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Chapter 5019 Seizing the Yizhou Big Deal

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "I'm afraid this is not appropriate. If I give Yu Yue a big state, I won't have any problem here, because Yu Yue has no ability. Even if I give him a big state, as a prerequisite for the transaction, let him

His Yu family is willing to take the lead in collecting taxes and forming a private army, so that other families can follow suit, and our Jin Dynasty can recover from the horrors of the war sooner. Compared with giving this governor of a large state who will be able to take it back sooner or later,

This is a very good deal.”

"However, if this big state actually falls into the hands of your Tao Gong, it will be completely different. Especially if Jingzhou is handed over to you, it will probably become the second Huan family, separatist and independent, and will not obey the king.

Change, or even fight against the imperial court and start an army to cause chaos."

"I can't take such a risk. Tao Gong, the official positions given to you can only be those in the central government that do not involve real power. The rank can be high enough for you to restore the honor of your ancestor Kan Gong. However,

If you want to actually control a large state, I advise you not to think about it."

Tao Yuanming frowned: "Then, if I settle for the next best thing, not a big state like Jingzhou or Yuzhou, but a remote border state, such as Guangzhou, Yizhou, etc., can you agree?


Liu Muzhi softly said "Oh": "These remote states and counties have a bad climate, are infested with poisonous insects, are sparsely populated, and have no tax revenue. Even the children of aristocratic families are not willing to go there. What are you trying to do by going to these places?"

Woolen cloth?"

Tao Yuanming laughed: "The more no one wants to go to a place, the less people will fight for it. Then maybe I can be like the Du family in Jiaozhou and stay there for several generations. Like Jingzhou

Land is regarded as a big piece of meat, and everyone wants to compete for it. In the end, once the descendants are useless, it will be difficult to hold on to the inheritance of the ancestors, which is not good."

"What's more, in these big states, I can teach farming and help the locals improve their lives. My Tao ancestors were just barbarian tribes in the mountains of Jingzhou. But after the Han people came, they brought advanced

, the developed culture made my ancestors also admire the Chinese culture, and after they left the mountains, we, the Tao family, came into existence. I think that the Peach Blossom Spring in my book cannot last for thousands of generations. If we encounter a stronger and more advanced people,

Culture, then we should accept these.”

"As for those people in Lingnan or Bashu, these poor mountains and rivers, they are like wild beasts and have not yet been civilized. They need someone to use the current civilization to educate them so that they can live like human beings. I Tao

Yuanming has already become famous all over the world, but you only think that I am a great poet and famous person, but you don’t know my actual political talent. Give me a remote state, and I can guarantee that within ten years, I can make these people

The place has been renovated so that everyone here knows how to read and respond to etiquette."

Liu Muzhi smiled slightly: "Then the people in these places only know about you, Tao Gong, and your Tao family. They don't know about the Jin Dynasty or Liu Yu, right?"

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "In this kind of border land, there are not too many families who are independent and self-reliant, and have been holding office for generations. Isn't this the case for the Cuan family in Ningzhou and the Du family in Jiaozhou? The Jin Dynasty can accommodate them, so

Can't you tolerate me, Tao Yuanming? These places are thousands of miles away from the capital and have never paid taxes. They only belong to the Jin Dynasty in name. The Jin Dynasty has to send troops to suppress it. It has always been a loss-making thing. Why not give it to me?

I, I can't openly rebel by taking advantage of these territories, it just allows me, Tao, to have a place to live and settle down, so that's not too much."

Liu Muzhi said coldly: "You, Tao Gong, are too capable and capable, and I can't see who is behind you, so I don't want to let you go to these big states. I said,

We can first give you a high-ranking official in the court and restore the glory of your ancestors, so why not?"

Tao Yuanming sighed: "How could it be so easy to stay in the capital city for a long time? I went to Jiankang before when Huan Xuan usurped the throne, and I tried to become one of them, but I was mercilessly beaten.

, despised, in their eyes, even I, a famous person in the world, was just a country bumpkin who came to Beijing with no background, and they refused to give me any of the property I needed to stay in the capital, so later I got angry.

Then, he also gave Huan Xuan an idea, asking him to gamble with the children of these aristocratic families to win their properties and keep them as his own."

The fat on Liu Muzhi's face shook and he said with a smile: "Who came up with this idea? He took advantage of it, but it was against the entire Jiankang family, including the wealthy people in Jingkou. It turned out to be Yuan

I understand you."

Tao Yuanming said coldly: "If it weren't for you and Liu Yu, and his Jingba Party with troops and knives in their hands, these noble families wouldn't be any better to you. Mu Zhi, among these people

In my heart, there has long been a sense of superiority and inferiority, and you can't squeeze in, so I don't want to stay with these people, I would rather go to the distant frontier and start the business from scratch."

Liu Muzhi's eyes narrowed slightly: "Which big state do you want? Moreover, didn't you want to help Yu Yue rise to power? You even sent your tribesman friend Luo Longsheng to command his army. How could you just abandon him like this?

Yu Yue doesn’t care anymore?”

Tao Yuanming said calmly: "I just acted according to the rules you made. When I was kidnapped by the demon thieves, I learned about their inside story, and then helped Yu Yue form an army. Then I relied on this army to chase the demon thieves and achieve military exploits.

With this merit, Yu Yue became the governor of a large state, and I can also use my assistance to get the border state you promised me. This border state should preferably be Yizhou."

Liu Muzhi laughed: "Why don't you want Jingzhou now?"

Tao Yuanming shook his head: "I just told Yu Yue to ask for Jingzhou. I asked him to fight for Jingzhou. In fact, I know very well that Jingzhou is one of the most important prefectures and counties in the Jin Dynasty. It must not be given to anyone else."

People you trust, after Liu Daogui, the position of governor of Jingzhou was seen as a fat job in the eyes of others, but it was also a sea of ​​​​swords and fires, and those who had no strength but wanted to occupy this position would be doomed. Of course, Yu Yue does not understand this truth, but you

I know it in my heart.”

Liu Muzhi said solemnly: "Then you want to let Luo Longsheng lead the army after Yu Yue's meritorious service. In order to join the army, you will either be a long history officer or a marching commander, and then capture Yizhou yourself, so that you can legitimately become Yizhou.

Governor, right?"

Tao Yuanming said coldly: "Yes, that's exactly what it is, brother Mu. In this way, I have served the country in an honest and fair manner. It is not excessive to have such a reward." (End of Chapter)

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