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Chapter 4586 Proposal to join forces to destroy the God Alliance

Liu Daogui smiled slightly: "Now the Tiandao Alliance has come to cooperate with you and helped you capture Wulindu with spies and spies. Of course, this is what you said, so let's assume that you are telling the truth. Since the Tiandao Alliance is against

You still have help, why would you betray them and cooperate with my enemy?"

Xu Daofu said calmly: "Because I am confident, as long as I am commanded by the army of the Divine Religion, everyone will do their best and fight face to face. I am not afraid of losing to you, even to Liu Yu himself. He

It’s not like I’ve never suffered losses and lost battles under me, whether it was Wuzhuang or the pursuit battle in Haiyan, they were all precedents where I defeated him and almost killed him. Even the previous Jiankang defense battle, if it was based on my plan

I mean, I want to attack Jiankang directly, just like I did this time, burning the ships and marching to show my determination to advance without retreating. Do you think Liu Yu, who just arrived in Jiankang at that time, can stop him?"

Liu Daogui curled his lips in disdain: "At that time, my eldest brother returned to Beijing alone and had no army. This comparison is inherently unfair. As for the previous two times, one was an ambush designed by the Tiandao Alliance, which made Liu Laozhi

It is not your ability to send my eldest brother to die and ask Liu Yi to help you. The other time was when Bao Sizhi was brave and reckless and advanced rashly. My eldest brother was a drag on him, but he was not inferior to you. In a real face-to-face contest, you Xu

Vice-leader Xu has never won once."

Xu Daofu laughed: "That's just what you think. In fact, I have this kind of confidence that I can win against your elder brother. As for whether I can win, I'll tell you when I see the real chapter on the battlefield. Anyway, I'm not afraid.

Those who lose will have no regrets even if they die in battle. Liu Daogui, you are also a famous general, so you should be able to understand my confidence."

Having said this, Xu Daofu's eyes narrowed slightly: "But even if I am defeated in your hands, I don't want to be controlled by the Tiandao Alliance and become a puppet manipulated by them. I don't know when I will put someone next to me."

This kind of person will assassinate me at any time. In a word, I would rather die in the hands of an upright gentleman than be assassinated by the villain around me one day after ascending to the throne."

Liu Daogui smiled slightly: "Okay, there is no need to talk about ideals and life with me here. Let's get to the point. You said you want to cooperate with me to destroy the Tiandao Alliance. How are you going to do it?"

Xu Daofu said in a deep voice: "In today's battle, we can all see clearly that our army is superior in strength, more than half of your army, and our army is all elite veterans of the Three Wu Dynasties. Not only are they from

When we crossed the sea to Guangzhou, we also brought many of Liu Yi and He Wuji's subordinates who surrendered to your Jin army and became Jin army soldiers, but also returned to the divine religion. After all, Zhu Chaoshi's rebellion and return are very few.

Most of the people who were captured still joined us, you should understand this."

Liu Daogui said calmly: "Of course I know this, and I don't need you to educate me. However, what you see may not be true. Maybe it is just what I want you to see. As a military general, you should understand what I mean."

Xu Daofu smiled slightly: "This art of war is nothing more than a virtual reality. Showing what you can't do when you can, and showing what you can't do when you can't. Of course, for a famous general like you, showing what you can do when you can, and showing what you can't do when you can't are also used.

Comfortably. However, no matter whether you have an ambush or a rearguard action, the only one here now is this army, and I may not let you see my full strength. If you have absolute certainty and chance of winning, you will not

Come see me, so I have a proposal for you to listen to."

Liu Daogui looked at Xu Daofu motionless: "That's what you say, I'm listening."

Xu Daofu said in a deep voice: "Actually, the current situation is not much different from when your elder brother met me, except that the strength and weakness have been reversed. I now have a military advantage, but if you go back to defend or

If you fight to the death with me today, my losses will not be small. In the end, both sides will suffer. I have lost too many elites. I am afraid that I will continue to be controlled by the Tiandao Alliance in the future. And if your troops cannot win today, they will all be ruined here.

, once this army is lost, Jingzhou will be mine, and then because my strength will be damaged, I can only rely on and delegate power to the local tycoons in Jingzhou, and finally become controlled by the Tiandao Alliance through various conspiracy methods. Therefore, today's

It’s best not to fight if there’s a fight.”

Liu Daogui sneered: "Why don't you say that if I win today, your entire army will be wiped out? I think I will be very satisfied with this result. Does the Tiandao Alliance still exist? Can it conspire to eliminate you all?"

After the Heavenly Master Dao, my eldest brother and I will naturally have a way to find out."

Xu Daofu said coldly: "You can't find out clearly. If you could find out clearly, you wouldn't know that Doupeng had such great power and subordinates in Jiankang, nor would you have Tiandao Alliance among your personal guards.

In a head-on battle, we have an advantage, but when it comes to conspiracy and espionage, it is still far behind an organization like the Tiandao Alliance that has existed in the shadows for thousands of years. You don’t have to argue with me on this point.

You know what you are doing."

Liu Daogui said expressionlessly: "Okay, continue talking, how are you going to cooperate with me and destroy the Tiandao Alliance?"

Xu Daofu smiled slightly: "This requires us to work together to act. You and I have reached an agreement today to evacuate Jingzhou, and then leave Jiangling by boat to Changsha. Or if you are afraid that I will intercept you on the river, you can also leave.

Dangyang, pass through Jiangxia, go back to Yuzhou through the Beyond Mountains, or go back to Yongzhou. You can also go from Lu Zongzhi's territory through the Central Plains and then back to Yanzhou. In short, I will not pursue you. If your army is there, retreat step by step to the camp. Our army's movements are completely

I won't be able to make a sneak attack while you're in sight, just like we trusted your brother not to pursue me back then. In fact, we also made two preparations."

Liu Daogui sneered: "So, you allow my army to withdraw without a fight, and then hand over Jingzhou and Jiangling to you?"

Xu Daofu smiled and said: "This is just the first step. Only by winning Jingzhou can I use it as bait to lure the Tiandao Alliance to settle here. Although I don't know if Doupeng has a successor, but the black-robed

This successor has nowhere to go and can only develop his power in our Jingzhou. I can invite him to come. When he sees that I have captured Jiangling, he will not be suspicious. As long as he is willing to come, I will have him all.

Catch all the forces in one sweep, and the black robe series is completely finished. As for the cloak series, after you return to Jiankang, you and your elder brother will investigate and destroy them. After they are destroyed, we will fight again in an upright manner, and the winner will get the entire series.

World, when the time comes, what will this mere Jingzhou mean?" ()

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