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Chapter 101: Integrating Bear Steps

"Charles, the Suns currently have the best record in the league, what are your expectations for this season's goals?" a local reporter asked.

Barkley said excitedly: "You know, I have always been pursuing the championship. I know this year is the best opportunity. Our team is the best. We want to break Michael's monopoly on the championship. We want to go.

To the end.”

"Kevin, Old K's shots tonight were the first for the Suns. Does this mean that he will become the Suns' first scoring point?"

a reporter asked.

Kevin Johnson smiled and said: "Tonight is the game between Old K and David Robinson. He is our brother and we all want to see his performance.

We saw the result, he performed so well, he cut off the 2010 All-Star data on the head of the Admiral, which is amazing, just like he cut off the head of the big dream twice in 2010.


Lao Wang curiously touched his face next to him, "It's amazing. Kevin praised me so much, and my face didn't turn red or hot? Could it be that what he said is true?"

"Old K, what's your biggest emotion about cutting off David Robinson's 2010 statistics?" a reporter asked.

"The question finally came to my head."

Lao Wang was so excited that he quickly shouted: "My biggest emotion is that I didn't get sent off. It feels really good."

"You collected a basket again, and it was David Robinson's basket. Can you tell me why you did that?" the reporter asked.

"Because that's my hobby." Lao Wang laughed.

"Hobby? That's a mental illness. Do you need me to introduce you to a psychiatrist?" the reporter joked.

"No, that's a terminal illness. There's no cure. I've given up treatment." Lao Wang said.

"Haha..." The interviewer burst into laughter.

"Old K, you made 9 of 19 shots in this game. For a big center, this efficiency is not high enough. This is an outside shooting rate. Do you want to say something about this?" The next reporter asked.

Wang Tiejun cursed secretly, "I'm facing a super center, and his efficiency is even lower than mine. What else do you want from me? What do you want from me?"

After thinking about it, he said: "I have nothing to say. My shooting skills are not good enough? Robinson's defense is too strong? His offensive options are not good enough? His physical fitness is not good enough? You are all professionals, pick yourselves from these reasons, all

It’s okay to count it, as long as you are satisfied.”

After the press conference, Wang Tiejun drove by himself, with Zhang Lili guiding him, and returned to his home a few kilometers away.

In order to let Wang Tiejun concentrate on driving, Zhang Lili refrained from saying anything. As soon as he got home, he just stopped the car and put on the handbrake, and he shouted:

"I say Tiejun, you have to practice your steps. Let's not talk about movement speed. You have no use of steps at all in the low post. You play too passively and rigidly. Once you are double-teamed there, it will be very troublesome.

Without pace and movement, you have to hit hard one move after another, and your physical fitness will soon be gone. This is not good. The NBA season is so long, you won't last long."

"I know, I know, isn't this waiting for you? I will prepare my training steps soon." Lao Wang said quickly.

Lao Zhang said: "That's good, practice your low post steps well, no matter defensive or offensive, your autonomy, flexibility and efficiency will make great progress, especially it can save a lot of physical energy, play more easily, and also allow you to

The ability to break double teams has been greatly increased.”

Next, Lao Zhang analyzed tonight's game for Wang Tiejun and said: "The hit rate of the hook is still a bit low. If you hadn't made a few deductions, your efficiency would be even lower tonight, so the training of the hook must be strengthened.


You don't have the pace now. Once you encounter a good defensive center, or even a meat shield center, you have no pace and no movement speed, and it will be difficult to hit the basket. This will definitely reduce your efficiency, so for a while in the future

, low step training is the top priority.”

Zhang Lili once again emphasized the importance of pace, and Wang Tiejun also agreed with this. The pace is indeed a shackle for him now.

Now that he has 1,000 points, he can exchange them for a synthetic card, ready to integrate low-level steps with some kind of martial arts steps, so as to increase his step level as quickly as possible.

After chatting for a while, it was already the 30th. They said good night to each other and went to sleep.

Lying in bed, Wang Tiejun fell into deep thought. He wanted to consider which martial arts footwork to integrate.

Although the system can choose, he himself has to think about it so that he can gain something.

His first choice is of course the bear step, which is the most practiced footwork.

According to the outside world, it is a hard skill to hit a tree and hit someone like a tiger. But when he reaches his level, of course he knows that Tieshan Back is definitely not a hard skill.

Rather than saying that Tieshan relies on hard skills, it is better to say that Tieshan relies on an advanced form of exertion, just like the inch strength in other boxing techniques.

The system integrates the Iron Mountain Back and the low back shot. What is integrated is the Iron Mountain Back's every inch of force, not other things, and has nothing to do with hard skills.

The bear step is the foundation and key of Iron Mountain, because you first have to get close to the shirt before you can attack the enemy with all your strength. Without the use of steps, nothing can be said.

Xiongbu is actually a pile skill. Liangyi Zhuang is a dead pile, but it is a living pile. The moving pile skill can be used offensively and defensively.

The emphasis is on single-weight leg drop, relaxation, leg switching, and center of gravity.

The bear step is different from the walking jump. When walking, the center of gravity is between the two legs, but the bear step is not on one foot. This is what single-weight drop leg means.

Moreover, the center of gravity is in the center of the sole of the foot, which requires that when landing, the sole of the foot touches the ground instead of the forefoot or heel.

This, and several other considerations, seem to him to be compatible with the low-post pace. Now it depends on whether he and the system make the right choices.

"System, redeem me with a skill synthesis card, and then choose the best synthesis plan for me." He said after thinking carefully.

"Redeemed. This system has chosen to combine the low step with the bear step of Bajiquan. Please confirm it, the host." the system said.

"Why did you choose Bear Step? Because it is the highest level?" he asked happily.

The system explained: "Although Xiongbu is not flexible enough, its strengths lie in its short and rapid forward movement, low and stable center of gravity, and can be combined with Iron Mountain's back-and-forth attack. It can switch between movement and lean-to-fight at any time, and it can avoid the host's inflexibility.

Weakness, martial arts footwork that is most suitable for integrating resources with low-position steps.

At the same time, the footwork of the bear step emphasizes sinking the center of gravity and landing on the whole foot, which can avoid lower limb injuries to the greatest extent."


He said impatiently without asking any more questions.

"Composition begins."

"Synthesis is over, data transmission begins..."

Soon, the data transmission was completed, and a thousand points were gone. In exchange, my head was filled with memory fragments of the use of new low-level steps.

At this time, the system prompt appeared again: "The synthesis is completed. The host's low-post pace level has been increased from level 63 to level 85, the low-post post-up level has been increased from level 85 to 90, the low-level basket has been increased from level 50 to 60, and the layup has been increased from level 50 to level 60.

Level 80 has been upgraded to level 90, basket attack has been upgraded from level 86 to level 90, and low post close attack has been upgraded from level 72 to level 74.

In addition, individual defense has been raised from level 81 to level 82, and shot blocking has been raised from level 70 to level 72."

"What an improvement?" He jumped up from the bed.

"System, activate the low pace training card." He said again.


Immediately afterwards, the content of the training card appeared.

For two months of training, maintain at least half an hour of training every day. After completing the training, you will be promoted to level 3.

"Now I am 85, and I will upgrade it to 88 in two months. Then my flexibility and coordination training will be completed. My pace level should be improved again. Maybe it will be close to the first class. By the time of the playoffs,

, my strength will make a big improvement."

The improvement of his pace in the low post will help him the most. Reasonable use of his pace in the low post can reduce the number of rounds he takes to fight hard, thus reducing his physical consumption, and at the same time, it can also increase his ability to break double teams.

More importantly, the use of steps can reduce the chance of injury to his body. After all, he is the most vulnerable to injury in hand-to-hand combat.

If he doesn't improve his pace, he really doesn't know how long his physical fitness can last with his current playing style.

Since he couldn't sleep anyway, he simply started the first day of low-stepping training in his room.

There are two biggest characteristics in the application of martial arts footwork. The first is rhythm control, and the second is high-frequency tremor.

These two characteristics have been integrated into the new low pace by the system.

Rhythm control is not the control of fast and slow in basketball, but the control of speed. The pace and rhythm control of martial arts is about being absolutely fast without major changes in body shape.

Once the pace and rhythm are controlled, the attack will be like a raging wave crashing on the shore, a mad bull and a tiger, and the momentum is as strong as the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves. He can pounce on the opponent so fast that the opponent can't even blink, and his attack is already in front of him.

If he retreats, he will be as quick and sharp as a snake trying to escape a rabbit, and he can get away before the blow comes.

The so-called high-frequency tremor is a state of the body and legs when exerting force. The pace should be fast, and it is important to complete it in one beat without any sloppiness. The force is required to be exerted quickly and violently, and high-frequency tremor can make the legs

Powerful and swift.

After half an hour, he became more familiar with the new low-post pace.

Now he has the turning step when playing in the low post. Of course he has this before, but he is not fast enough and can easily be blocked by opponents, so he has never used it much. He either knocks his opponent away and enters the basket, or knocks him away and then

Hook hand on the spot.

In the new steps, the method of turning and exerting force in martial arts steps has been added, which can make his turns faster.

Turning in traditional martial arts emphasizes starting from the head.

The first point of exertion when turning around is not the feet or the waist, but the head.

The head is the center for controlling balance. Through the twisting of the head, it drives the arms, and by swinging the elbows with the arms, it drives the waist, and then the feet, from top to bottom, one loop at a time.

Coupled with the rhythm control of the pace and high-frequency vibration, it can complete instant start, change legs, turn around, and get closer.

"The training of ball control skills also needs to be strengthened!" he sighed.

When attacking with the ball in the low post, once you start moving, ball-handling skills are indispensable. Otherwise, if the movements of your hands and feet are not coordinated, you will make mistakes one after another.

Thinking of this, he also felt a little headache. He hadn't played or trained for two years, and it had deteriorated. There were too many areas to improve now.

The next day, the team did not train. He conducted systematic training content at home in the morning. Now there is additional pace training, with a total of four training content.

"Brother Zhang, please accompany me to buy some clothes and shoes at noon." Before starting, Lao Wang said.

"I want to buy some. You are too shabby in what you are wearing. But I am not good at buying these things either. How about I call someone to come over and give you some advice?" Lao Zhang said with a smile.

"Who's calling?" Lao Wang asked curiously.

"My sister-in-law."

After Lao Zhang finished speaking, he added: "My former sister-in-law."

Lao Wang secretly glanced at Lao Zhang and said tentatively: "Brother Zhang, are you... planning to leave nothing to outsiders?"

"What do you mean?" the kindhearted Lao Zhang said in confusion.

"No, it's not interesting." Lao Wang chuckled.

Lao Zhang laughed and scolded: "You kid, what kind of dark psychology do you have? She and I have been friends for so many years and have been friends for a long time. Isn't it because we are close to each other that we came to see her?"

"Then forget it, just buy a few clothes, I'm not particular." Wang Tiejun said with a smile.

"That's okay." Zhang Li said with a smile.

Next, Wang Tiejun first performed the first three trainings, and finally practiced the low-post steps.

Zhang Lili performed his duties very well, watching from the side the whole time, shouting twice and cheering him up when nothing happened.

"Hey, Tie Jun, you can use these steps pretty well. Why haven't I seen you use them before?" When it came to the low post step training, Lao Zhang was surprised.

"I knew it before, but I haven't practiced it in the past two years. I'm so rusty that I don't dare to use it. Now I'm back to practicing it during this period." Lao Wang said in a confused way.

Lao Zhang nodded, what he said was quite reasonable, and after looking at it for a while, he shouted: "Tie Jun, your pace is quite unique, your center of gravity is very stable, you can turn around, and you start quickly, not bad, I think it's okay

It’s been used in actual combat!”

"It can be used, right? I'll try it next time?" Lao Wang said with a smile.

"Try it, I must try it." Lao Zhang said with a smile.

After practicing all four system training contents, the two left home. After eating a Western meal outside, they drove around Phoenix and bought some clothes and various shoes.

"At UCLA? Okay, okay."

That night, Zhang Lili contacted Liu Yuchu and asked about some news about Ma Jian.

"Tie Jun, he is in Los Angeles..."

"That's great. I'm going to Los Angeles tomorrow to play the Clippers and Lakers and meet him. Have you got his contact information?"

"No, he was having trouble with his superiors. I don't know the details. I just know that he accepted the invitation from the University of Los Angeles."

"Okay, I'll go and inquire about it later."

The next day, the last day of January, the Suns set off for a road trip.

At ten o'clock in the morning on the 31st, Zhang Lili packed up Wang Tiejun and drove him to the training base, where the team gathered and then headed to the airport.

"Oh, old K, you finally bought new clothes?"


"Yes, he looks like a dog."

"What are you talking about? I've always shown my talent, okay?"

"Old K, you're actually wearing a suit on the plane? You should be wearing pajamas, that's more comfortable."

"Go away, I am a gentleman now. I no longer live in the sewers. I have to wear a suit."

"Ha ha……"

As soon as he met his teammates, his new clothes attracted everyone's attention and they started teasing him.

Today he wore a black suit he bought yesterday, an extra-large size, which cost more than eight hundred dollars. He felt a little distressed when he bought it. If Zhang Lili hadn't insisted, he would not have bought such expensive clothes.

It was the first time he wore a suit, and Lao Zhang even tied him a tie. He felt uncomfortable all over his body, everything was tight and he couldn't breathe.

Among all the players, he was the only one wearing a suit, while the others were dressed casually, even in hip-hop attire.

"Put it on."

Buckley handed over his sunglasses.

Wang Tiejun put his sunglasses on his face, and his temperament immediately came out.

Barkley smiled and said: "Thug in a suit, the Suns' No. 1 hitter, and a rim destroyer, haha!"

"Yes, when you go out, you should dress more formally. It will help you build a good image of yourself." Colangelo also came to join in the fun and nodded in approval.


Encouraged, Wang Tiejun became happy and felt that he should keep it up in the future.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the Suns arrived in Los Angeles.

"Come on, Old K, take this country bumpkin like you to see the world."

Wang Tiejun had just put his suitcase in the hotel room when Barkley, Kevin Johnson, Dan Marley, and Danny Ainge came in and shouted.


Wang Tiejun said hurriedly.

Looking at the five people leaving, Dumas, who shared a room with Lao Wang, looked envious. Just now, Barkley and the others only called him Lao K and did not invite him. He was still a marginal member of the team and only had one year's basic salary.

, I still don’t know where to play next season, but Old K has actually integrated into these stars.

After asking for leave, the five of them left the hotel in a luxury version of a stretched Rolls-Royce specially prepared by the hotel.

There is a driver in front and five people sitting in the back.

It was the first time for Wang Tiejun to ride in such a luxurious car. He was very curious when he got on the car. He looked around and touched here and there, and his country bumpkin temperament was fully revealed.

"What's this?"

"This is the refrigerator."

"There is actually a TV? What about this? It can't be a washing machine, right?"

"Ha ha……"

"Old K, you idiot, why do you install a washing machine in the car? This is a safe."

After his curiosity subsided, he asked: "Where are we going now?"

Buckley looked mysterious and said: "Take you to the place you want to go most."

"Where?" Lao Wang said expectantly.

"Hollywood." Kevin Johnson smiled.

"Want to go?" Dan Marly asked with a smile.

"Oh, can I see those stars?" Lao Wang said in surprise.

"Everything is available there," Danny Ainge said with a smile.

"Can I take it home? I like the movie stars on adult channels the most." Lao Wang asked immediately.

"Pfft, haha..." Several people burst into laughter.

This chapter has been completed!
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