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Chapter 2996: Announcement to the vassals about the Northern Expedition

Yu Yue was slightly startled and asked suspiciously: "Is this making a fuss out of a molehill? After Sima Xiuzhi left, this Wu land..."

Liu Yi sighed: "When Tianshi Tao raised troops, there was no Sima Xiuzhi. He just took advantage of those Tianshi Tao gatherings to suddenly launch an attack. Overnight, all eight counties rebelled. This lesson is still there. Although Tianshi Tao is now

Dao has been attacked, but we still can't take it lightly. There are still many religious people in Wudi. If we can't protect them all, one day they will suddenly take advantage of this kind of religious ceremony to cause chaos. You are the only army in the eight counties of Wudi. If you are defeated

, then the rebels can march straight into Jiankang, unstoppable."

Yu Yue frowned: "However, there are still many aristocratic and wealthy families in Wu who believe in the Tao of Heavenly Masters. If such rituals and dojos are encountered, many prominent figures will personally participate in them. This is directly prohibited.

Will it be..."

A fierce light flashed in Liu Yi's eyes: "I have offended several big families for the time being. If I really want to rebel against the thieves, I will chop their whole family into meat paste and eat them. Let them choose which one they want. Just say it is my military order."

Within half a year, no gatherings of more than ten people are allowed in Wudi. Anyone who violates this rule will be punished as a rioter and will be killed without mercy!"

Yu Yue gritted his teeth: "This, this is too much, it has never happened in Wu..."

Liu Yi said coldly: "Master Qinglong, the aristocratic families have never lost their military and political power, but now isn't it Qiu Bajun who has the final say? We can't take this risk!"

Yu Yue was speechless for a long time, and then he sighed: "I'm afraid it's not enough to force this matter alone. It would be best to find leaders of the big families, such as Mrs. Xie's family, including your Mrs. Liu, to go out and talk to these people."

Please explain to the big family of Wu and the small and medium-sized noble families."

Liu Yi curled his lips: "This is your business, Mr. Qinglong. I can directly issue a ban. How to be gentle and explain is what you, the head of a big family, have to do. In short, I only need the result, and that is this

Within half a year, nothing can happen to Wu. If something happens, all of us will be destroyed. Which is more serious is up to you."

Yu Yue shook his head and sighed: "It seems that this job is not as easy as imagined. That's all, I'll do as you say. However, Sima Xiuzhi, you have to keep an eye on me so that nothing happens here."

, don’t let him take advantage of you."

Meng Chang smiled and said: "Master Qinglong doesn't have to worry about this. Master Baihu has experienced hundreds of battles and is fully prepared for this kind of thing. By the way, do you want to tell Liu Yu, He Wuji and our plans and actions?

Liu Daogui? Let them also be prepared."

Xu Xianzhi frowned slightly: "I don't think it's necessary. Didn't Mr. Baihu just say that he would still pretend to be sick to deceive the enemy? If the news leaks out in those places, or even if Liu Yu doesn't agree, he can directly send people back to stop it.

Wouldn't that be..."

Meng Chang's brows raised: "Probably not. We also informed them secretly and clearly explained these plans, because I don't think this matter can be hidden from others. After all, according to Master Baihu's plan, we have to contact Lu Zongzhi to send troops later.

, this in itself requires a general mobilization of Yongzhou troops and horses. Even if Lu Zongzhi himself can keep the secret, he cannot hide such a large mobilization. I am even more worried that Liu Daogui will misjudge and think that Lu Zongzhi is taking the opportunity to cause rebellion and attack Jingzhou.


Having said this, Meng Chang looked at Liu Yi: "Master Baihu, you can affect the whole body this time. Even if you don't need their support, you must at least tell them that they are your colleagues in both public and private matters."

Comrades, brothers, if they know they can't stop your decision, they can at least make some preparations in advance to avoid being caught off guard."

Liu Yi thought for a moment and nodded: "What Mr. Xuanwu said makes sense. Anyway, as the general who stayed behind and the prime minister of the government, I am also obliged to inform this decision. Let's send an emissary to keep this news secret."

Inform Liu Yu, He Wuji and Liu Daogui. Tell Liu Yu that we are going to attack Sima Guofan and attack the Later Qin Dynasty to punish them for supporting the rebels and opposing the Jin Dynasty. In addition, by doing this, I will also eliminate his rear and flanks.

Threatening, or even solving the Sima Guofan rebellion that he caused, what is he dissatisfied about?"

Yu Yue smiled and said: "That's right, this Sima Guofan is the one who caused the trouble because of his lack of confidentiality. Moreover, Nanyan is asking for help from the Later Qin Dynasty and may send troops to rescue Yan at any time. Lord Baihu will send troops to attack Sima Guofan. By the way,

It can also block the passage for reinforcements from Later Qin. This is for his own good and he has no reason to object."

Liu Yi sneered and said: "That is, he asked me to stay in the rear and be the prime minister of military affairs. If there is an excuse for Sima Guofan to rebel, I can certainly send troops to attack him. However, I just thought about it. If I tell him directly that I want to attack the Later Qin Dynasty,

To occupy the Central Plains and regain Luoyang, maybe Liu Yu will come directly to take credit. So, I think the letter to Liu Yu said that I will personally conquer Sima Guofan and must destroy him to deter all the rebels and rebels. As for the attack on Qin

Let’s not mention the matter for now. When we really want to attack Later Qin later, we will just say that we will pursue Sima Guofan and invade all the way into the territory of Later Qin.”

Xu Xianzhi blinked: "Then what do you say to He Wuji and Liu Daogui? You don't need to use Lu Zongzhi to pursue Sima Guofan."

Liu Yi said with a smile: "This is easy. Huan Qian wants to lead the Ganliang barbarians of the Later Qin to counterattack Jingzhou. Then Yongzhou will bear the brunt, giving Lu Zongzhi an excuse to guard against Huan Qian and assemble his army to prepare for war. Anyway, Lu Zongzhi has already done so."

I want to seize the Central Plains and build a piece of territory for myself. I can negotiate terms with him in a secret message. After the completion of the matter, Luoyang will be his, and even half of Sizhou can be handed over to him. With this place, he can recruit Guanzhong

It will be much more convenient for the refugees. But the premise is that he keeps it a secret and does not leak the news. When our troops and supplies are in place and Sima Xiuzhi arrives in Yuzhou, we can send troops together!"

Xu Xianzhi nodded: "But how do you explain He Wuji? Will he watch Liu Yu's Northern Expedition to Southern Yan, and you also send troops to Later Qin, and then do your own thing, directly mobilize Jiangzhou troops and horses to attack Lingnan


Liu Yi smiled and shook his head and said: "It's impossible. At least one thing is that there is insufficient food and grass. Originally, He Wuji was going to give 30,000 reinforcements, plus 1.5 million shi of army food, for the southern expedition. However, because Liu Yi was given

Yu took it ahead of time for the Northern Expedition, so he now has neither food nor soldiers. Even if he really wanted to, he would have to collect this year's autumn food and then fully mobilize the troops in Jiangzhou to have the power of the Northern Expedition. That would at least be

Three months from now, I will tell Wuji that when I come back after victory, I will definitely give him half of the victorious army to help him conquer the south!"

This chapter has been completed!
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