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Chapter 3524: Cavalry Fight to the Death

In the bloody smoke, hundreds of cavalry were fighting. The roars and curses of the soldiers on both sides were covered up by the thundering drum horns and shouts on one side, and the sounds of "Destroy the Hu" came one after another.

The special rhythm under the sound of drums and heavy hammers made everyone of the Suwei knights even more excited, and even the speed of waving the weapons in their hands increased.

However, the battle had been going on for about a quarter, and the casualties on both sides were still disproportionate. Only more than twenty of the Yan army's armored cavalry fell, but more than a hundred of the Suwei cavalry were killed.

After falling off the horse, lying on the ground were mostly the corpses of the armored and red-robed Guards cavalry.

After all, even the bodyguards of aristocratic families with strong bodies and excellent martial arts skills are mostly former Jin army sergeants who were favored by aristocratic families to join the army after retiring from the army. They may be good enough in foot combat, but the kung fu on horseback alone cannot be achieved by the combination of man and horse.

One is that it takes several years of practice.

Except for Liu Jingxuan, the son of a general who had learned riding skills since childhood, or Liu Yu's batch of Xianbei cavalry who had just entered Beifu and had the opportunity to be worked by the Xianbei cavalry brought by Murong Lan, and veterans of the Beifu Army who were good at bow and horse, most of the Jin soldiers

The military cavalry's skills on horseback are far inferior to those of the armored cavalry who grew up on horses since childhood.

In this kind of face-to-face fighting with no tricks and real guns, especially in this kind of sandstorm specially created by the Yan army, the Yan army can see ten steps away, and most of the Suwei cavalry can't even open their eyes.

It's difficult, so if we fight, the result will be one-sided.

Bierhan struck out with a vicious halberd, and the halberd pierced the left flank of a Suwei cavalry opposite him. The halberd was bloody, and the ribs broken by the halberd were all broken beyond the armor.

The cavalryman screamed, abandoned the hammer in his right hand, and reached out to grab the halberd that pierced him. This was an instinct for a warrior at the last moment of his life, and the other man yelled

Said: "Go to hell!"

As soon as he exerted force with his arms, the Guards cavalryman who had just grabbed the halberd pole actually lifted his whole body up and left the saddle. Blood and internal organs were dripping down the halberd body.

The knight on the guard was in pain from the heart and lungs, because the heart and lungs had already been pierced by the halberd. His body struggled feebly twice, and finally he stretched out his arms and legs and died.

The two guards cavalry on one side were heartbroken. This was their corps commander. Originally, the two of them wanted to follow this corps commander and attack other men, but they did not expect that this man was so fierce and actually killed the corps commander with a halberd.

With their sword stuck in the air, they didn't dare to fight again. They quickly turned their horses' heads and tried to escape.

The other man's face was covered with blood drops rolling down the stick. His eyebrows were already stained with blood. If he took off his hood now, he would definitely reveal a face full of blood and flesh, and a hideous face.

With a face like a demon, he gritted his teeth and said viciously: "Don't run away, we are brothers and we should stay together!"

He exerted great force and swung the halberd in his hand forward violently. The corps commander's body, which was stuck on the halberd and had a hole in it, flew forward even with his armor.

, it was thrown ten steps without missing a beat, hitting the deserter on the left right in the back.

The deserter, who had just taken three or four steps, felt a huge force hit him in the back of the heart. He opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body was also together with the corpse of the corps commander.

After falling under the horse, the corps commander's bloody hand was still on his body. His eyes were wide open. When he turned around, he saw the corps commander looking straight at him like this.

I was so frightened that I felt a "buzzing" sound in my head, my eyes went dark, and green bile flowed from the corner of my mouth. I was scared to death.

Another deserter turned out to be about a step behind the dead sergeant. He couldn't stop his horse in time and stepped on the two fallen corpses. He only heard a "click" sound, and when his horse turned the two bodies,

While the corpse was trampled to a bloody pulp, the horse also stumbled and fell heavily to the ground, including the man and the horse.

The knight of the Constellation Guard was knocked unconscious from the fall, with stars in his eyes. When he struggled to raise his head, he only saw two huge black figures, which were clearly two armored knights covered in blood——

The difference between them and the Guard Cavalry can be distinguished at a glance from the style of their helmets. They faced themselves with a grin, raised the spear in their hands, and then stabbed them hard.

This Su Guard cavalry who unfortunately landed on the ground gave these two armored cavalry a crazy stabbing blow. Together with the two Su Guard cavalry beside him who had already fallen to the ground and died, all three of them had at least stab wounds on their bodies.

There are more than ten bloody holes, and they are not human-shaped.

Until the end, an armored cavalry roared loudly, reined up his horse, and raised his horse's head high. The war horse neighed, and the man with two hoofs stood up and stepped down hard. The last guard cavalry on the ground was

His head was like a watermelon smashed by a hammer. The red juice mixed with the white pulp flowed everywhere, dyeing the ground with a radius of five or six feet red.

Bierhan rode his horse forward, looked at the corpses on the ground, and spat bitterly: "If you dare to fight with our Great Yan Ju armored cavalry again, it will be too easy for you to die!


The two knights in uniform said solemnly: "Master Bielhan, we have killed nearly two hundred enemy knights. Now the enemy has been defeated by us. Most of them are running away. There are still more than thirty knights who are resisting."


The other man looked around and saw dozens of steps away, the sound of iron hoofbeats and a huge billow of smoke. It was the Suwei cavalry, dragging their weapons, lying on the back of their horses, running backwards, and some even took the opportunity to pull them away.

Some of the auxiliary horses of the armored cavalry asked these horses to follow their own horses and raise more smoke when running to cover their whereabouts. Obviously, after this battle, the number of people on the opposite side was less than one-third.

The Ju's armored cavalry won a complete victory in the contest with the Jin army's guard cavalry.

The other man gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "These Jin cavalry are vulnerable to a single blow. Brothers, please re-arrange quickly. Next, we change the direction of attack and move towards the Jin army's infantry formation on the flanks.


The expressions of the two armored cavalrymen changed greatly, and they said in unison: "Master Bielhan, you are disobeying military orders. The young master clearly said..."

Bierhan said sternly: "That's enough. Just to carry out his military order, my son died. Now the enemy cavalry has been defeated by us. If he wants to pass through this passage, he can go by himself. I, Bierhan,

Now I want to avenge my son! You decide whether to follow me or not!"

This chapter has been completed!
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