They are originally a collection of tigers, wolves, and beasts. The excitement brought by killing will make people throw away the laws and morals that people can usually abide by. After experiencing life and death,

, people are difficult to control and will turn into beasts. Slave, we are all human beings and all have seven emotions and six desires. When you have absolute force in your hands, if you want to only rely on law or morality to restrain yourself, it is

It’s a very difficult thing, which is why all dynasties have regarded the army as a scourge, and the military as a national matter that should not be touched lightly.”

Liu Yu said seriously: "Fat man, thank you for your reminder. I am the coach now, and I have to stay absolutely clear. I used to think that Liu Zhenbei wanted to recruit and appease these thieves and bandits because of his own ambitions. Now I just

Gradually he understood that he himself would also be attracted by the excitement of killing and couldn't extricate himself. After the war, he would go on plunder and enjoy the feeling of being able to control everything, including the lives and deaths of millions of people. Fatty, I'm actually a little worried now.

I have climbed to a high position step by step, with great power in my hands, but maybe even I don’t know about my own changes.”

Liu Muzhi frowned: "Is it because you know today that you don't understand the thoughts of grassroots soldiers and the current situation of the Wudi Manor in the Jin Dynasty?"

Liu Yu sighed: "Yes, when I was the leader of the team, I knew how much food everyone in the team ate a day and how many hours they slept. When I was the leader of the building, I knew the place of origin of everyone in the team.

I know the names and specialties very well. When I was a military leader, I probably only knew the status of each team, and who were the outstanding and top-notch people in each team. It was impossible to know the entire army of 2,000 people.

situation. Now that I have become the general of the entire army, I suddenly discovered that I can only understand these brothers who are above the military commander, or even the commander of the first army, including who the leader of each building is, when he joined the army, and how

When he was promoted, what achievements he had made were only known in the documents. If he were to stand in front of me now, I might not even be able to name him!"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "There are one hundred thousand troops, but there are hundreds of building owners who are not the same brothers as before. They eat and live with you all day long. You don't even have many opportunities to meet them. How can you call them out?"

The name is strange. Jinu, this is because your status has improved. According to the military system, you cannot be too close to the people below. You have more and more important military affairs to deal with, and you are not like before.

You will eat and live with the soldiers, and train together every day. In wartime, you only need to obey orders and charge into battle."

Liu Yu sighed: "But no matter what, I am in a high position and have become more and more separated from the bottom. Whether it is a sergeant or a commoner, it will probably be difficult for me to have direct contact with him as before. This is actually quite scary. Things, I suddenly discovered that I don’t even know what my soldiers are thinking, and whether the decision I want to make will satisfy them, or even whether it will infringe on their basic interests!"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "The bad governance of the past dynasties is often caused by this. Only by firmly grasping the situation at the grassroots level can you understand everything outside. This is why I have to eat and chat with traffickers and lackeys, and all kinds of religions all day long. The reason is why I have to spread my eyes to get information!"

This chapter has been completed!
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