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Chapter 3997: Luring the enemy into the stronghold and attacking them with fire

Lu Gui was the most impatient and almost blurted out: "What secret weapon?"

Cai Lunzhi said sternly: "In order to prevent the collision of small boats, the cabins of this eight-footed ship were specially designed to flood the side of the ship and cause it to sink. Because it weighs too much, the first strategy to sink it is to think of it."

The top priority is not only to set up a large number of rejection poles and shooting poles on the ship's deck to prevent collisions, but also to place a large number of water ghosts around the giant ship to prevent the opponent from sending people to penetrate it."

"In addition, its bottom cabin is also specially designed. It is not like ordinary warships, which have one or several bottom cabins. This ship is too big. If several big holes are broken, or a bottom plate is dug through,

, it may sink directly because the entire upper layer is too heavy and the river water or sea water is poured into it.”

Liu Daogui nodded: "Yes, the bottom of such a huge ship will be very fragile. After filling with water, it will sink quickly. So what can they do to prevent this from happening?"

Cai Lunzhi sighed: "According to a few sailors who came here from the demon thief, the cabins on the bottom of the eight-foot giant ship are not a whole floor, but are divided into more than ten cabins.

The cabins are separated by thick wood and iron plates. Once a cabin is opened and the river water pours in, this cabin will be closed to isolate the connection with other cabins. In this way, even if this cabin is completely filled with river water

, it cannot be pushed away, and it will not affect other cabins. The giant ship will sink slightly, but it will not sink completely into the river."

Tan Daoji opened his eyes wide and said in surprise: "This design is really amazing. Why don't ordinary warships have such a design and sink when hit?"

Cai Lunzhi gritted his teeth: "The bilge compartment of an ordinary warship is too small, and it makes no sense to separate multiple compartments. Moreover, when the river surges in, it will form a huge momentum in an instant. If the strength of the bulkhead is insufficient, it will easily collapse.

In addition, those who stay in the cabin must be prepared to drown in the cabin and to take the initiative to close the cabin door. They must be desperadoes. Considering these conditions, the only people who can do this are probably demon thieves.


Liu Daogui sighed: "That is to say, unless we can break multiple bottom cabins of this monster thief giant ship and let more than half of the cabins flood, otherwise, this giant ship cannot sink, right?"

Cai Lunzhi nodded: "That's right, Zhengxi, I said so much today to destroy our own prestige and have the ambition of a demon and thief, please punish me."

Liu Daogui shook his head: "You told these facts out of public motives and to prevent our sacrifices from being in vain. This is a great contribution to us. How can you be said to be guilty? If you knew these situations, but did not repay them because you were greedy for them.

, which led to our final failure, this is our sin."

Lu Zongzhi frowned: "According to Commander Cai, our army is on the water and there is no hope of defeating or sinking these giant ships anyway, right?"

Cai Lunzhi gritted his teeth: "There is no hope at all. There are only two ways I can think of."

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguoyuedu recently to read and catch up on new books. I can switch sources and read aloud with many sounds. www.yeguoyuedu.com is available for Android and Apple.]

Lu Zongzhi's eyes lit up and he said quickly: "If you have any idea, just tell us. Don't rush us."

Cai Lunzhi looked at Liu Daogui and said in a deep voice: "The first way is, as you just said, to let all the Huanglong warships break out of the encirclement and leave Jiangling, deliberately leaving the outer city of the water village to the monster thieves, and then attract the enemy's attack

The giant ship came to attack. The water stronghold was actually built on the estuary of the river entering Jiangling. The water was shallow and there were many rocks at the bottom of the stronghold. Our army's Huanglong warship had a shallow draft and could come and go freely. However, once the giant ship entered, the bottom of the ship would collide with the rocks.

, there is a direct risk of sinking. Even if it does not sink, the maneuverability will be greatly affected. More importantly, if the monster thief's giant ship enters the water stronghold and is used to attack our army's Jiangling City Wall, then we can use the height of the city wall

The advantage is to use trebuchets to attack the giant ship in the air. No matter how powerful the giant ship is, it will be difficult to fight against the defenders at the top of our city."

Tan Daoji frowned: "How can you be sure that if our army gives way to the outer city, the demon thieves will sail into the outer city with giant ships to attack? If they only come with small boats or medium-sized warships, isn't it possible?"

Cai Lunzhi shook his head: "Those warships are not high enough. If they try to break through our army's city wall and the water gate between the inner and outer city, they will be smashed to pieces by the crossbow trebuchets at the top of our city. Only giant ships can sail in."

It may be flush with the city wall. When the time comes, the monster thieves won't even need ladders or siege towers, and can scale the wall directly on the giant ship. I think they sent the giant ship to attack Jiangling for this purpose, otherwise it would just be

It’s not of much use to seize the surrounding water stronghold.”

Liu Daogui smiled slightly: "If the enemy's giant ship enters the water stronghold and the outer city, our army can certainly attack with catapults and ballistae, but even if the giant ship sinks to the bottom and runs aground outside, it still has such a height and can still attack

As a stepping stone for demon thieves to directly attack the city, what can be done to defeat this?"

Cai Lunzhi's eyes flashed with excitement: "If it enters our water stronghold, the enemy's giant ship will not be able to maneuver. It will probably sink to the bottom and become a high platform for siege, as you said.

At this time, we can use the second tactic, which is fire attack, to completely destroy these giant ships."

Liu Daogui said calmly: "Fire attack? Why can this strategy only be used in water villages and not on rivers?"

Cai Lunzhi shook his head: "It is now the turn of spring and summer, there is a lot of rain, and there is almost no north wind. If our army wants to attack the enemy fleet on the river, it will have to use the north wind to make a surprise attack. It is very difficult.

And if we introduce the enemy's giant ship into the water stronghold and into the river bend, we can make arrangements in advance. Once we succeed, we can turn the enemy's entire fleet into ashes. Even if we fail, it will be nothing more than abandoning the water stronghold outside.

That’s all, we can still rely on the inner city to fight against Watergate.”

Liu Daogui curled his lips: "If we put the enemy's army and fleet in the water stronghold, we can attack with fire, and so can the demon thieves. If the wind direction cannot be controlled, the enemy's fire may even burn down Jiangling City.

After all, the water village is mostly made of wood, and the river bend is also full of reeds and weeds. These are good for igniting fires. There may be something like black demonic water among the demon thieves. Put them in the fire.

If you attack, I'm afraid it will burn you back. The risk is too great, and I cannot agree to such a plan."

Lu Zongzhi gritted his teeth: "Then what should we do? Go to the river and fight with them, right?"

Liu Daogui stood up slowly and said in a deep voice: "General Lu, you will take over the defense of Jiangling City, and I will personally lead the Huanglong war fleet to attack at night and attack the enemy's giant ships with fire!"

This chapter has been completed!
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