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Chapter Ninety-Nine: The Five Hu Yuan Explorations in Chaotic China (2)

Liu Yu curled his lips and said, "Shi Le? Is he the slave of the Jie tribe?"

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, the Jie tribe was originally a nomadic tribe in the Kangju Kingdom in the far west of the Western Regions. Many of its people were white-skinned and red-haired, and looked like ghosts. When the Xiongnu Khanate was at its peak, the Jie tribe

They were conquered by them and became their servant tribe. This tribe was famous for its barbarism and cruelty. After being moved to the Central Plains with the Southern Huns, the tribesmen were scattered and lived in various places. As for Na Shile, he made a living by farming in Bingzhou."

"After these Hu tribes entered the Central Plains, they did not organize households and integrate people like us Han people, with townships and villages as the basic settlements. Instead, they were still organized into villages in the form of tribes. This Shi Le's father was a small commander of a tribe.

, the position of leader also belonged to Shi Le after his death."

"But in troubled times, even Xiongnu nobles like Liu Yuan could not save their lives, let alone Shi Le. His life was also hard. He was sold into slavery many times and almost lost his life several times. But gradually

On the ground, relying on his bravery and natural commanding temperament, Shi Le gathered a group of warriors, including Han and Hu people, known as the Eighteen Cavalry of Yanyun, galloping back and forth across the land of Yanzhao, which is daunting. "

"Later, Liu Yuan heard about Shi Le's bravery and recruited him into his army. From then on, Shi Le became a general of the Xiongnu and Han Zhao Kingdoms. After Liu Yuan's death, Shi Le had the last laugh in the Zhao Guozong's internal strife, and established a stronger empire than before.

Zhao's larger Jie clan empire. If Zu Ti, the hero of the Northern Expedition, had not used offense as defense and took the initiative in the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains, if Shi Le's army had been allowed to go south, I am afraid that the Jin Dynasty would have been unable to survive."

Liu Yu sighed: "I have heard about Shi Le. Although this man is a Jie slave, his rise from slave to emperor can be considered a miracle. Unless he is actually extraordinary, how can he be like this? Under his rule,

The north is relatively stable, but it is a pity that after his nephew Shi Hu came to the throne, the tigers and wolves came to the throne and led the beasts to eat people."

Liu Muzhi's expression became solemn: "Yes, Shi Hu was a famous tyrant throughout history. He was cruel and cruel. After Shi Le's death, he immediately killed Shi Le's prince with the power of command of the army and established himself as king.

In the north, they brutally slaughtered the Han people, bullied men and women, and enclosed hundreds of miles of land as hunting grounds. They kept all kinds of tigers, wolves and other ferocious beasts in them. They often drove the Han people into the forest and watched these people being devoured by tigers and wolves.

To satisfy his abnormal psychology.”

"Under his rule, exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes were prevalent. Han people and even Hu people who could not pay the taxes had their female relatives robbed. In the north, desperate people could often be seen hanging in the woods on the roadside. Thousands of people were hanged in the woods on the roadside.


"Relying on this cruel method, Shi Hu placed more than 30,000 Han girls in the harem at one time for them to vent their lust. In order to maintain his rule, Shi Hu drew one or five dings from three dings in the north.

Draw two, and forcefully raise a Hu army of 300,000 to 400,000 people, thinking that they can run rampant across the world and be invincible."

"It's just that God won't let such a demon king be arrogant for too long. The Han regime in Liangzhou, Zhang's Liang Kingdom, defeated Shi Hu several times under the leadership of general Xie Ai, and the Xianbei Murong clan in Liaodong also defeated Shi Hu twice.

army, so Shi Hu's ambition to unify the world was not realized. Later, his sons began to kill each other for the position of prince, and the devil also died in hatred for it."

Liu Yu nodded: "This is retribution. I heard that Shi Suo, the prince of Shi Hu, likes to capture nuns, rape them first, and then kill them. The corpses are cut into pieces and thrown into the pot with venison and mutton.

Mix them together and cook them, and then let your men eat them to taste what kind of meat it is. Such atrocities are unheard of in ancient times. Every time I hear about it, I wish I could immediately cut the thief into pieces and cut him into pieces!"

Tan Pingzhi smiled and said: "The Hu people are ferocious and barbaric, while the Jie people are the most inhumane among these beasts. The demise of Hou Zhao can be said to be a blessing, and everyone is applauding it."

Liu Muzhi nodded: "Yes, if you go against the grain and make people resentful, no matter how powerful the force is, they will eventually perish. This is the case with Shi Zhao. After Shi Hu died, the princes fought against each other, and finally the power of the empire was lost to him.

He was the adopted son of Ran Min, the leader of the Han beggar army. In order to fight for the throne, Ran Min issued an order to kill the Hu, declaring that anyone who came to see him with the head of a Hu would be rewarded with a reward and an official title. So overnight, Shi

Near Yecheng, the capital of Zhao, hundreds of thousands of barbarians were killed, and their heads were piled up like a hill."

Liu Yu said with a smile: "The Han people were bullied too much by these barbarians and suffered all the humiliation. This was a general outbreak. Thanks to this, Ran Min was able to secure the throne. Finally, there was a Han in the north.


Wei Yongzhi curled his lips disdainfully: "So what about the Han country? This Ran Min doesn't know how to govern the country at all. What he is interested in is endless battles and fighting. The north was simply a hell on earth in those few years. Not only did he fight with the Hu people

He also fought against the Northern Expeditionary Army of the Jin Dynasty. In the end, the rebels were driven away from their relatives, and he began to recruit Hu soldiers into the army again. It can be seen that his order to kill the Hu people was just an act, and after all, it was just for his own throne.


Liu Yu did not speak, and Liu Muzhi said on the side: "Ran Min has the courage of Xiang Yu, but he does not have Xiao He and Chen Ping to help him govern the country. He proclaimed himself emperor without permission and completely cut off the possibility of cooperation with the Jin Dynasty, so failure is inevitable. But.

The one who eliminated him was the Murong clan of Xianbei who had been operating in Liaodong for more than a hundred years."

Liu Yuqi asked: "Where does this Murong family come from?"

Liu Muzhi paused and continued: "The origin of Xianbei can be traced back to the Zhou Dynasty. When the Emperor of Zhou divided the eight hundred princes, the Xianbei tribe also came from far outside the Great Wall. Although it was not one of the princes, it was

It can be considered as seen in the history books."

"This Xianbei comes from Donghu. After Donghu was defeated by the Xiongnu, the Xianbei people also fled into the mountains, and the Murong clan was one of the tribes. Hundreds of years later, the Xiongnu declined, and various Xianbei tribes gradually came out of the mountains and went to Liaodong and the desert.

The nomadic life was resumed on the grasslands of the East.”

"The Murong clan is a large tribe in Liaodong. They have always admired the culture of the Han people, and even imitated the Han people to wear the Bu Yao crown that wobbles when they walk. And this Murong is the homophone of Bu Yao."

"After defeating tribes such as the Yuwen clan and the Duan clan, the Murong clan became the strongest force in Liaodong. At that time, due to the chaos in the Central Plains and the collapse of China, many Han scholars fled to Liaodong for refuge. Originally, the population was sparsely populated and there was even less talent.

The Murong clan in Liaodong developed rapidly. After defeating Shihu's invasion twice, it became even more powerful and had a vague ambition to take over the Central Plains."

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