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Chapter 5130 Horrible Sacrifice Thousand Years of Sorrow

Liu Yu shook his head and said in a deep voice: "I don't care whether I can become a god or something. Now I am a mortal. I want to calm the world in my own way, so that my kind and all the people in the world can live a better life.

.As you said, I will not care about the well-being of ants. I think that if I really become a god and go to heaven, I may no longer be interested in paying attention to things in the human world."

Liu Yu thought about it and almost blurted out: In fact, I come from the future thousands of years later. After I come to this world, it is impossible to think about the things before the time travel. But the words have arrived.

He finally held back his words. Although at this moment, he thought of what he said to Murong Lan before she died, a bad premonition came to his mind. He was really worried, right?

Anyone who knows this secret will die soon, so how can he dare to continue to confide this secret to Wang Miaoyin?!

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "You are right. Maybe if you become a god, you will become as huge as a mountain. In that case, looking at ordinary mortals, they will really be like us looking at ants. They are not the same species.

Naturally, they will no longer be interested in intervening in these matters. Moreover, I heard that there may be some heavenly laws and regulations. Gods cannot interfere in human affairs at will. Otherwise, if the rules are broken and the order of the Six Paths is destroyed, there will be chaos in the sky and the world.

, just like when Zhou Dynasty destroyed Shang Dynasty, I heard that all kinds of gods and ghosts intervened in the war, causing a huge catastrophe."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "I have also heard the story about the list of gods, but isn't it a Taoist falsehood? But now that there is something about the soul of Taikang, I also believe that there may have been such a threesome.

There have been religious wars, but since this war, the gods in the sky have withdrawn from the struggle on earth, and this has been the era of mortals since then."

Wang Miaoyin smiled slightly: "According to Taoism, there is a Tao, or Qi, for the movement of all things in the world. All things have spirits. Whether they can succeed in cultivation depends on this spirit. In ancient times, there were few human beings.

There is abundant spiritual energy between heaven and earth, so there will be many spirits in heaven and earth who will become immortals through cultivation. They may not all be transformed by mortals. The Shang Dynasty was a dynasty that valued the blessings of ghosts, gods and ancestors, and used a lot of witchcraft and soul magic. In order to make

These powerful ancestral spirits continue to bless the descendants of the human world. They widely adopt the method of human sacrifice, and even let the Zhou tribes who were still attached to them at that time specifically hunt the Qiang and Guifang people for

They carried out sacrifices. At the same time, they expanded everywhere, conquered the Huaiyi people, and while occupying land and destroying the country, they also hunted the world's population as sacrifices."

Liu Yu's heart moved and he said: "The Shang Dynasty relied on the power of ghosts and gods to maintain its cruel and bloody rule. At first, it only asked for the blessings of the ancestors. Later, the scale became larger and larger, and the need for the ancestors became more frequent.

Not only do we have to bless wars, but we also have to bless annual harvests and rainfall. Even in the end, when an ordinary family builds a house, they have to sacrifice people alive to ensure that the house is safe. Relying on murder to satisfy one's selfish desires is really unreasonable.

The devastation of life finally aroused the public indignation of the world, and the Zhou Dynasty also united the princes of all tribes in the world under the banner of eliminating violence and peace, and finally eliminated the Shang Dynasty."

Wang Miaoyin nodded: "Yes, so I was thinking that this approach of the Shang Dynasty is almost the same as the philosophy of the Tiandao Alliance. They are all for the purpose of cultivating immortals and becoming gods, or becoming ancestors in heaven after death, and continue to need people.

Cruel methods such as sacrifice and human sacrifice, coupled with evil ways such as soul magic and Gu, allow mortals on earth to have some kind of connection with the gods in the world. Finally, mortals gain the power or blessing of gods and can live in the world.

Run rampant and keep your power.”

Liu Yu gritted his teeth: "The Shang Dynasty was a secular regime, a dynasty, and even controlled the world within a few hundred years, but because of such excessive desires, in the end, hundreds and thousands of people were killed at every turn to perform sacrifices. For these

They launched wars everywhere, and also drove servants like the Zhou tribe to plunder and capture people of their own clan as sacrifices. They were cruel and bloody, and aroused the anger and resistance of the people all over the world. In the end, it was self-defeating.

Being attacked by the princes of the world, destroying the country and destroying the clan, can be regarded as the retribution of hundreds of years."

Speaking of this, Liu Yu seemed to see the bloody and terrifying Shang Dynasty sacrificial scenes before his eyes. The heads of enemy nobles were floating in the cauldrons one by one, and the slaves were dismembered like cattle and sheep.

Wailing in agony, being tied to pillars and in pyres for burnt offerings, the sacrifices burning with flames all over their bodies, uttered their final curses and curses before death.

The nobles of the Shang Dynasty, who were wearing gorgeous robes and feather crowns inlaid with various gems, watched these horrific slaughtering scenes with great interest. In front of the high platform where they sat, there were already hundreds of people.

The heads with ferocious faces and disheveled hair are like hills, and wizards holding various soul-calling drums and soul-shaking bells are dancing crazily in front of these piles of heads, sending the spirit of these resentful spirits through the burnt offerings that soar into the sky.

The smoke leads to the sky.

The sky has already been covered with dark clouds, and there are vaguely half-grey and half-white things, like floating clouds, flying around. The black smoke pillars lead some looming souls to rush up to the clouds, and these half-gray and half-white things are flying around.

Things quickly rushed into the smoke column, and some terrifying howling sounds far beyond anything in the human world, mixed with the sounds of lightning and thunder, echoed in the air.

Until finally, the ancestor souls in the sky, after feasting on these sacrificial spirits, disappeared without a trace, and a heavy rain poured down, extinguishing the gradually extinguished fire, including those under the cauldron.

The still-burning pyre had already turned into charred corpses and ashes of human sacrifices. They were mixed with the ash and were washed away by the rain, forming turbid currents that rushed through those who were thrown into the sacrifice pit and fell apart.

, piles of corpses cut into pieces, and soon, seas of blood emerged in these sacrifice pits.

This terrible human sacrifice finally came to an end with the crazy celebrations and dances of the Shang Dynasty nobles on the high platform and the merchants and common people below. More slaves, trembling and shackled, stepped forward to clean up the scene.

The endgame of the sacrifice is that animals harm the same kind. What's more, some of the human sacrifices are still the companions who may have eaten and slept with them yesterday, but now they have become unrecognizable corpses. Their faces are full of sadness.

And some eyes were shining with the light of revenge. There seemed to be a power in the silent crowd collecting corpses, which even the terrible and powerful ancestral souls from heaven could not suppress or defeat. (End of this chapter)

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