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Chapter 2871: Divide the family property among the disciples

Liu Yu's eyes were shining and his voice was sonorous and powerful: "Fat man, you and I both know that no matter how strict the country's laws are, the people targeted by those laws will do everything possible to take advantage of loopholes to benefit themselves, so when we formulate these laws

, I would rather be stricter and try to limit the places where loopholes can be taken advantage of."

Liu Muzhi sighed: "Having said that, after all, this kind of major reform, which has not been seen in thousands of years, still requires people to have time to prepare. Now the Jin Dynasty is not peaceful. It can even be said that it is troubled internally and externally. Even if this

Although Nan Yan can be successfully destroyed for the first time, there are still a lot of troublesome funeral matters to deal with, such as the Tiandao League hidden in the south, the newly occupied land of Qingzhou and the disposal of hundreds of thousands of barbarians, the status of the Han wealthy families, and

The new round of rewards for meritorious soldiers, and the subsequent large number of children from aristocratic families coming to the north to enclose and occupy land, are very troublesome to deal with. Even the high rewards you promised will require money from high-ranking families.

Donate, if you mention this to them at this time, I'm afraid they won't give a single copper."

Liu Yu curled his lips: "Everything has a sequence. After destroying Nanyan, we must first deal with the rewards and titles of the soldiers. The granting of this land is still linked to the title. We can try to reduce the title.

It is a system for the people, but it is not implemented all at once. It gives a buffer period. For example, if a family has multiple titles, only one person can be a real title, and the titles of others become virtual titles, just like the eight-level civil titles in the Qin and Han Dynasties.

, it stands to reason that those who are above the fourth level of nobility can be exempted from taxes and servitude, but in the end, they are no longer exempt. When they become virtual knights, the same treatment can be done for knights. For the time being, knights who are not inherited by legitimate sons cannot enjoy allotments.

, the benefit of tax exemption as a transition."

Liu Muzhi frowned: "If you turn a real title into a false one, will you break the trust of the world?"

Liu Yu laughed and said, "Fat man, do you still remember how Xie Xianggong changed the share of food to the city?"

Liu Muzhi's brows widened and he murmured: "Yes, since the Qin and Han Dynasties, one-third of the income of the food towns has been attributed to the nobles, and two-thirds have been handed over to the court and the treasury, but Xie

After the Xianggong took office, because there were too many false titles in the Jin Dynasty and the national finance could not make ends meet, the one-third income was changed to one-ninth. The founding county princes of 1,800 households could originally receive

From the food tax revenue of 600 households, only 200 households can be taken from the future. If this were not the case, the imperial court would not have the money and food to form the predecessor of the Beifu Army."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, even Xie Xianggong saw that because there were too many titles, it was no longer able to support the national treasury revenue, and it had greatly affected the normal operation of the country, so he resolutely operated on his own Xie family.

With the tax reduction of the title, because he acted fairly and set an example, this decree was still implemented, and the same is true today for our decree to abolish the knighthood."

"Since the Wei and Jin Dynasties, there has always been a distinction between high and cold people, and high families often refer to nobles from such aristocratic families. Han people are ordinary people who have no title and no scholar status. Since the Jin Dynasty, the civil society has been abolished.

Jue, then the status of the people will be further reduced, and the gap between high and cold will become deeper and deeper. If it were not for the Yongjia Rebellion and the north fell into the hands of the barbarians, the Jin Dynasty would need elite soldiers and talented people to protect the country.

I'm afraid that you and I won't even have a chance to stand out if we have nothing to offer."

"This situation cannot continue. Just like the animals raised at home, once they are pampered and fed, they no longer even have the basic skills of hunting. This is not a good thing for themselves. If the nobles of the Jin Dynasty are demoted,

The barons at the lowest level have no room to seek power upwards, so they can only live and die. They make a living by relying on these barons and the land they are assigned, and by exploiting bankers and tenants. Isn't this a vampire? "

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Is it possible to use Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty's favor order to temporarily allow all the sons in the family to receive the land and properties under his father's title, but only one eldest son can ascend the title, and the other

The son cannot seize the title. As a result, although the title is retained, the land is greatly reduced. If there are three or four sons, unless they make additional contributions to the title, the land of the eldest son of the title will be equivalent to only the previous three.

By the fourth quarter, although the other scholars have obtained land, they have no title and have to bear taxes. It is difficult to accumulate it. Moreover, the land will be taken back to the country after death. Do you think this is a better way to deal with it?


Liu Yu's eyes lit up, and he smiled and patted Liu Muzhi on the shoulder: "I really have you, you damn fat man, you can do all this!"

Liu Muzhi smiled bitterly and said: "You don't know the thoughts of scholars. In fact, many people do not think about receiving salary and land for generations without merit. They simply think that if their generation cannot leave anything for their descendants,

That means you cannot face your ancestors after death, and you have no shame to enjoy the sacrifices of your descendants. After all, you have enjoyed the benefits but cannot pass them on to your descendants. That would be a disgrace to your ancestors."

"So the status of this knight should be the bottom line for most high-ranking families. The newly promoted and meritorious soldiers may not care much about this after receiving the knighthood, but the old families care about it very much. If there is a lineage that can be passed down, even if they occupy

It is acceptable that our land will be greatly reduced due to this kind of favor. At least, this will not cause a large-scale rebound in the short term, and it seems that other sons who have no inheritance rights can legitimately inherit a large amount of land.

I will be very happy. In this way, I can divide and disintegrate them within the family and prevent them from confronting you as a whole. This is probably the only solution I can think of."

Liu Yu nodded with satisfaction: "It's really good. It turns out that I still want to establish the distinction between national nobility and fifth-class nobility, so that the founding nobility can continue to inherit, and the fifth-class nobility can be passed down until it becomes a civilian nobility, but there are

It seems that your method is no longer necessary, but in this case, if a noble family only has one legitimate son, wouldn't it mean that the land will not be divided among them?"

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "There are so many hardships in the world. Even the sons of high-ranking families don't know when disaster will happen and they die early. Therefore, powerful people have more children and more blessings. In order to prevent this kind of risk, they only have children."

It is true that one does not need to divide the land, but the risk becomes extremely great. Once the son dies, the country will be wiped out and all the land will be taken back. Such a risk is something that most people would not dare to take. Besides, this aristocratic family

Nobles have wives and concubines in groups, and their sons are often counted in numbers of five or ten, so how can there be only one person?"

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