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Chapter 3275: Digging three feet into the ground without end

As Gongsun's evil and strange spell sounded on the fifth floor, the ruthless iron ball rolled straight out, and almost in the same sleep, the fourteen iron balls on this new wall also rolled out.

The guards on the side lit the tampons and rolled out of the secret passage one after another, rushing straight out of the city.

Under the city wall, Duan Hong was holding a shovel and trying hard to dig on the ground. Above his head was a thick wooden greenhouse. When the stone hit the wet cowhide on the roof of the greenhouse, there was a "snap" sound.

"The sound is endless, and there is also the sound of arrows hitting the ceiling. These sounds almost form a strange drum sound, as if someone is shouting slogans to cheer, urging the people rushing into the car.

More than thirty sergeants were digging holes.

On the ground, a pit six to seven feet in radius has been dug, more than two feet deep. Captain Jiang Sheng, holding a Luoyang shovel, was digging quickly on the ground, and his men had already jumped into the pit.

In the middle, piles of dirt and mud, some even mixed with earthworms that were still crawling, quickly turned out of the pit. After a while, a layer of soil more than a foot high had been piled up beside the pit.


As soon as Duan Hong shoveled down, he only heard a "click" sound, and the shovel head broke off. The half-moon shaped shovel head was inserted into the soil, and the handle broke, leaving only a piece of wooden stick in his hand.

In his hand, he shook his head unconvinced: "What happened? Why did you dig the soil so smoothly? I even broke the third shovel head!"

Jiang Sheng raised his head from the pit. His face was already covered with black soil and streaked with sweat, but he couldn't hide his joy and said with a smile: "I said Duan joined the army. It seems like you have never farmed before.

I’ve never wielded a hoe, and I don’t know what skills are required for plowing and turning the soil. I say, you’d better stop digging. If you dig any more, I’m afraid you’ll break all the shovels in our truck.”

Duan Hong wiped the sweat from his forehead angrily: "After all, I am a Xianbei man. I have never farmed. I only know how to work on horseback. That's all. You are right. I don't want to waste these shovels anymore. Hurry up.

Dig, I’m done with this.”

As he spoke, he picked up a large empty cloth bag from the side, opened the opening, grabbed the broken half of the shovel head, and shoveled the loose soil piled beside the pit into the bag, connecting twenty or thirty pieces of soil.

With all the effort, the cloth bag has bulged up and turned into a large sand bag.

Two civilians ran over, picked up the sandbags, and threw them towards the base of the city wall. At this time, there were already hundreds of sandbags and earthbags piled at the corner of the city wall. Some people even threw them at the corner of the city wall.

These soil bags were thrown on the top of the rush car. Although the people under the rush car felt that the pressure on the greenhouse was greater, the arrows and falling rocks from the top of the city seemed to become more distant.

Jiang Sheng shook his head while digging and said: "What a ghost. I dug three feet into the ground and still didn't see anything empty under the city wall. I said Duan Canjun, your situation is not wrong, right? This place is really...

Without a foundation?”

Duan Hong was a little unhappy and said in a deep voice: "How can I talk nonsense about such a big thing? There is a mass grave down here. If we don't dig out the original mountain, where will the grave be?"

Jiang Sheng suddenly thought of something, stopped what he was doing, and turned to look at Duan Hong: "I said Duan joined the army, this is not right. Even if there is really a mass grave below, we won't be able to dig into the city by then.

There is a passage or a height where trees can be erected, but a pile of dead people's bones are excavated. Not to mention that it is very unlucky. Even if we dig, it will not be easy for us to erect pillars. It is okay to erect trees on the foundation, but how to erect on the dead people's bones?

?I'm afraid if we fail to stand upright, the wall will collapse and kill us all!"

Duan Hong was stunned for a moment, then murmured: "Oh, yes, why did I miss this layer?!"

Jiang Sheng gritted his teeth: "Look, you still haven't thought about this. Don't talk about you. Even Wang Canjun didn't think about it when he was happy for a moment. I said Duan Canjun, this matter is important, don't do it.

If the wood can't stand up, it's going to be a big deal. You should go to Wang Shenjun or even the commander to explain the situation and see how they solve the problem!"

Duan Hong stomped his feet bitterly: "The worst thing is, the worst thing is that we don't have to build any trees. We just dig through this hole and enter the city. It's like a tunnel attack."

Jiang Sheng sighed: "We are all civilians and auxiliary soldiers. If you want to attack through this tunnel, you have to find elite soldiers. You can't make the decision. Go find Wang Canjun and find a solution."


Duan Hong nodded: "Then you hurry up and dig. No matter what, dig down to the root first. Otherwise, there will be no trees under the city wall and no way to enter the city. Needless to say, there are no tricks."

Jiang Sheng said seriously: "Go quickly, I will continue digging here!" He lowered his head, and another burst of soil flew away.

Duan Hong shook his head, threw away half of the shovel head in his hand, turned around and ran towards the rear. Two shield-wielding guards followed him, covering his head and behind with two large shields.

The sparse bows and arrows on the top of the city did not pose any threat to Duan Hong.

Duan Hong ran like this for about a hundred steps, and then he slowed down. The two sergeants behind him also put down their shields. The three of them were out of breath from running all the way. Duan Hong turned around and looked at the

The city wall murmured to himself: "What on earth is going on? It should be dug to the bottom. Could it be that..."

A shield-wielding sergeant with big eyes, just like his name, Liu Big Eyes, curled up his lips: "I said Duan joined the army. I heard that those who were tricked and killed died miserably, and there will be resentment and ghosts.

It’s not going away, is it?”

The other sergeant holding the shield was a yellow-faced Mazi in his thirties. As his name suggests, his name was Chen Er Mazi. He put down the shield in his hand and said angrily: "You kid has never been on the battlefield or killed anyone."

Have you ever seen a dead ghost asking for your life?"

Liu Dayan shook his head: "It's different. On the battlefield, you kill me and I kill you. Everyone is their own master. Life and death are just a matter of pleasure. There is no resentment. But these dead ghosts who are trying to kill me, I heard that they are

He cannot be reincarnated, and he is buried inside. If he cannot breathe, he will not die immediately. He will suffer for a long time, so his resentment is very heavy. Just like that Wulongkou, isn't it also buried alive for tens of thousands of pieces..."

At this point, he suddenly realized something and stopped talking.

Duan Hong smiled miserably: "You are right. There are tens of thousands of men in my Duan clan. They believed old thief Murong's lies and thought that surrendering would save them from death, so they gave up the resistance. As a result, after leaving the city, all the men were trapped.

If they were killed, the women would be rewarded with a share of the Yan army soldiers. My Duan tribe was almost wiped out. If my father and ancestors had not led the troops outside, I am afraid it would have been the same result."

This chapter has been completed!
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