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Chapter 5090: Optimistic about Xi Le before heading west

Liu Yu said calmly: "Rebellion or not does not come from one's own heart, just like General Zhu Chaoshi. He was seriously injured and fell into the hands of the enemy. He was forced to endure for a period of time and succumbed to the monster thief, but his heart was still towards

After finding an opportunity, the imperial court took advantage of its power to defeat the demon thieves. This time, it personally led the surviving soldiers in Nankang, along with Tao Yuanming, Tao Changshi and Luo Longsheng Luo Sima, to take the initiative to attack Nankang and eliminate Bao Bao who was entrenched here.

The clan and the Bao family brought back an army of demon thieves who wanted to recruit troops and collect food in Jiangzhou. They have made great contributions, which Wang Shilang has already introduced before."

Xie Hun said coldly: "I do not deny the great contribution of recapturing Nankang, but the problem is that Tao Yuanming disappeared in Jiankang City. He followed the army of demon thieves for nearly two months and has not explained clearly. Moreover, he was just a poet before.

, famous scholar, was even imprisoned in the name of having an affair with the Later Qin Dynasty during Jiankang. Such a person was directly given to the senior official of the General Shogun, which is equivalent to making him the acting governor of Jiangzhou.

Yu Yue's deputy, another deputy, captured Luo Longsheng, the cavalry commander of the Yongzhou Army. This was too out of order. Even Yu Yue himself failed to restrain his subordinates, causing a mutiny. He was tied up by his subordinates and sent to Liu Zhengxi for punishment. In this way

You want to directly make him the governor of Jiangzhou? Liu Cheqi, do you think this is reasonable?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "The general is outside, and the emperor's order has been ignored. Since Liu Pushe has been ordered to go out of Jingzhou to control the military forces west of Jiangzhou, Yongzhou, Jingzhou, Jiangzhou, including Guangzhou and various places in southern Hunan

He can act cheaply when selecting officials. If he still asks the court for instructions on everything as usual, how can he seize the opportunity to eliminate the monsters and thieves? Just like Shangshu Xie and Shangshu Xi, you two also received the imperial edict during the Battle of Jiankang.

So that you can return to your hometown, recruit local warriors and organize the Qinwang troops, you two, have you forgotten so quickly?"

Xie Hun's face changed slightly, but Xi Sengshi blushed and said in a deep voice: "Liu Cheqi, you compare the two of us with the incompetent Yu Yue who lost his master. It is an insult to us. You should

You should apologize to us. Yu Yue spent all day eating, drinking and having fun in the army, surrounded by villains, and secretly colluded with Liu Tingyun and the demon thieves to resell military rations. These crimes were all reported by Liu Daogui. Do you want to file a memorial against your brother?

Any questions?"

Liu Yu said calmly: "Yu Yue was indeed guilty, so Liu Daogui seized his army and gave it to Zhu Chaoshi to command. He also let Yu Yue stay in Jiangling in vain to reflect on his mistakes. However, Yu Yue later organized the entire Yu family,

We donated food and recruited soldiers, once again formed an army of 5,000 to support the front line, and provided 2 million shi of military rations. I would like to ask Xie Shangshu and Xi Shangshu, have you made such a contribution later?"

Xie Hun gritted his teeth: "The Yu family only gave so much to maintain their status and atone for their sins. Although our Xie family and the Xi family did not give so much, we did our best.

, and we have to reserve part of our strength in Wudi to suppress and frighten those rebels who want to respond to the demon thieves, and also captured and killed hundreds of demon thieves who sneaked back to Wudi and attempted to cause chaos. Aren't these things?


Liu Yu smiled slightly: "So the imperial court has also given you two rewards for your loyalty. You are now in high-ranking positions such as ministers, and your nephews and nephews have also been awarded titles for their merits. In this defense battle, you were even given many manors.

The land without an owner, as you said, the former governor of Jin'an County, Zhang Yu, lost his land to thieves, so the Zhang family deprived a lot of their property and gave it to you. The same is true for other aristocratic families and noble families. Those who have merit will be rewarded, and those who are guilty will be rewarded.

Then punishment, isn’t it a fact?”

Wang Miaoyin said calmly: "Okay, everyone, you are all ministers of the Zhuguo of our Great Jin Dynasty. Don't miss important matters at court because of this matter. Merits, demerits, rewards and punishments will have to be discussed again after the demon thieves are pacified.

Yu Yue's appointment as the governor of Jiangzhou may not necessarily be promoted to a regular position in the end. It is just because he has been fighting guerrillas in Jiangzhou for a year and is familiar with the local customs. He also has some friendship with some wealthy landowners who are interested in returning to the Jin Dynasty.

Therefore, taking advantage of the fact that the Yu family devoted so many resources to support the imperial court, it gave him a chance to make atonement. Jiangzhou had already fallen into the hands of monsters and thieves. If it had been anyone else, even if they were given this official position, would they dare to say that?

Take back Jiangzhou?"

Speaking of this, a cold light flashed in her eyes, and she looked directly at Xie Hun: "Xie Shangshu, if I now ask you to be the governor of Jiangzhou and ask you to attack Jiangzhou, do you dare to take this position?"

Xie Hun's mouth opened and he stuttered: "Uh, um, um, I'm not from Jiangzhou, so I don't know much about the local situation, uh, that."

Wang Miaoyin looked at Xi Sengshi again: "What about Xi Shangshu? What do you think?"

Xi Sengshi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Empress Wang, you don't have to ask us like this. Shangshu Xie and I are both civil servants and don't know anything about military matters. I admit that I don't have the ability to retake Jiangzhou, but there are people who have the ability.

I recommend a person who can definitely defeat the demon thieves and achieve great achievements, and if he goes out to lead the army, our Xi family is willing to give everything we have to help him build the army."

Sima Dewen became more energetic all of a sudden, put on a very interested look, looked at Xi Sengshi, and said with a smile: "Oh, Xi Shangshu, please don't hang on to us. Who is so talented?

Bear this serious injury, take command and go out to defeat the demon thief? Are you planning to make Liu Cheqi have another hard journey?"

Xi Sengshi laughed loudly and said: "No, no, Liu Cheqi worked hard and made great achievements in the defense of Jiankang, and the demon thieves were newly defeated. Wu and Jiangbei are all in need of help. Liu Cheqi is indispensable in the capital.

Coordinating soldiers, horses, and supplies from all parts of the empire to attack thieves, just like he did after the success of Jianyi last time, Liu Cheqi could not move lightly. This time the monster thieves dared to invade Beijing rampantly, wasn't it because Liu Cheqi led his army in the Northern Expedition, giving

Did they miss the chance? Therefore, if we want to pacify the demon thieves and pursue them now, we don’t need Liu Chaqi, we only need another General Liu, and we will definitely win!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Liu Yi, who was standing next to Liu Yu, separated from Liu Jingxuan, and the third general on the right. Liu Yi's face was calm, with a confident smile.

Said: "Xi Shangshu, the person you want to recommend to lead the army is me?"

Xi Sengshi clapped his hands excitedly and said: "Yes, Liu Fujun (Liu Yi) has now resumed his original post of General Fujun, which is equivalent to the second-highest deputy commander in the Jin Dynasty. However, there is a vacancy for the governor of Yuzhou.

, it’s not his turn), are you willing to lead the Western Expedition again just like you did when you defeated Huan Chu last time? I’m very optimistic about you!” (End of Chapter)

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