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Chapter 496: Jia Shengs Army Lords Night Attack

Liu Laozhi turned to look at Liu Jingxuan and said in a deep voice: "Liu Jingxuan, with the general's personal guards and two groups of soldiers, quickly bypassed the camp, inserted into the rear of the enemy's army, signaled to Hu Bin, and attacked from both sides.

The enemy's rear formation is to cut off the enemy's return route. Remember, you are not allowed to be wary or fight in the camp. This is a violation of military law!"

Liu Jingxuan shouted: "I have the order!" He pulled the reins of his horse and rode out. Behind him, hundreds of Liu Laozhi's personal guards followed closely. After more than ten infantrymen rushed out, Liu Jingxuan turned his head.

Come, grinned at Liu Yu, and pulled on his iron face.

Liu Yu smiled slightly and turned to look at Liu Laozhi: "General, do you mean that the ten thousand thieves in Caiqiao Beach will be handed over to our three brothers?"

Liu Laozhi nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, most of my troops here have been transferred now. I still have more than a thousand people in reserve. I can't send any troops to you. I can only rely on your troops."

, Also, opposite Caiqiao Beach, there is one of my suspected soldiers who is bluffing. This army is commanded by Mao Qiu, who is also an old acquaintance of yours. After getting there, you follow the instructions of Mao Qiu and me.

We agreed to light up the flames of war, and he knew what to do."

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "But General, now I, Liu Yu, am just an ordinary sergeant. In the battle just now, because I temporarily lost the command in the rear, the three brothers were also dispersed, and the younger one took over the command temporarily. Now the battle has ended

It’s over for now, it’s better to let the original building leader command the troops.”

Liu Laozhi shook his head: "Okay, Liu Yu, you are the leader of the building. You were demoted to sergeant just because of the loss of Shouchun. In my opinion, that is not your responsibility. Now you are standing on the battlefield."

You have achieved your merits and all the sergeants are convinced by you, so don’t push around for this command position."

When he said this, he said in a deep voice: "Sergeant Liu Yu, now I, Liu Laozhi, as General Yingyang, temporarily promote you to the vanguard commander. I will lead Fei Bao and Fei Xiong to compete with these three sergeants three miles south.

Zhai Bin's troops were wiped out at the Qiaoqiao Beach here, and the suspicious soldiers under Mao Qiu's troops are also under your control."

Liu Yu's expression was solemn, and there was no joke in the army. The general's orders were military orders, and no one could violate them. He raised his hands and saluted loudly: "Promise!"

When Liu Laozhi said this, he waved his hand, and a cavalryman beside him stepped forward, pulled down his mask, and grinned at Liu Yu: "Brother Jinu, congratulations."

Liu Yu was surprised and happy. This person was none other than Mao Qiu's follower Feng Qian. They had returned to the army from the blacksmith camp since the Battle of Junchuan. This was the first time they had met.

Liu Laozhi nodded: "Feng Qian knows how to contact Mao Qiu, and you are also old acquaintances. When the time comes, let him give orders to Mao Qiu."

Liu Yu nodded and said in a deep voice: "Understood. Brothers of the Pioneer Battalion, form a team and set off in half an hour. Those who cannot afford to be seriously injured will stay, and everyone else will follow. Those who fall behind will be subject to military law!"

Liu Yi and others shouted in unison: "No!"

A quarter of an hour later, a fire dragon moved rapidly along Luo Jian toward the southeast. Liu Yu held two torches and ran at the front, while behind him, three heavy infantry units followed closely, everyone's

Their faces were full of excitement. Although they had experienced a fierce battle, the excitement after winning, coupled with the moment of rest and replenishment of food and wine, made these steel warriors full of energy and high fighting spirit again.

Liu Yu and a group of old brothers ran at the front. The three building owners Liu Yi, Tan Pingzhi, and He Wuji all gathered around him, chatting while walking. Tan Pingzhi smiled and said: "Brother Jinu, what are you doing now?"

You are the military leader, this should be your position, congratulations."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Bottle, it's all thanks to everyone's help and efforts. I just performed my small duties. There's nothing much to say. After this battle, we still have to face Fu

With a strong army, when the time comes, everyone will be able to take the title of Ten Thousand Households!"

He Wuji laughed: "Jinnu, I just like your fearless aura. When we were suppressed by flying rocks on the river beach just now, we were all panicked. How on earth did you come up with this plan to get us out of trouble?


Liu Yu curled his lips: "This is common sense in military books. If the enemy's long-range weapons are powerful and the shield is difficult to block, you have to find a way to get close to them and fight fiercely. In this way, their weapons will not be able to play their role.

There are 50,000 troops in the Qin army's camp, with many catapults and archers. If our vanguard troops attack, they will not expose all their troops. So as long as we move fast enough, we can rush across the stream. When we reach the opposite side of the stream, the catapults

It will be of no use, and the only ones that need to be dealt with are the enemy archers."

Liu Yi nodded: "This idea is really clever and bold enough. However, Jinu, I still don't understand why you don't shoot directly with the enemy? To say that within a hundred steps, relying on two

It's okay to block with a layer of iron armor, but if you still have to advance fifty steps, do you really look down on the Qin army's crossbows so much?"

Liu Yu shook his head confidently: "This battle is about psychology. We rushed across the river and surprised the enemy. Although the sergeant in armor was only two hundred at the time, the night and the fog made the enemy

They couldn't see how much we were following, so they thought we had some magical power. When we started advancing from a hundred steps, their momentum was exhausted. The power of their crossbows was less than 70% of the usual strength, and they could hardly cause any damage, so I dare to conclude that

, even at fifty steps, as long as we muster up our hard Qigong, they still can't cause fatal harm to us!"

Having said this, Liu Yu breathed a long sigh of relief, looked around and said: "Now do you know how worthwhile our daily hard training is? Those who are exposed to the scorching sun, endure insect and ant bites in the jungle, and brush themselves with snow in winter,

Even after breaking military discipline, we have to withstand dozens or hundreds of blows from military sticks. Those copper-skinned iron bones soaked in medicinal wine, those days of blood and sweat, and the unbearable days to look back, have created our copper-skinned and iron bones, these tight

Their muscles are enough to become our third layer of iron armor. I believe that even if they take another ten steps, they will not be able to shoot us!"

Wei Yongzhi laughed loudly, with three hare lips flying: "Grandma, you are a bear. It seems that these beatings you usually receive are not in vain, and these hardships are not in vain. I love Uncle Zhong to death now!"

Everyone laughed heartily, and even tears filled their eyes. At this moment, the sweat and hardship they endured really saved everyone's lives on the battlefield. All the grievances they suffered during training in the past two years

The blood and tears all became so worthwhile now, and even the scabs and whip marks on my body became so cute.

Liu Yi curled his lips and suddenly said: "But, why is it necessary to take this crossbow? We can defeat the enemy at a distance of fifty steps."

Liu Yu's eyes flashed coldly: "Because what I want is not collapse, but collapse!"

This chapter has been completed!
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