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Chapter 5191 Times are different and paths are different

Liu Yu sighed: "There are no fathers and sons before power. This is true since ancient times. However, although the Yellow Emperor conquered the world, it did not establish a system that has been passed down. The world is still a pattern of tribes. It's just that

, the descendants of the Yellow Emperor began to divide or rule more and more tribes. Gradually, over one or two thousand years, most of the princes and tribal leaders in the world became the descendants of the Yellow Emperor and the Yan Emperor. The same is true for the descendants of the Yan and Huang emperors.

The origin of."

Wang Zhen'e smiled slightly and said: "Because in ancient times, starting from the time of Emperor Yan, the Yellow Emperor, there was a process of transformation from the matrilineal tribal era where women were the leaders to the tribal era where the fathers were the leaders. Before the Yellow Emperor, including Huangdi's father Shaodian, it was

He had to go to other tribes to become a son-in-law and work for them in exchange for marrying a wife and having children in the tribe. The separation of the Yan and Huang Emperors was actually the result of Shaodian's two sons in this tribe. One stayed in the original tribe, and the other

One of his tribes followed him back to Shaodian, and later became the Yandi tribe and the Huangdi tribe respectively, so it can be said that the descendants of Yan and Huang were preceded by the brothers of Yan and Huang."

Liu Yu frowned: "These are records in ancient classics, but in my opinion, Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang are not the same person, but the names of two tribal leaders. From the time when Yan and Huang separated, they met again as tribal leaders.

At the time of the meeting, I am afraid that hundreds or thousands of years had passed, otherwise there would not have been another three years of fighting after the meeting. Our ancient classical records are half myths and half generations.

Only by understanding the deep meaning behind it can we uncover the fog of history, but these things did exist and happened."

Wang Zhene nodded: "Brother Jinu is right. Many of these classical books have actually been modified by later generations of Confucian scholars, because Confucianism wants to educate the world and use their theories and morals to restrain the world.

, we cannot show the bloody facts of ancient feudal princes fighting, slaughtering tribes and destroying countries, and father and son fighting each other, lest future generations imitate them. In their set of words, the ancient kings were sage kings.

The morals are high, and all the people in the world are willing to surrender, and even the animals are willing to obey. In fact, this kind of rhetoric can only deceive the common people, so that they can express their feelings about the moral rule of the Emperor and the Holy King, and dare not have the heart to rebel. But the gentry, for

I basically don’t believe in this theory, because they have contact with power, have power, and know what’s going on.”

Liu Yu laughed: "Confucianism encourages people to do good, which is a good thing, but concealing the truth and fabricating a beautiful ancient era is also the other side of its hypocrisy. When future generations know the truth, they will be dissatisfied with Confucianism.

It is human nature to instinctively dislike doctrine. In the future, I hope to have a new set of values ​​and etiquette that can teach people various historical truths while preventing people from learning bad things and going astray."

Wang Zhen laughed evilly: "Then I'm afraid I have to make your ideals accepted by everyone in the world. Everyone is equal, and there is no emperor to replace the herdsmen. This change of thought is honestly a bit too big.

, just like telling a child that one day you will have to support yourself and cannot rely on your parents and family to support you. You must know that the idea of ​​​​daily herdsmen and worldly kings has long been deeply rooted in people's hearts. If you want to reverse it, it is definitely not possible.

It’s easy, and if the king is not God-given king, but just like ordinary people, then where is the legal principle and authority of his rule?”

Liu Yu waved his hand. He knew that on this issue, there was no time for a slow and clear debate with Wang Zhene. Time was limited, so it was better to get back to the topic: "We will discuss this later. What do you want to say, in fact, starting from the Yellow Emperor?"

, it can be said that the foreign barbarians conquered the world. However, at that time, the Central Plains and the foreign barbarians all used the tribal model of nomadic herding, gathering, fishing and hunting, and the world was vassal, so there was no debate between Huayi and Huayi. They just became the emperor with strong soldiers and horses.

, When the emperor is powerful, he orders the world, and no one dares to disobey it, right?"

Wang Zhene raised his eyebrows, touched his goatee, and said: "It's not all about strength. If it's about force alone, then Chi You is obviously stronger, but he was defeated in the end because of his strong soldiers and horses. Likewise,

Things that happened in later generations also happened. The most typical ones are Liu Bang and Xiang Yu, and the Chu-Han conflict. To put it bluntly, to conquer the world, it depends not only on force, but also on people's hearts. It is said that the right people will get more help, and the wrong people will get less help. The more help, the better.

He may have the last laugh, and Brother Jinu should be the one who feels the most about this."

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, this Tao is actually about people's support, and also whether the people of the world can trust you to build a world where they can have a better life. To maintain this world, we need strong soldiers and horses, at least not to give people who can

The barbarians from all directions and the rebels and ambitions within were wiped out in one battle. The Yellow Emperor was able to conquer the world. The first thing was that he was powerful and would not be vulnerable to Chi You. On this basis, he could conquer more tribes.

Join and with the support of more people, we can turn the tide of the battle and counterattack Chi You step by step until we win the final decisive battle."

"As for the conflict between Chu and Han, the same principle applies. Liu Bang could not defeat Xiang Yu militarily at first, but he won the hearts of the princes and the hearts of the princes, making most of the princes side with him. After Xiang Yu's victory, he massacred the city

He destroyed the country and killed people everywhere. People feared him instead of obeying him sincerely. As soon as his army left, the areas he occupied would often rebel again, leaving Xiang Yu exhausted. On this basis, Liu Bang received a steady stream of supplements, and finally finally

A reversal of strength will determine the world in one battle, and this invisible and intangible Tao determines the support of people and the strength of their strength."

Wang Zhene nodded and said: "So, during the Yellow Emperor's period, this Tao was to conquer the world and protect all people. Only by ending the tribal melee, and no longer fighting and killing for survival resources all day long, the tribes traded, helped each other, and formed marriages

To complete the integration, the power will be more powerful. Concentrate human power to deal with the dangerous natural environment, deal with scourges, deal with all kinds of monsters, monsters, gods and elves that still existed in the ancient times. This is how our ancestors can survive.


"As for the Shang and Zhou dynasties, the war of conferring gods was completed, and all the demons and gods left the human world. From then on, mortals were in charge of matters between heaven and earth. The Tao at this time became Zhou Rites and Confucianism.

, emphasizing the return of the destiny of heaven and the replacement of the five elements. The emperor is on behalf of the herdsmen of heaven, and all the people in the world must accept the rule of the emperor. From then on, we entered the era of the emperor and the princes, and this was the way of that time." (End of this chapter)

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